Some of you people might remember DROD Learning Zone by Larrymurk. I've been thinking: would it be possible to make a cool hold, with nice and tricky puzzles, where it is impossible for the player to die, or even get stuck.
So, that's your mission, create a cool hold with as good puzzles as possible, where it's
impossible for the player to get himself killed, or in a position where he/she can't clear or leave the room without restarting it.
Build a hold and submit it in this topic, there’s no maximum/minimum number of rooms, and you may use any of the DROD elements as you like, (only 3.1 holds are allowed). 3 entries max per person.
Your hold must be conquerable, with an end staircase/other level exit.
Any sort of scripting is allowed, but please, don’t use too random scripting.
Anyone may download and play your hold. If someone manages to get killed/stuck in your hold, it will be disqualified. (If you’re in a position where you can no longer clear the room, but can without restoring/restarting leave and re-enter the room, it does not count as if you’re stuck.)
If the architect can prove that the player who said he was stuck, in fact had a chance to clear/leave the room, the hold will not be disqualified. Whatever the player manages to do to get himself stuck or killed, it will still count. So as an architect, you must make sure the player will never get a chance to for example kill his own clone/get himself stuck on a force arrow.
You may update your holds an infinite number of times. If someone manages to kill himself in your hold, just update the hold, and it will be in the competition again. You're also allowed to update your hold adding more rooms, story or graphics.
The players must tell the architects where and how they get dead/stuck in the hold.
Have I missed anything? Please tell me
Try to make your hold fun, that’s what this contest is all about.
Try to build rooms where it looks like you actually can mange to get yourself killed/stuck, so the players will spend their time trying to die in a room where they actually can’t do it.
You may use, for example clone-alcoves, which allows the player to leave the room whenever he wants to, even if he’s stuck, but that’s taking the easy way out in my opinion.
I’m sure you all have lots fun/tricky/evil ideas. If you want to, you can look at the sample hold attached to this post, just to get some inspiration.
As a player, well, enjoy the holds, and do your best to get yourself killed.
Deadline, prices and voting’s?
The deadline for the submissions is in negative 865 weeks, 1 day
Then I will create a poll to decide the winners, where you’ll vote for how well you thought the architects solved the problems, and how fun you thought the holds was overall. As architects, make sure your hold has no unintended solutions (… err… unintended possible failures?) before the deadline, disqualified entries will not be in the poll.
I will give 8 rank points to the winner, 4 to the second place and 2 to the third place, (not necessarily in the same post). I’m sure other people at the forum will help me modding the entrants up too.
Have fun building and playing!
Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
[Last edited by Rheb at 06-25-2008 04:17 PM]