Just completed this hold - whew! 3 evenings was definitely more than 2-4 hours, and I haven't yet gone back to do the challenges. Some of these puzzles are pretty tricky, and I like how there is usually more than one non-trivial way to complete each room.
Some puzzle types were particularly well represented in this hold. There's the kind where you have to save one monster while battling through a room to kill snake(s) at the end. The first puzzle in the hold (Frosty Welcome : Entrance) is a particularly nice example. I also liked Restoration : 1E;
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×initially I didn't think it would be possible to keep those wraithwings separated enough to avoid killing them and to push them into separate snake cages.
But then there's my very favorite type of puzzle. The kind where there's many elements in a room, and you have to use some (but not all) of them in the right order to solve it. Kind of like being in a maze, but not a maze with walls (if that makes any sense). There's a whole level devoted to these (Reflexion), the Entrance room was my favorite here, and this puzzle element is sprinkled throughout the rest of the hold as well. Final Level : 1N1W... yikes!
As advertised, this hold does not really have a story. Or maybe it would have an implied story, had I seen the
Matrix movies.
Nice job, MeckMeck!