Well, there's things that are against the forum rules. Let moderators deal with those things, or if you think the mods are missing something then send an e-mail to moderators@caravelgames.com. I suppose mentioning the problem publicly without being too overbearing about it is okay, but in the end, you gotta let the moderators play judge and enforcer.
Then there's the more subtle problems which seem to be what you are talking about. Not breaking any rules, but generally dragging down the quality of communication on the forum. Basically, here's what you can do about these, in order of preference:
* You can try to lead by example and make good posts.
* You can choose to ignore their posts.
* You can mod people down if you want.
* You can e-mail moderators and say this person is really annoying. That doesn't guarantee we will do anything about it, though.
People tend to pick up on these cues over time. Or sometimes they just go away after a while because they are bored or demoralized.
Avoid confronting people directly, i.e. "
You always make one line posts that don't contribute anything!"
This tends to start arguments about the behavior which is somehow intensely interesting for about 2 or 3 people, and a boring waste of bytes for everyone else.
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