ErikH2000 wrote:
People seem to be having a bit of trouble with the notation. I would like something simpler if possible. Anybody have recommendations?
How about using a directional style? It makes it easier to read, but takes longer. For instance, in your first puzzle, it might be recorded as 2N, J1N, 1N, 2E, 3S, 1W, J1W...
When not jumping, mark down #D, where # is the number of squares, and D is a cardinal direction. When jumping, mark down J#D, where J is a J, and # is the number of squares jumped. That way, the observer can follow the snakes, whithout having to work things out, but of course can stop at any stage to determine what would happen, and whether or not it was a correct move.
On a completely unrelated note, Oliver Ruel got a DQ at the GP!