Just played through levels 1 and 2 of the hold without looking at mxvladi's comments - as such they might be a little redundant, but maybe there's some valuable stuff in here.
The most important comment to put front and center is that there's a backtracking problem with the secret puzzle room in Level 2:
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If you skip solving Level 2 1E, then go for the secret in 1S, you are stuck, because you can't return to the main level through the closed green door in the south of 1E, nor through the closed black door in 2S1E (nor the Engineer who would be standing in front of the secret wall).
Here's the rest of my comments about levels 1 and 2, secreted for length:
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Entrance: Good warm-up - a little bit of roach misdirection and the room is done. It might be nice if there needed to be some way to prevent the briar from destroying the orb that opens its door, but this is a nice easy room to start with that won't be a roadblock.
Once East: A lot of different elements in this one - I wasn't able to find a way to get to the caber at the bottom, but I did manage to solve the east half by having a rattlesnake help me out there, and then stand on a yellow door to kill the rattlesnake.
Once North Once East: The scroll is a good hint here, since the roach winds up only being used at the end of the room in a way that isn't necessarily obvious at first glance (making the adder's tail longer so it'll block a golem). Otherwise this room pretty much plays itself step-by-step; the trickiest part is getting the red serpent part right where the roach can shorten it by 1 without killing it, but also make sure the serpent doesn't go north into the area where the NW force arrow used to be. Not as hard as 1E I think.
Once North Twice East: Interesting mechanism to make sure the player has the stick only for the north section, and the sword for the south section, while also enforcing a traversal limit. It takes a little bit of parsing to figure out what each part of the room is for, but otherwise this room isn't too tough. The part that took me a little longer to figure out was realizing that for the northeast roach, the orthosquare would let me get one move head start on the roach so I could actually get it off of the spike trap in time. Once that was retrieved, the rest of the room was pretty straightforward. I do like the SE area's SE force arrow letting you "retrieve" a puff off of a Stalwart that otherwise can't be dislodged.
It's possible to use the puffs from the east fluff to kill the wubbas on the west half of the room - I don't see any obvious way this actually helps, but it's worth noting.
Twice East: Not too hard of a "keep monsters alive" room - there's plenty of obstacles and it's not hard to keep your alive monster as a gel baby, especially once all the tar and gel are gone. The wubbas make it a little harder to get the gel baby out (especially since, because all babies will be spawned monsters whereas the wubbas are pre-placed, the wubbas will always move first). But, since you're allowed to take multiple monsters out of the room with you instead of just one, taking several wubbas along with the gel baby allows for pretty lenient solution for getting gel baby to come with you out of the room. Good fun casual tactics room.
Once North: *groan*
Once North Thrice East: Pretty subtle change here - I admit I tried solving this room exactly the same way as 1N2E, only to be stymied when the lower-left orb didn't open the long yellow door over by the rattlesnakes. As far as I can tell that's the only actual change between rooms. I don't know whether you want to explicitly point that out with e.g. a scroll, a different floor type, etc. or just leave that as-is. For the room itself, I eventually wound up just "breaking?" it by sneakily managing to use the stick for the south section so I could make a bunch of puffs to kill the rattlesnakes outright. I checked and this same technique could be used on 1N2E as well; that could be prevented by putting an evil eye or somesuch inside the area where the builder starts, to force Beethro to go in there.
Once South Once East: It was tricky to get this started (trying to press the token while going from east to west has the wrong parity with the aumtlich/stalwart mechanism; going west to east works better). After that it was just a bit of fiddling around with timing and orientation, thankfully with some leeway, and the room pretty well solved itself. I did like the cleanup part where Beethro manages to "unlock" the rest of the room and carefully make his way over to each of the constraint monsters and kill them.
Once South Twice East: I guess this room can be solved whether you take the dagger or the stick at the start? I went with dagger since killing the Slayer is pretty straightforward with the dagger. The north puzzle on the east side wasn't too tough either; just more spiketrap timing like was in 1N2E.
Entrance: Trickier start room. There's two big clues that help out here - first, that the fegundo has to take a sharp turn as it exits its force arrow corridor, meaning that facing South is good, and second, that at the end of the room Beethro has to stand on the closed green door, meaning he has to end up by there as the fegundo goes westward to the wraithwing. The room didn't take too much longer after I found the right spots to stand in.
Once East: A little bit of misdirection going on in this room - locking the west door if the serpents die initially looks like a problem, but it turns out it's possible to re-use the southwest area of the trapdoor chamber to get the wraithwing out anyway, even if that does happen. With two wraithwings, the rest of the room falls into place.
Once South Once East: Unusual room, very different flavor than anything else seen in the hold yet. No adjustment of timing to do here; this room's critical steps are in the first 59 moves and there's no adjustment of that relative to the spawn cycle; you get 1 spawn and 29 moves and that's it, and there better be no alive monsters at that point. Fortunately since you only need one gel baby after the green door closes, not 2 like I originally thought, the room just needs a bit of puff manipulation and you're all set.
Twice East: A nice collection of traps to disarm here. Dealing with the south section takes a bit of careful handling - thankfully the arena is large enough to fully rotate the eye around Beethro with the pickaxe, so he can both pilot the fegundo appropriately and still keep the eye alive.
Once South Twice East: I think I was overcomplicating this room - I was trying to make shapes by standing in places on the east and west wings, taking advantage of having a baby behind me that I could just run to the west passageway with it in tow and kill it later, etc. and generally trying to make a shape with 2 or 3 spawn cycles. Turns out you can just stand in the middle with 1 spawn and everything's fine.
Twice South Twice East: Relatively simple puzzle that's been seen before with mimics; the shape used here is one of the simpler ones that's clearable as tar or gel.
Twice South Thrice East: *groan*- Oh, wait, there's a staircase here. Well I suppose I'll be back later.
Twice South Once East: After some experimentation, it turns out that opening a door to "give a shortcut" to the engineers here doesn't automatically update their path and make them take the shortcut, UNLESS their original path gets blocked. This is also how citizens and Halph work, but not Stalwarts and Slayers (let alone brained enemies trying to go to Beethro). Consensus in the chat seems to be that this is some kind of multiple-goal vs. single-goal path implementation difference.
Anyway, the rest is just timing the southeast engineer appropriately to speed them up - slowing the other 3 down won't work because the northeast engineer *can't* be slowed down.
Once South:
Variant of Level 1 1E. I don't see how the evil eye changes the solution here - I ended up solving this the same way, although the horizontally flipped room made the rattlesnake a little trickier to deal with.
Quick links to my stuff (in case you forgot where it was):
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