First try stats before opening blue door (no doubt they'll go up with some tweaking - you'll also save some extra hp when the second level is ready by saving some keys, etc for later, as it's doubtful that you'd need a dozen yellows immediately
first try stats:
Click here to view the secret text
HP: 1165
ATK: 36
DEF: 39
GR: 185
REP: 295
Keys: 13/3/1/0
Score: 546
(remaining: 600HP behind antlions and the spider, 100HP behind yellow door, 2 green keys behind mud baby/yellow door)
Another variation, sacrificed a little hp for an extra key and some money:
Click here to view the secret text
HP: 1008
ATK: 36
DEF: 39
GR: 226
REP: 306
Keys: 13/4/1/0
Score: 562
I've not been following the earlier projects at all, but recently conquered Hold Anonymous 1 and liked it, so I could probably contribute to this one at some point, too.
[Last edited by Doom at 06-04-2010 08:05 PM]