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I post like there's no tomorrow.
I post at least once a week.
I only post infrequently (at least once a month).
I almost never post anything here.
If you aren't very active, or could do more things here but don't, why is this?
There's not enough general activity on the forums.
People just aren't being creative enough (e.g. making holds, art, music, interesting threads, etc.)
I'm just not interested in things that are going on here.
I'm bored of the DROD franchise.
I only visit for specific reasons (e.g. Hints and Solutions).
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Visit the forums? I am too busy playing DROD!
Time spent on the forums is time that isn't spent improving DROD.
I feel a bit intimidated or confused by everyone else here.
I don't feel anything I can do or post will be appreciated by the community.
I actively dislike a number of people or things that happen here.
It's something else (post a reply to explain, if you like)
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Banjooie wrote:
I....what? Did I really just read that.
It happens, you know. Things can be taken seriously and could get out of hand.

"The leaf, still green, must someday fall.
Such grief, such joy, to live at all."
- T.A. Barron, The Lost Years of Merlin
03-04-2009 at 08:20 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+2)  
I've got a few more random thoughts to add to this thread.

1. I'd like to publicly thank Syntax for posting a simple comment on the Holds board yesterday. Simple comments like that are all that's needed to show an architect you're interested in their hold. Everyone (including you!) can make a simple comment like that. Just because some people write longer, more detailed reviews doesn't mean simple comments aren't appreciated too. They are!

2. I'd like to publicly thank zex for posting a simple comment on the Architecture board today. Again, a simple comment like that is a great way to show an architect you're interested in their project. If you've got time to find some bugs or post more detailed feedback, that's great, but that doesn't mean simple comments aren't appreciated too. They are!

I realize I haven't posted on the Architecture board myself in a while. That's not because I've lost interest, it's because I'm in the middle of testing a very difficult hold that's on a beta board. And before that there was another moderately difficult hold on a beta board, and before that there was yet another difficult hold on a beta board... etc. I promise I will eventually come to Architecture and comment on Neather2's hold and then mxvladi's hold. I'm mentioning that here, because I'm hoping please, please, please could some of you go leave comments on those holds so the architects don't have to wait so long.

3. I wanted to make one last observation, and I sincerely hope I'm not offending anyone. I found the results of the recent Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards to be very interesting. The 40-something people who voted consistently chose great medium holds over great difficult holds. An excellent tutorial hold won Hold of the Year. The People have spoken, loud and clear. They want clever medium holds, 5-6 brains. If an architect makes a 7-8 brain hold, and wonders why more people aren't playing it, that's why.

Now I'm not saying architects shouldn't make hard holds. There is a (relatively smaller) group of players here who absolutely love being challenged by the most difficult holds. They say, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I didn't start out a good player, but I'm a good player now, thanks to all those challenges. So, to architects who like to make hard holds: please, go right ahead and make them. Some of my very favoritest favorite holds are indeed very difficult. Just be aware that there will likely be less general forum interest in your hold than there would be if it were easier.
03-04-2009 at 11:12 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
CuriousShyRabbit wrote:
Just be aware that there will likely be less general forum interest in your hold than there would be if it were easier.
I think this analysis is a bit off.

The way I see it, most people love to hopelessly test their mettle against larrymurk's holds and challenges like those of Tar Gate Stronghold and Beethro's Teacher, but you can't really assess a hold that you can only beat a few rooms of.

It's also worth noting how many architects worked on Advanced Concepts. More people involved = more talk about it = more people playing it, and with it being such a well-built (though disproportionate) hold, it won.
I hardly feel that the purpose and difficulty of Advanced Concepts helped it win. It was a bit of...
Checking status of one or more component(s)...
Flame Shield:   System is online. Integrity at 94%.
Sense of Shame: System is offline. Integrity critical.
                 Main unit appears beyond repair.
It was *ahem* a bit of a popularity contest, and AC was good.

Anyways, I do feel that we should guide new players towards good, easy holds. If the first few user holds you download is are the 8-10 brain range (or even 6-7), you might be turned away from the whole game thinking that you're just no good. The first hold I downloaded was KPVIIID (1 or 2, I'm not sure); a decent hold with a good learning curve for beginners. The second hold I downloaded AFAIK was Tar Baby Ballroom (or whatever it's called). Had I downloaded that hold first, I might have given up on DROD right there to focus more on the other games I was playing at the time.

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.
03-05-2009 at 01:28 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+1)  

With regards to hard holds, I can't beat them. I readily admit it--those puzzles are often beyond me. I'm also slightly hesitant to post on H&S, willing the H&S effect before the actual posting. I feel that it's not as much fun to read a solution as to discover it.

Plus, I feel that I have a reputation to uphold

My point is that I rarely complete hard holds. And those that I do inspire me to attempt the easier holds--not more of the brain-piercing, cruelty-inducing holds that hard holds are. AC has a good range of difficulty, and the most difficult rooms are the secret ones--as I feel it should be. If I want to challenge them, I can, but I need not. Thus, I can continue playing the hold without destroying my mental facilities.

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03-05-2009 at 01:50 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+5)  
Heh. CSR beat me to it. As usual :)

However, I'd like to take a more analytical approach to what we could be doing; I like the suggestions in this thread, so I have tried to sort them out into a slightly cohesive framework. Although this is a long post, please do take some time to read it. I need feedback too, you see!

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Based on this information, the posts in this thread, and various related topics on the forum, I have made a diagram (attached) to show my interpretation of how I think this community functions, what might be going wrong, and what we could do to fix it.

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On diagram 2, I have marked the various reasons people have suggested for the slowdown in red, and possible solutions in brown. I think if we could get at least some of these in action, it could go some way to rejuvenating the forum:

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And finally, we probably will struggle against a lack of time and manpower. I know that I've probably spent far longer than I should have posting this.

But the evidence shows that people still care about the forums and want them to be more active. I'd say now is as good a time as any to try to reverse the slowdown and do something for your community.

Let's go!

Resident Medic/Mycologist

[Last edited by agaricus5 at 03-05-2009 11:16 PM]
03-05-2009 at 02:08 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+2)  
Ah, I found where the people are! They found us, they just can't get in!
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Let's help them!

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.

[Last edited by Kwakstur at 03-05-2009 02:53 AM]
03-05-2009 at 02:51 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
UrAvgAzn wrote:
It happens, you know. Things can be taken seriously and could get out of hand.
... no.
03-05-2009 at 05:52 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+1)  
agaricus5 wrote:
Also surprisingly high on the list are "I actively dislike a number of people or things that happen here" with 12 votes and "I feel a bit intimidated or confused by everyone else here" with 10. This also demonstrates a breakdown in community relations, which I find quite saddening.

Having checked both of these boxes I feel that a small (and hopefully non-inflamatory) explanation might be in order. I have seen people become ridiculed, or harshly critizized, and to me it have felt obvious that they became hurt. I have myself felt ridiculed at more times than what is pleasent. And in this case I know it hurt. So, yes. I feel intimidated to post.

This is, however, nothing new. It has been like this for all the time I've been here. On the other hand I've never encountered such kindness anywhere else on the internet. A willingness to realy take your time to help another person, whom you might not even know. I myself have been helped a number of times lately.

My point is that this forum (IMO) has it's ugly sides, but the good sides greatly outweighs them. And I find it refreshing and inspiring with a bunch of really inteligent people hanging around in the same spot ;)

As for holds my creativity died with my very first try, Rassa palace
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. Few replies, almost no critizism and quite low rating. Actually you was the only one giving critizism and some positive feedback :)
03-05-2009 at 06:51 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
the part I really don't understand is how you can invest so much of yourself into a piece of your writing that some people on the internet playing ad hominem can sincerely upset you

I can understand if it they're close friends of yours but presumably people like me you're referring to are in fact not.
03-05-2009 at 09:55 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
There is a difference between what people should handle, and what they can handle, and what they will accept. Surely you know that banj?
03-05-2009 at 10:21 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Banjooie wrote:
the part I really don't understand is how you can invest so much of yourself into a piece of your writing that some people on the internet playing ad hominem can sincerely upset you

I can understand if it they're close friends of yours but presumably people like me you're referring to are in fact not.

Well... I would say it has to do with how sure you are of yourself. If you have a bit low self-esteem you might be extra interested in what others think of you. Rank-points, for exampel, are a measurement of what others have thought of your posts. Someone with an already low self-esteem might start thinking "why am I not good enough to get these points?" Someone with a low self-esteem wants confirmation and encouragement. Not that that actually solves anything, it's just a substitute for self-respect.

Yes, it's silly and rediculous, but unfortunatly I think that is how it works. I have seen many young people wanting to get these points, feeling bad because they can't. And even more so for getting negative mods. And even more so for being made fun of and critizised for caring so much about some points on an internet-forum.

It's not per se that you invest so much of yourself in your writing, but rather that if you're critizised or made fun of the self-doubt and self-judgment you already bear grows stronger. It becomes important even to be apreciated by perfect strangers whom you'll never meet, and equally serious when you get critizised.

I don't know how sensetive I am. More so than you, at least :) Much more than I would like. I would like to be able to apreciate myself equally much no matter what others (friends or otherwise) thinks of me, but I have a long road to go before I reach that goal. Anyway... It wasn't me I primaraly talked about, but rather younger, and in some ways, less mature members.
03-05-2009 at 10:46 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Actually, NiroZ's explanation is far more concise than my longer, more qualified version.

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And Kwakstur, that diagram is quite, err... insightful. Highly amusing, too. I also assume you aren't being sarcastic, right?

Resident Medic/Mycologist
03-05-2009 at 10:50 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Blondbeard wrote:
Well... I would say it has to do with how sure you are of yourself. If you have a bit low self-esteem you might be extra interested in what others think of you...

Yes, it's silly and rediculous, but unfortunatly I think that is how it works. I have seen many young people wanting to get these points, feeling bad because they can't....

Young kids with low self-esteem is our target audience for this forum?

03-05-2009 at 10:57 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+2)  
Over-intelligent young kids, who perhaps don't fit in so well among other kids of their own age since they are the next-generation nerds. Yes, I'd say that's part of the target audience for DROD. And yes, some of them might have a low self-esteem.
03-05-2009 at 11:17 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+2)  
Why do we even come here.
I guess we'll never know.
It's like a kind of torture
To have to watch the show.

Slay the living! Raise the dead!
Paint the sky in crimson red!
03-05-2009 at 12:08 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+1)  
Blondbeard wrote:
Over-intelligent young kids, who perhaps don't fit in so well among other kids of their own age since they are the next-generation nerds. Yes, I'd say that's part of the target audience for DROD. And yes, some of them might have a low self-esteem.

Yeah, and the last thing someone socially inept needs is to successfully escape criticism. Do they need a social network that will help them survive it? Yes. But if they do find some sort of community where they are entirely free from it, you end up with something along the lines of DeviantArt artists whose ravening fanbases keep them from improving.

I'm not saying 'Hey, dudes, we should totally mock the crap out of the twelve year olds because it is lulz-tastic.'

I'm saying that people like me are what keep people like them from becoming complete fail.

The internet is a disturbingly easy source of input-irrelevant positive feedback loops, and if you really need me to go into detail about what that does to a person, I'm more than happy to barrage you with links and examples of how a troll-less internet is not a psychologically healthy one.

Over PM, ideally, wouldn't want to corrupt any young minds.
03-05-2009 at 12:49 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
In order to avoid a public argument, I'm switching my reply over to PMs.

But in general, the distinct lack of activity here suggests that said actions are working far too well if the intention was to suppress said non-conforming activity.

Also, I think that people who repeatedly visit for non-specific reasons do so with ulterior motives, despite what Maurog says.

Edit: Changed text due to unintended meaning.

Edit2: And in response to NiroZ, if anyone is reading this, please, please think twice before you reply. Please?

If you want to sort out your differences, that's what PMs are for. Let's not name people for negative reasons; why don't we get down to nominating people to solve problems 1) and 5) instead?

Resident Medic/Mycologist

[Last edited by agaricus5 at 03-05-2009 02:04 PM]
03-05-2009 at 01:24 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Banjooie, to claim that your the soul source of criticism in this forum is arrogance in the extreme. I'm sure tahnan and jatopian would really beg to differ. So would most of the people in arctitecture. Claim that the architecture forums are a source of positive feedback loops and I'll laugh in your face sir.
03-05-2009 at 01:27 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Maurog wrote:
Why do we even come here.
I guess we'll never know.
It's like a kind of torture
To have to watch the show.

tam tam ta tatata tam tam, "continues whistling"

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03-05-2009 at 02:11 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
I eat puppies for lunch? Is that a joke? If not, ( :? ) then WTF is it doing there?
03-05-2009 at 06:33 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+1)  
I've been here a few years, and I've never posted much, but this is standard for me on other sites as well.

I have recently been thinking that I'm quite selfish when it comes to DROD - obviously I play a lot as you can see from the high scores but I've never really given anything back.

I had been thinking that maybe I should make some kind of contribution - given that I work from home, I have a reasonable amount of spare time during the working day which I sometimes fill with playing DROD, although there's not so much spare time evenings and weekends (especially now that I have a 6 day old baby to look after, as well as my son!).

agaricus5 wrote:
Why do hardcore DROD players (apparently, there are at least 8) apparently not want to test our new holds?

Assuming I could be included in this, and from what I've said above, I've decided to make myself available for testing holds - I think it is about time I gave something back.

Without struggle, there is no progress, so get up, get out, and go make the rest of your life the best of your life; you deserve to live the life that YOU want to live...

Progress - Gavin G
03-05-2009 at 06:38 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
martz wrote:
(especially now that I have a 6 day old baby to look after, as well as my son!)
Congrats, or condolences (take your pick)! :)

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03-05-2009 at 07:26 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+2)  
agaricus5 wrote:
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I strongly disagree with the separation of different types of points. Everybody should be able to contribute to the board in their own way and receive the same sort of recognition. Giving a different form of recognition for one certain thing something makes everybody who doesn't do it feel a bit bad. Yes, it would encourage some members to test holds, but for everyone else who doesn't already do testing, it will only discourage them (however so slightly) from visiting the forum on the whole.

Not everybody can test holds. I never come to help on Architecture Boards because I'm honestly not that good of a player. It's not that I can never figure things out, it's just that I'm easily distracted, which results in me playing slowly. And by the time I have something to say, a more experienced tester has already said it and the hold has been updated.

I definitely agree that people who test holds should get more mod points than they currently do. There should be a moderator taking care of this, checking Architecture for helpful posts and awarding +1s somewhat generously, making sure that all who actively contributed to the hold gets a few points.
RPG counts, too! For instance, after all his help, I'm appalled that Gordius has only received 4 rank points (of which at least 3 came from me, if I'm not mistaken). deftriver could do with a few more points, too.

I also feel that the Holds themselves should reap more points than they do. A Hold isn't just something you whip up in one day. It's a long process that takes weeks, months, even a year (probably the case for many good "first holds"). There are a lot of things that can be made in under 2 hours (namely, awesome and/or funny illustrations) that could earn you in some cases 3x what you would have earned from making a hold.
I love witnessing stuff like that, brilliant illustrations that got a +10 within days of being posted and that become forum inside-jokes... but I feel that holds should be worth more, given all the effort put into them.
A majority of holds deserve at least 20 to 30 rank points.
Notice how I said rank points. Mod points should really only be awarded for forum activity and contribution, and 20 mod points is a lot of power to give to people who may seldom use the forums at all.

My suggestion: A hold should automatically gain its architect a number of rank points equal to 5 times its Fun rating after the first 2-3 weeks (or a reasonable number of votes). If we implement this, apply it retroactively to give all former architects a boost.
The Hold Karma should still give mod points; Hold Karma is where forumites can show their approval or disapproval of your hold, and especially since it costs points, it would be appropriate that it earns mod points.

I apologize if holds already do silently give rank points in volume, I'm just assuming they don't because I've yet to submit a hold and I've never seen anybody make any reference to such a system.

I definitely feel that Forum Games rewards should be toned down. Rewards of +3 in pass-the-stick games like Altered Screenshot are a bit excessive. But what can you do? The game designer is the one who sets the point reward, and the players follow.
As much as people (including me) like to ask a latent moderator to help give somebody all the points they won when you can't afford it, the mods shouldn't respond. Don't directly fuel the Forum Games board. Let it be fueled indirectly by the other boards. If the person who gave the question can't afford to give a full reward and nobody else wants to help provide it, then too bad.

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.

[Last edited by Kwakstur at 03-10-2009 07:36 PM]
03-05-2009 at 10:49 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Kwakstur wrote:
I strongly disagree with the separation of different types of points. Everybody should be able to contribute to the board in their own way and receive the same sort of recognition. Giving a different form of recognition for one certain thing something makes everybody who doesn't do it feel a bit bad. Some will feel encouraged, but many, like me, would only feel more discouraged.

People who test holds should get more mod points than they currently do. There should be a mod taking care of this, checking Architecture for helpful posts and awarding +1s generously, making sure that everyone who helped contribute to a hold gets rewarded.
For instance, after all his help, I'm appalled that Gordius has only received 4 rank points (of which at least 3 came from me, if I'm not mistaken). deftriver could do with a few more points, too.

I definitely feel that Forum Games rewards should be toned down. Rewards of +3 in pass-the-stick games like Altered Screenshot are a bit excessive. But what can you do? It's often the game designer's choice.
As much as people (including me) like to ask a latent moderator to help give somebody all the points they won when you can't afford it, the mods shouldn't respond. Don't directly fuel the Forum Games board. Let it be fueled indirectly by the other boards. If the person who gave the question can't afford to give a full reward and nobody else wants to help provide it, then too bad.
I agree. If we gave rank points to testers as freely as in Forum Games, my suggestion wouldn't be necessary. But then, we'd need to deal with 5):

5) More admins would be nice

It's not to say that our current admins aren't good either; as outstanding members of the community, they have always fully deserved their statuses and have worked hard to keep the community going through the years. But, as Ryan and Jeremy point out, our current admins may be strapped for time, and we need at least some active moderators to keep things running. Even if it's only to seed mod points around, I'm sure it would help.
In that vein, I nominate CSR. I can think of no-one more enthusiastic about hold testing!

I also feel that the Holds themselves should reap more points than they do. A Hold isn't just something you whip up in one day. It's a long process that takes weeks, months, even a year (probably the case for many good "first holds"). There are a lot of things that can be made in under 2 hours (namely, awesome and/or funny illustrations) that could earn you in some cases 3x what you would have earned from making a hold.
I love witnessing stuff like that, brilliant illustrations that got a +10 within days of being posted and that become forum inside-jokes... but I feel that holds should be worth more, given all the effort put into them.
A majority of holds deserve at least 20 to 30 rank points.
Notice how I said rank points. Mod points should really only be awarded for forum activity and contribution, and 20 mod points is a lot of power to give to people who may seldom use the forums at all.
Here, I agree too. More rank point balance towards serious work would definitely boost architect building. However, saying that, sorting out tester participation is far more critical, since if testers test, architects will get the feedback they want; if no testers are testing, this puts off architects from making anything and stops all DROD-pool activity.

Here's how I feel: A hold should automatically gain its architect a number of rank points equal to 5 times its fun rating after the first 2-3 weeks. If we implement this, apply it retroactively to give all former architects a boost.
The Hold Karma should still give mod points; Hold Karma is where forumites can show their approval or disapproval of your hold, and especially since it costs points, it would be appropriate that it earns mod points.
I think a rating stands up for itself; knowing you have a solid-rated hold probably means more to an architect than say, 37 rank points.

I could be wrong, but I think there are several clear sources of motivation for architects out there. It's turning players into testers we should worry more about for now. For example, there are some very good players around here who spend lots of time optimising (one person at least admits it). Why not shift some of that optimiser enthusiasm into testing some of the harder holds in progress? After all, more testing = more holds = more highscores = happier players, right?

Okay, I replaced my original solution for 2) with yours, Kwakstur. Thanks for the feedback ;).

Resident Medic/Mycologist

[Last edited by agaricus5 at 03-05-2009 11:17 PM]
03-05-2009 at 11:11 PM
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One issue that's come up before, with regards to optimization and testing, is that they don't play well together. An unintended solution (michthro had a beautiful one on one of larrymurk's [I think it was Don't Kill the Messenger.] holds a while back) that is voiced would likely be slain in the testing procedure. (Depending on the architect, of course).

Also, oftentimes an optimizer wants to work a room once. Slight changes call for (occasionally) vastly different strategies for the room. The optimizer wants to solve all existing puzzles in the most efficient way (or have them solved in the most efficient way--that's a debate as well)

The best type of tester is like CSR--wanting to solve all possible puzzles.

In this sense, (and from what I read on the Stack), optimizers are sort of like the Archivists, and great testers are like the Patrons. There's not much reward for an optimizer if it's not linked to CaravelNet--that competition/most efficient tag. If that could change into the testing process, I'm sure that more optimizers would also be testers.

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03-05-2009 at 11:39 PM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
NiroZ wrote:
Banjooie, to claim that your the soul source of criticism in this forum is arrogance in the extreme.

ITT NiroZ confuses 'people like me' with 'I'm the only person who does it.'

And for some reason comes to the conclusion that I think architecture is DeviantArt.

But enough about that, the most important part of this thread is Zex somehow inadvertently implied that optimizers are bad for the game, and I think I'm going to watch the fireworks.
03-06-2009 at 10:18 AM
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Reading through this thread, it seems agaricus5 has single-handedly brought activity back to the forums! Not seen such a lively debate for a long time...

Good stuff :)
03-06-2009 at 11:40 AM
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Banjooie wrote:
But enough about that, the most important part of this thread is Zex somehow inadvertently implied that optimizers are bad for the game, and I think I'm going to watch the fireworks.
I do seem to recall that it was hardcore optimizers who were the primary opposition to Unlimited Undo. For what that's worth.

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[Last edited by Jatopian at 03-06-2009 12:45 PM]
03-06-2009 at 12:43 PM
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I can't speak for others, but I wanted to lay out my reasons for not testing too many holds.

Here's my take on why optimisers don't test too many holds. I'm an optimiser, though definitely (and obviously) not a hard-core one. When asked to test a hold, I'm flattered -- I'm not the best player and can get stuck on the harder lynchpin puzzles -- but I'm happy to help. However, this presents a dilemma : if I test a hold I have early access to play around trying to find optimal solutions to rooms, but once the hold is published I cannot, or rather, should not upload my scores until the hold is conquered by a few other peoople, thereby potentially losing my window of getting number 1's first. My pesky sense of "doing right" makes me wait before uploading scores. So if asked specifically to test a hold, I will say yes, but as for the holds that just sit on the architecture board, I tend to wait until they are published.

I know this is pretty selfish, but part of the game is those #1's after all. I don't know if there's a solution for this.

A completely different reason why I hesitate to test some holds is that when I did test architecture board holds, I found some of them (not all or even most) obviously hadn't even been played through by their own architects and were full of errors and unbeatable rooms. As well, I've noticed some architects seem to use the board simply as a placeholder before uploading to Holds: suggestions that are made about obvious problems or bad grammar/spelling get completely ignored. This is very frustrating and time-wasting. It also shows a lack of respect to those who have put in time testing a hold and makes it unlikely they'll do so again. There are solutions to both these problems. One, make it a requirement that before a hold is posted to Architecture, the architect must have played through the entire hold. A demo file should be available upon request or included in the hold. Two, the HA's should not accept holds for upload unless the architect has corrected the errors that were pointed out to them in the Board. This might be a little harder to implement/follow up on, though a simple post in the thread like, "Thanks X. Issue fixed." could do it.

My 2 cents.
03-06-2009 at 02:42 PM
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Upon reflection I can see that including a demo file may not be ideal, but perhaps having to submit a demo file to an HA could be a requirement before posting a hold to Architecture. The first post in the thread could include the text "demo file submitted to HA's" so that testers would know it's been played through at least once.
03-06-2009 at 03:06 PM
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