Dragon Fogel
Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2592
Registered: 06-21-2014
IP: Logged
Blind Race #5 (+2)
It's been a while since the last blind race, so it seems like a good time to start setting up the next one.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, a blind race is an event where a short hold is put together and then some people race it, with no advance knowledge of the hold. We've had four of these so far and they've all been pretty fun.
So, to have another one, we'll need a few volunteers! We need architects to make levels for the race hold, and we need people to test it in advance to make sure the rooms are reasonable and not badly broken. And, of course, we need racers!
Racers will be expected to stream their playthrough of the hold, so we can verify how long they take. If you want to race, we recommend doing a test stream in advance to catch any problems that might come up.
The date of the race is not set in advance; we'll arrange that once we know who the racers are so they can pick a time that works for everyone involved.
With all that settled, this thread is open for volunteers!
-Dragon Fogel
-Crimson Moon
[Last edited by Dragon Fogel at 01-11-2018 09:45 PM]