I have updated the file in the original post.
I also downloaded all the files and will check over them when I get back home (I am uploading from a coffee shop; no home internet at the moment.)
I did make a few changes based on the comments though:
1st level:
Click here to view the secret text
×1N: The orbs now activate the arrows leading to the secret room.
1N1E: A green door now blocks the exit, preventing people from passing through the room without completing it and thus getting high scores in that way.
2nd level:
Click here to view the secret text
×1W: I changed the fegundo order, but I'm not sure that I like the new version. It's now much easier to trigger the first explosion, but you can still end up with an ordering problem later on during execution anyway. I may change it back. If people find it unfair, I could put a hint scroll telling people that the middle fegundo needs to be blown up first due to movement order.
1N: I removed a lot of hot tiles from this room, making it slightly less trivial. It's still probably the easiest room in the hold, but at least it requires figuring out something now.
I will check the scripting for the challenges in 1S and 1S1E after reviewing the demos, but I'm not at all surprised that there are some bugs there. 1S1E in particular was more complicated to set up than any other scripting I have ever done.
3rd level:
Click here to view the secret text
×2S2E: I replaced this room entirely. The new room facilitates backtracking and is much less cluttered visually. Hopefully it makes for a better puzzle overall.
1S2E: I agree that this room is significantly harder than the others on this level. I have temporarily copied it to 2E as an unrequired room in case testers want to play the original version, and I have replaced the room at 1S2E with a similar puzzle that should demand much less precision.
4th level:
no changes
5th level:
Click here to view the secret text
×I started adding a new room at 3S1W, but since I wanted to get this update out tonight, the room is still unfinished. I left a scroll there saying as much, but if people want to play around with it I guess they can. It should be pretty easy at the moment, but is completely untested so I could be wrong and I haven't tested a solution for it yet.
Additional changes:
I added beacons to all rooms with challenges. Originally beacons were only in rooms that had to be cleared under certain conditions in order to access a secret room, but for added convenience I decided to add them in all challenge rooms as well.
Additional thoughts:
I have considered adding another convenience feature: using special command to skip rooms leading to secrets if you have previously accessed the secret. Obviously I need to make sure that combined with beacons this won't lead to broken high scores. Would this be a welcome feature? Accessing the secret rooms on the 4th level, in particular, seems like a lot of work to do multiple times, and I actually deliberately tried to make an "
interesting rather than difficult"
secret room after one of them so that the player is likely to be able to clear it immediately without too much difficulty, since I didn't want them leaving it unfinished and then having to pass through the preceding room again.
106th Skywatcher