Now for the wubba level:
Generally fun. All rooms were pretty interesting. The fact that you can't really die, makes for a lot less pressure on the exact move sequence. Lot's of room to play around and discover the mechanics of the rooms, without needing to start over every time.
Room by room comments below:
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2N2E - Nice room. Bit of fiddling to get the slayer to hit all walls, but the time pressure from the gel is not a real problem at all. I don't really understand the mechanics of the pressure plates. In the end, the mother dies and all doors open again. Then I just kill the one gel baby that forms in the corner with the slayer. No need to do anything there. I'd image a little more challenge if you somehow needed to avoid a gel baby from popping up.
2N3E - Pretty straigtforward if you've seen this type of room before. (I have). Thing left to figure out is where to put each monster and which path allows you to do so. However, it does not seem to be very specific and many paths will probably do. The hardest thing about this room is that you have to realize that you can step around the Gentryii in the lower room when it is facing left and you go right. While being perfectly natural once you do it, it's pretty hard to figure out in your head when deciding which monster goes in which room. Nich touch.
1N - I get the impression that I did not do this as I am supposed to do it. Was very easy and I did not use the ortho squares or all the decoys. I first pushed the roach into the corner with my mimic, then pushed the SW decoy on top of it to stab it. Is this intended? If yes, I'd remove some of the unnecessary elements here.
1N1E - I have many ideas here and am fascinated by this room. But I can't solve it. I manage to play around and do lot's of interesting things here. Get the aumtlich out of his box (to left or right of central column, both possible), get fluff into central column, but I don't manage to get fluff across the hot tiles to assist me in the roach box. Same with the aumtlich: down and up along the corridor, but never into the box before he burns on the hot tiles.
1N2E - Didn't solve. Killing the longest snake by spikes alone is not gonna work (yes, I did optimize opening of the release door, but no, this is not good enough). So I guess I need to let the snakes block eachother just often enough to shorten a couple extra tiles. I did not succeed in this. With all those snakes, it's just too random for me. Perhaps it's possible to force the same tactic with less snakes / less room?
1N3E - A very cool room, which I could not solve in the end. Tactic seems to be straightforward here: place golem corpses to block rays, then do your thing with the power plates. However, execution is baffling me. For in stance, I can never cross the passage 14,6 -> 13,5 (aumtlich above will paralize me). So I have to come through 10,9. That means putting a corpse on 8,7 or 9,8. I really don't see how...
Am I missing something here?
Entrance - Very nice start. Not too difficult. Glad you did not use more roaches. This strikes a nice balance between difficulty/strategy (e.g. don't start with N plate) and solveability.
1E - The south passage is a mistery to me...
2E - Lot's of ideas, lot's of playing around, but nope. No solve...
1S - I believe the idea is simple (avoid the plates). But execution feels hopefully messy (at least when I try to achieve it). Got frustrated and gave up.
1S1E - Same as 2E
1S2E - Wow, this is more difficult that I thought at first. Nice secret room, but beyond me. To be fair: I did not really try very hard. It is a room I'd work on at some point (having more time to play drod).
Overall: great level, but the difficulty is quite inconsistent and some rooms seem to require very messy/precise/unforgiving execution, rather than a good idea. I'd say some rooms could be made less difficult execution-wise without compromise to the basic strategic ideas.
Hope this helps you. I don't think I broke anything, so even without any changes this will make a good hold.
Autocorrect is
not my friend. Apologies for the typos.