This is probably not a widget, but this is an example code I've used for the story rooms in Tunnel Vision.
I used two different invisible characters, one for each pass.
There is also a blue door in every room.
When you enter the final stairs, the blue doors will drop.
Code for First Pass Character
Click here to view the secret text
×If ... go to "End"
Wait for Blue door to Open at (xx,yy)
Invincibility On
Wait 2 turns
Speech Beethro, "Now, which exit should I take?"
Speech Guard, "Well, the east exit leads to some roaches."
Speech Guard, "And the north exit leads to some roach queens."
Wait while player is at (most part of the room)
Speech Guard, "See you in the next room."
Label "End"
Code for Second Pass Character
Click here to view the secret text
×If ... go to "First Pass"
Wait for Blue door to Close at (xx,yy)
Wait for player at (xx,yy)-(xx,yy)
Invincibility On
Speech Beethro, "Octavio, there's something I've wondered for some time."
Speech Guard, "Tell me."
Speech Beethro, "These tunnels, how do they work?"
Speech Guard, "Well, you enter from one end, and you leave at the other."
Wait while player is at (most part of the room)
Speech Guard, "See you in the next room."
Label "First Pass"
For more examples, I suggest you to master the hold, as it is set to Master Edit.
-- Tim
The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.