I was thinking today, about interesting ways to cleverly disguise a well known sentance/phrase. Not really sure why, but that's what I was doing. Then, I thought "
Hey! It might be fun to see how many ways we can disguise them..."
This of course led to the thought "
Huh. I like cottage cheese."
Which brings me to my next point:
1. First poster disguises the sentence:
A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
2. Second poster (or third, or fourth, etc.) tries to figure out how the first poster disguised it.
3. First poster gives rank points (however many you can/want) to poster who gets it right.
4. Poster who got it right posts a new way to disguise the sentence.
5. Repeat!
here's mine:
a(x)^pthbj + a(xxxxx)^enw + a(xxxxxx)^nudq + a(xxx)^kzyx + 1(xxx)^0
(yeah, I just got out of math class