My thoughts follow.
Both entries were a lot of fun and showed real creativity!
Brian S:
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×This entry was a little hard to follow visually, as figure and ground were not well-delineated. I enjoyed reading the visual cues despite this, however.
I found all of the rooms except the last one to be challenging and interesting. In all three cases, the room was much easier than I was initially making it, which is the hallmark of a good room. Overall, I was impressed and had great fun. 7/10.
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×Penwielder's entry was pretty damned amazing. If I had realized what he realized, I would have abandoned my plan for an entry that I had started (which would have taken days of work for just a few rooms) and done an entry in his minimalistic style instead. His impressive epiphany: one can use custom characters to create new DROD elements, and draw in background effects to make those elements obvious in game, no explanation needed! It was simply
ingenious. I particularly
loved the box-moving, and am curious how it was implemented as there were several things you could do which were very subtle but allow for complex optimization (e.g. move two boxes at once, slide boxes one step away from you(!), not slide boxes when under your sword).
In any event, I expect to see a hold done in this style before I break down and make one myself. So you have about three years in which to step to it.
I only have a few minor complaints, and since I loved the entry, this frees me to nitpick more.
1) It could have used just a bit more color. Pastels covering the little boxes and walls and floor would have been welcome, added a lot, and quite easy to photoshop in.
2) I'd like that extra challenge as a separate secret room.
Maybe one you reach if you walk through the wall where there's a crack or something awesome along those lines.
3) The last puzzle mentioned that movement order was important for the second half, but I found it was absolutely critical for the manner in which I beat the first half. I returned to the puzzle and re-discovered the solution that did not require movement ordering afterwards, but the US I came up with was kind of cool.
However, at the time, I thought it was inelegant because I had to right-click to exploit the move order there.
So I'm basically complaining that I was too stupid to get the obvious method first.
Anyway, it was almost too awesome for words, and I hope you take it and expand what you've done into a proper hold. 9/10.
Loved every minute of both entries.
Now, back to reworking that damnable awards poll...
Official Hold ProgressClick here to view the secret text
×Beethro and the Secret Society: Postmastered
Beethro's Teacher: In Progress
Complex Complex: In Progress
Devilishly Dangerous Dungeons of Doom: In Progress
Finding the First Truth: Postmastered
Gunthro and the Epic Blunder: In Progress
Halph Has a Bad Day: Mastered (no door)
Journey to Rooted Hold: Postmastered
King Dugan's Dungeon 2.0: Postmastered
Master Locks: Mastered (no door)
Master Locks Expert: Mastered (no door)
Perfect: In Progress (Perfect 8)
Smitemastery 101: Postmastered
Suit Pursuit: In Progress
Tendry's Tale: Mastered (RPG)
The Choice: Postmastered
The City Beneath: Postmastered
Favorite Unofficial Holds (I need to play more!)
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×A Quiet Place: Mastered (no door)
Advanced Concepts: In Progress
Archipelago: In Progress (Island 12)
Break Out Of Jail: Conquered (86%)
Dr. E. Will's Mega Complex: In Progress
Hold Anonymous: In Progress
Paycheck: Conquered (75%)
The Test of Mind: Mastered (RPG)
Unfriendly Islands: In Progress
Val Unrich: In Progress
war10: Mastered (no door)
war15: Mastered (no door)
war: the truth within: Mastered (no door)
Washed Ashore: Mastered (RPG)
My HoldsClick here to view the secret text
×The Plague Within (RPG) (alpha)
Tinytall Tower (Smitemaster) (beta)
Do Not Disturb Compilation (level contributions) (in review)
Riddle of the Bar (compilation)