Played and finished, got all the endings and I feel very satisfied.
The good:
- I absolutely love the idea of a DROD hold with FOV, kudos!
- Kudos for actually scripting it!
- More kudos for the gigantic Doctor Who reference!
- No more kudos, it's not MySpace.
- Loved the clever puzzles, especially 4S1W once I figured it out. None of the puzzles was tedious and they all worked real well even in the darkness. The only really mean thing, which I thankfully figured out very quickly and by accident, was that lone trapdoor in the trapdoor room.
- Very nice architectural design, I kinda the style selected was darker but nothing else fits the mine theme that well on the other hand.
- The level design was even more clever because each room held two puzzles - the actual puzzle and escaping from the "
, very nice.
- Did I accidentally inspire you with the nameless being from Narrow Perspectives?
The bad:
- Not sure how easy it is to figure out the good ending for others, for me it was an accident and I don't think I'd figure it out otherwise.
- Very jealous of awesome