So we had a debate in chat that revealed several of us have differing opinions over how these two issues should be resolved. One thing about chat is there's much more pressure to express and defend your opinion before the chat moves on, and this leads to the debate feeling a lot more heated than it actually is. So I decided to post my views in the topic instead.
Issue 1: Pushing onto / over potions
It seems no-one likes the idea of it being possible to drink multiple double-placement potions per turn (and even "
Teleport player"
doesn't allow this), so the remaining options are:
(1) Current behaviour: Pushing onto potions is blocked.
(2) Beethro only drinks a potion if he is on one at the end of a turn. He can be pushed over potions without drinking them.
(3) Pushing Beethro over multiple potions makes him drink them all, but only the first one brings up the double-placement interface; other potions disappear without being used.
(2) is consistent with tokens; (3) is consistent with the 5.1 behaviour of "
Teleport player"
Jutt said: "
It would be nice though if pushes worked the same for all interactions, such as tunnels, potions, horns, tokens... either they all activate, or none of them do."
I agree, and I also find (2) much more intuitive than (3). I can accept "
Teleport player"
performing some sort of wizardry where potions vanish without having an effect; it's much harder to swallow a push chain doing this. Also, turns seem to happen so fast that it would be strange for Beethro to drink potions in the middle of a turn
So, my order of preference is 2, 1, 3.
Issue 2: Pushing off tunnels
Again there are three possible ways this could be resolved:
(1) Current behaviour: Beethro can be pushed off a tunnel into the next tile.
(2) Pushing off tunnels is blocked and leaves Beethro on the tunnel.
(3) Pushing when Beethro is on a tunnel takes him to the tunnel's destination.
In this case my preference is strongly for (1). It makes intuitive sense -- to me; clearly others disagree -- that pushing into an empty space is allowed. Beethro cannot step or be pushed onto a closed door, but can step or be pushed off one, so it has felt, all the way since AE, that the destination matters and not the tile Beethro is currently on.
Pushing imparts momentum to the pushed object, which is why it moves in the direction of the push. It seems wholly arcane for, for example, an east push to send Beethro through a tunnel under the ground.
Also, (1) opens up some excellent puzzle potential, as Watcher mentioned: it can allow Beethro to access areas that are otherwise inaccessible.
50th Skywatcher