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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : Contests : How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (A multiple question poll)
New Topic New Poll Post Reply
RankEntryAverageStandard Deviation
1Tim's Circular Lines9.13333333333331.4544949486181
2Jutt's Contour Script8.41.4514360704718
3eb0ny's Bent Pins8.06666666666671.5260697523013
4Maurog's In Plain Sight81.549193338483
5calamarain's Shorthand Lines7.73333333333331.730767331433
6Znirk's Spiralling System7.66666666666671.3498971154211
6mrimer's Base 10007.66666666666671.5347819244295
8Tuttle's (Five) Rings7.53333333333331.783878421368
8Golfrman's Pentagon Quadrants7.53333333333331.8926759422105
10Elfstone's System7.46666666666671.4079141387962
10Remlin's Drodlish7.46666666666671.8208667044997
12Someone Else's In A Circle7.33333333333331.6599866130652
13Nuntar's First System7.26666666666671.4360439485692
13techant's My Simple Code7.26666666666671.7688665548562
15eb0ny's Tetris Blocks7.21.6812693617225
15zex20913's Number and Place7.21.5577761927397
17Dischorran's Abstract Linear6.93333333333331.8427033281447
17Nuntar's Second System6.93333333333331.8427033281447
19RuAdam's Octagon System6.86666666666671.9275776393068
20captainzakku's DROD Number through DROD Characters6.62.5245461638349
20eb0ny's DNoD.IP6.61.9595917942265
22Nuntar's Third System6.41.9933221850301
23Coppro's Sihmpuhl Numbers6.13333333333332.1249836600679
24Chalks' Alphabet System5.93333333333331.9482185594937
25Coppro's Unoriginal System5.86666666666671.9955506062794
26hartleyhair's The Two Circles5.82.1039645117413
27Sillyman's Sword System5.73333333333332.3795424396766
28Sillyman's EENHADINUMS5.53333333333332.4184476196289
29Tim's Trivial System5.26666666666672.7680719322702
30Maurog's Gaming the System System5.13333333333332.1868292622476
31Rabscuttle's Self-Solving Room4.86666666666673.2013885876115
Tim's Trivial System
Average Vote 5.2666666666667
Standard Deviation 2.7680719322702

Coppro's Unoriginal System
Average Vote 5.8666666666667
Standard Deviation 1.9955506062794

Chalks' Alphabet System
Average Vote 5.9333333333333
Standard Deviation 1.9482185594937

Maurog's Gaming the System System
Average Vote 5.1333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.1868292622476

eb0ny's DNoD.IP
Average Vote 6.6
Standard Deviation 1.9595917942265

hartleyhair's The Two Circles
Average Vote 5.8
Standard Deviation 2.1039645117413

calamarain's Shorthand Lines
Average Vote 7.7333333333333
Standard Deviation 1.730767331433

Dischorran's Abstract Linear
Average Vote 6.9333333333333
Standard Deviation 1.8427033281447

techant's My Simple Code
Average Vote 7.2666666666667
Standard Deviation 1.7688665548562

Sillyman's Sword System
Average Vote 5.7333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.3795424396766

Remlin's Drodlish
Average Vote 7.4666666666667
Standard Deviation 1.8208667044997

mrimer's Base 1000
Average Vote 7.6666666666667
Standard Deviation 1.5347819244295

Jutt's Contour Script
Average Vote 8.4
Standard Deviation 1.4514360704718

Average Vote 5.5333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.4184476196289

zex20913's Number and Place
Average Vote 7.2
Standard Deviation 1.5577761927397

Coppro's Sihmpuhl Numbers
Average Vote 6.1333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.1249836600679

Maurog's In Plain Sight
Average Vote 8
Standard Deviation 1.549193338483

Tim's Circular Lines
Average Vote 9.1333333333333
Standard Deviation 1.4544949486181

Golfrman's Pentagon Quadrants
Average Vote 7.5333333333333
Standard Deviation 1.8926759422105

eb0ny's Tetris Blocks
Average Vote 7.2
Standard Deviation 1.6812693617225

captainzakku's DROD Number through DROD Characters
Average Vote 6.6
Standard Deviation 2.5245461638349

Tuttle's (Five) Rings
Average Vote 7.5333333333333
Standard Deviation 1.783878421368

Someone Else's In A Circle
Average Vote 7.3333333333333
Standard Deviation 1.6599866130652

RuAdam's Octagon System
Average Vote 6.8666666666667
Standard Deviation 1.9275776393068

Elfstone's System
Average Vote 7.4666666666667
Standard Deviation 1.4079141387962

Znirk's Spiralling System
Average Vote 7.6666666666667
Standard Deviation 1.3498971154211

eb0ny's Bent Pins
Average Vote 8.0666666666667
Standard Deviation 1.5260697523013

Rabscuttle's Self-Solving Room
Average Vote 4.8666666666667
Standard Deviation 3.2013885876115

Nuntar's First System
Average Vote 7.2666666666667
Standard Deviation 1.4360439485692

Nuntar's Second System
Average Vote 6.9333333333333
Standard Deviation 1.8427033281447

Nuntar's Third System
Average Vote 6.4
Standard Deviation 1.9933221850301

Did you read the instructions for voting before voting?
No, and I'm going to redo all my votes. PollPollPoll 0 0.00%
No, but its your fault for not asking me at the START of the poll. PollPollPoll 1 6.67%
No, but it so happens that my votes would not in any way be affected by reading the instructions. PollPollPoll 1 6.67%
I don't NEED instructions to know how to ROCK! PollPollPoll 3 20.00%
Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. Yes... Yes! PollPollPoll 10 66.67%
Total Votes 31 100%
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icon How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (0)  
How to Vote!

If you don't know anything about this contest, you either gotta go to this topic to read up on what's going on, or click "View Results" for the poll. All the entries to vote on or found in that other topic too.

You may notice that each entry has just one rating instead of four. I'm asking, you the voter, to weigh each of the aspects measured by the four tests equally and come up with one number between 1 and 10 for each entry. You can come up with separate numbers for each test and average them if you like. You can give the number a little bump or dip based on other factors, but please use the four tests as the chief measure of the entries.

Vote for all entries or vote for none. Consider all entries or consider none. An author of an entry is obliged to rate himself a 10. It is considered very poor taste to rate other entries low as a tactic to win. How important is it to win this contest, after all? Give us an honest vote, please.

You might consider taking notes while you evaluate the entries and posting them here after you vote. I think authors will be quite interested in what you think of their work.

I had no idea we'd have so many entries. And I'm really happy with the thought and effort people put into this. Nice job, folks!


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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03-01-2008 at 12:34 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+6)  
Right, so here is a compilation of every entry in this contest. Since this is absolutely freaking massive, I recommend you open up notepad or something and input your scores into that first, so that you can do it over several sessions.

I personally will be generously modding up people who post feedback on the entries. Just remember to use [unhidetime=3/15/2008 12:00 PM]Your hidden text.[/unhidetime] so that you don't influence other voters.

Tim wrote:
Let me try a very easy one to see what I am missing:

For submission: Trivial System
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coppro wrote:
For submission: Unoriginal System
Click here to view the secret text
Chalks wrote:
For Submission: Alphabet Based System
Click here to view the secret text
Maurog wrote:
Yay! A whole three slots, this means I can waste one just for fun! Here we go...

Gaming the System System
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eb0ny wrote:
For submission #1: DNoD.IP

This text was secreted, due to its size.
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hartleyhair wrote:
Meh, I'll have a go.

For Submission: The Two Circles
Click here to view the secret text
calamarain wrote:
For Submission: Shorthand Lines
Click here to view the secret text
Dischorran wrote:
For Submission: Abstract Linear
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techant wrote:
For Submission: My simple code
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Sillyman wrote:
For Submission:

Sword System

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Remlin wrote:
For submission: Drodlish
Click here to view the secret text
mrimer wrote:
For submission: Base 1000, triple compacted digits, or numeral dials
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Jutt wrote:
For Submission: Contour Script
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Sillyman wrote:
For Submission #2:

Click here to view the secret text
zex20913 wrote:
For Submission: Number and Place
Click here to view the secret text
coppro wrote:
For submission: Simpuhl Numbers
Click here to view the secret text
Maurog wrote:
For submission: In Plain Sight
Click here to view the secret text
Tim wrote:
For Submission: Circular Lines
Click here to view the secret text
golfrman wrote:
For Submission: Pentagon Quadrants
Click here to view the secret text
eb0ny wrote:
For submission #2: Tetris blocks

Secreted for size, once again.
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captainzakku wrote:
For Submission: DROD Number through DROD Characters
Click here to view the secret text
Tuttle wrote:
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by NiroZ at 03-01-2008 08:07 AM]
03-01-2008 at 04:01 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (0)  
Sheer awesomeness, all of you. 10's around the house! :P

Who, me?
03-01-2008 at 04:21 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+1)  
NiroZ, please update your compilation. It seems that you have deleted one secret tag too much (no text after Someone Else's "In a circle" entry).

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[Last edited by eb0ny at 03-01-2008 07:28 AM]
03-01-2008 at 07:23 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+1)  
Hmm, seems I hit the character limit.
Someone Else wrote:
For submission: In a circle

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RuAdam wrote:
For submission: Octagon system
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Elfstone wrote:
For Submission.
Click here to view the secret text

Znirk wrote:
For submission
Spiraling Shape, or: "It's only ugly when I draw it"
Base-100 digits written along a spiral

Click here to view the secret text
eb0ny wrote:
For submission #3: Bent pins

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Rabscuttle wrote:
I'm seeing a lot of numbers, but not much DROD.
To contrast with that, I humbly present to you...

For Submission: Self-solving Room
Click here to view the secret text

Nuntar wrote:
Since I've left the forum, I'm not going to compete for the prizes, but I thought, as this contest is right up my street, I would post what I would have submitted if I were competing. It's entirely up to you whether to include this in the voting topic... I'm not too late, am I? *hastily opens up Paint*
Click here to view the secret text
Nuntar wrote:
Submission number two:

Click here to view the secret text
Nuntar wrote:
Submission number three.

Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by NiroZ at 03-01-2008 09:47 PM]
03-01-2008 at 08:06 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+1)  
Ah, excellent. I was about to do a vote for this myself, as volunteered, but it seems that was unnecessary :) Thanks Erik!

*votes for all the entries*

EDIT: It seems that Znirk's Spiralling system has been left out of NiroZ's summarised list. I've taken the liberty of including a copy here.
Znirk wrote:
For submission
Spiraling Shape, or: "It's only ugly when I draw it"
Base-100 digits written along a spiral

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My Holds
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[Last edited by calamarain at 03-01-2008 11:26 AM]
03-01-2008 at 10:41 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+6)  
Feedback: Obviously there's way, way too many for me to comment on each individual one. So here's a few thoughts on ones that I found particularly interesting:

Whoops, didn't hide the feedback. Have now done so.

Tim's Trivial System - Well, someone had to do it. :) It's a perfectly valid system.

Maurog's Gaming The System System - 29.5 quintillion is 2.95x10^19. Just as a little mathematics background, the size of a molecule is 7.4 x 10^(-11) or greater (74 picometers is the size of a H2 molecule). So, making some approximations. Firstly, assume that each molecule touches its neighbours as closely as it can. In a solid, the distance between them isn't that much anyway, the finest resolution you can get is 1 number per 74 picometers of the circumference of a circle. You need to get 29.5 quintillion possible places into that circle. Therefore, the circumference of a circle needed to depict your system is at minimum...

2.95x10^19 numbers, each taking up 7.4x10^(-11)m

The circumference of the circle required for Maurog's system is at a minimum - 2183000000m. This calculates to a circle of diameter 694870626.103m = 694870.6km. Just for reference, the diameter of the Earth is 12742km.

If I've made a mistake in the maths above, do tell me. But I think that Maurog's system isn't actually representable in this solar system - the diameter of the sun is only 1392000km, about 5-6 times too small. Still, it's an incentive to invent hyperspace travel :)

Calamarain's Abstract Lines - Clearly an epically cool entry ;) But seriously. Came up with this entry while doodling during a seminar that I just wasn't following. I hit the idea of trying to reduce numbers to lines, like in shorthand. Base 8 was added to simplify further. Plus I just liked the idea of being able to encode them anywhere and anyhow. They're so innocuous that they could form part of almost any image, and you wouldn't see them unless you knew to look.

hartleyhair's circles - I found this one... oddly elegant. I don't know why.

Remlin's Drodlish - An excellent system. And wonderful for people with aural rather than visual memory. You don't have to remember what the symbol looks like, just remember how it's pronounced and you can reproduce it. It also means that if you're dying, provided you've got enough energy you can shout it out rather than writing it in blood.

Jutt's Contour Script - makes some very elegant tattoos.

Maurog's In Plain Sight - Again, makes some very pretty patterns. A good change from most of the faux-gaelic knots you see, pure triangular geometry.

eb0ny's Tetris blocks - I gave this one an extra point... just because I love Tetris. Do do do dooo do do do do do dooo do do do do do do do doo dooo dooo...

Elfstone's system - Bright and colourful :) Almost everyone else was monochromatic, so it's nice to see a little change.

Rabscuttle's DROD rooms - Way to play the system :P You'd be heartily sick of "KEEP RUNNING, DELVER!" by the end.

Nuntar's three systems - Elegant. Reminds me of Dwarvish script that I saw in the appendix of Lord of the Rings.

Whew, that's a lot.

My Holds
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[Last edited by calamarain at 03-01-2008 11:34 AM]
03-01-2008 at 11:25 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+6)  
Well I voted searching thru the post, did it before you posted the list. That was a nice addition.

I scored on 4 factors then divided them by 4 to get an average. The factors were:
1st=The Tattoo Test (Aesthetics)
2nd=The Drawn In Blood Test (Elegance)
3rd=The Cocktail Napkin Test (Encodability)
4th=The "Hey, I Know You!" Test (Decodability)

1*4=4 score of 0-7=1
2*4=8 score of 8-11=2
3*4=12 score of 12-15=3
4*4=16 score of 16-19=4
5*4=20 score of 20-23=5
6*4=24 score of 24-27=6
7*4=28 score of 28-31=7
8*4=32 score of 32-35=8
9*4=36 score of 36-39=9
10*4=40 score of 40=10

Here are my votes with the 4 factors in order 1+2+3+5 then the total over 40 possible points.

34/40 is 34 points out of 40 possible = my vote is 8

I have to credit this contest for helping me finally develop a scoring system that works. At least for me. I used it on Holds Al Dente and it worked there too.

The score I gave is in the brackets and the Average vote is the final score received, (I swiped and pasted and it seemed a shame not to leave it.) That way you could see how close, or not close I was to the final score (i.e. everyone else).

Click here to view the secret text

Some additional comments:

This was a very popular contest as can be seen by all the entries. I will leave it up to you to think of what that says about the average drod player/forum member. And Erik keeps wondering why his game is just not selling big, like all those shoot them up games out there. Maybe he needs to hit a few math conventions or encryption conferences. (Oh yeah they are already members, and we are looking to expand our audience :lol )

Now that we know what everyone loves how can we incorporate it into a hold? Maybe that is another contest.

My favorites were the one based on graphics, that even though I stuck to the alpha numeric system. What can I say.

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
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[Last edited by techant at 03-15-2008 08:41 AM]
03-01-2008 at 01:10 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+10)  
Okay, I have placed my vote. AND I have written detailed feedback about (almost) every entry. Read below.

Okay, this one is going to a really long one.
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[Last edited by eb0ny at 03-04-2008 12:18 PM]
03-01-2008 at 06:48 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (0)  
My entry was not included.

The DROD number is your login name which is recognisable, can be worn as a tattoo and shouldn't require much blood.

The translation to a number involves asking for your DROD number in this thread.

The set of possible usernames covers the required amount of potential players on the planet.

I had posted this earlier but just reminding everyone of my entry.
03-01-2008 at 09:10 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (0)  
Syntax wrote:
My entry was not included.
Syntax, you didn't say "For submission" in a post to formally submit it. I asked for this distinction so I wouldn't have to worry about giving consideration to number systems that were not intended to be submitted.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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03-01-2008 at 10:49 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+6)  
I started writing comments on each one, but by the second and third sessions the comment quality was starting to sag a lot. So I think I'll try and be more generic instead.

It took me a few starts to come up with a marking scheme that seemed to work. I rated each test out of 5 and then scaled the total to a score out of 10, and after a bit of thought settled on these scores for the tests:
Aesthetics: This one was subjective, but generally the abstract ones ranked higher than character-based ones.
Elegance: The baseline here was just writing the number in decimal. More efficient than that scored 3-5, less scored 0-2. In hindsight this led to some bunching of elegance scores, but I didn't feel like making up another system and re-rating everyone (and it's only 1/4 of the final score).
Encodability and decodability: If I could do it in my head, 4 or 5. If I could do it making notes on paper, 2 or 3. If I'd need a computer, 0 or 1.

Note that for the last test we're talking about me, so despite a few comments in the competition thread about bases, the harder a system was to get to from decimal the lower it scored. Conversion to binary/ternary/octal/base-59 was an automatic 'on paper' for the last two tests.

One general thing I noticed -- having to count digits before starting (e.g. to group them into 3s, or pad with leading zeros) makes the encoding process harder. Starting with the least significant digit had the same effect. Lots of people did it (including me), but the systems where it wasn't required (like calamarain's, which padded at the end) were easier to just jump in and start writing.

On the decoding side of things, having to scan for stuff rather than just reading off digits in order makes decoding hard. zex20913's system was the biggest example of this, but it cropped up in a few others to a lesser extent (like mine again). I think the scanning also adds a risk that you'll completely miss a digit when reading.

My favourites (in order of entry): Dischorran's Abstract Linear, Jutt's Contour Script, Maurog's In Plain Sight, Tim's Circular Lines and eb0ny's Bent Pins. They all looked tattooable and were still really easy to encode and decode.

More specific comments on some of the systems are below. I've commented on just the bits I found interesting, but I considered the other tests as well when scoring.

Chalks' Alphabet System: I got my head around the encoding and decoding in the end, but why did you do it this way in particular? My first thought when I looked at the rules was along the lines of "ugh, this is complicated". So I sat down and worked out 00 through 99 as letters, and I still thought that. There is a pattern in there but I can't help but think it would've been simpler if z was 00, a-y was 01-25, A-Y was 26-50, a.-y. was 51-75 and A.-X. was 76-99. It wouldn't add anything to the length, but the mental arithmetic for encoding gets simpler (and you can get rid of the commas).

Maurog's Gaming the System System: As Maurog predicted, a perfect 50%! I actually wanted to make this 4.9 because the arrowhead on the small arrow is superfluous, but votes are limited to integers.

calamarain's Shorthand Lines: As I mentioned above, I really liked the end-padding with a 'blank' symbol. Unfortunately that was more than made up for by the conversion to octal.

Sillyman's Sword System: My head hurt thinking about encoding and decoding this one. If I had to write numbers in this, I think there'd be a lot of 100s and 10s in use, and at that point the efficiency nosedives -- it's like writing each digit in scientific notation but without being able to write 10^18 instead of 1000000000000000000. I didn't rate its efficiency on just that particular case, but I think I'd struggle to use it in other cases.

mrimer's Base 1000: With this one I wondered how likely someone is to misread a handwritten 100 as a 200 or similar. I think that as soon as you go past 8 directions on something it gets a lot harder to judge the angles accurately unless there are reference markings to measure against.

Jutt's Contour Script: This was one of my favourites. I actually found it easier to consider the digits as being filled in squares on the grid rather than lines (so encoding is just working out which squares should be filled in and then drawing the outline of that area).

zex20913's Number and Place: The idea of representing magnitude as a symbol rather than a location was interesting, but as I mentioned above I think it makes decoding more difficult.

Rabscuttle's Self-Solving Room: I so wanted to be able to score this higher than I did because it's so different, but I couldn't rig the scoring system to make it work. Sorry Rabs -- great idea, but I wouldn't want to be learning my times tables with it.

Nuntar's first two systems: I think the lack of a zero made these a lot harder to work with -- it took me a long time to start to get my head around all the 99s (and even now I'm mostly just taking Nuntar's word for it).

[Last edited by Tuttle at 03-03-2008 09:31 PM]
03-02-2008 at 06:19 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+7)  
Some notes. Most of this is literally the notes I took while going through the entries.

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[Last edited by Znirk at 03-03-2008 10:12 PM : Jutt is on to something there. Secreted comments for length.]
03-02-2008 at 09:50 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+10)  
Finally evaluated all the entries and voted. It took quite a while, but it's all done now.
When the poll's closed my notes and ratings for all of the entries can be seen below.

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Holds: An Architects Audition, Artful Architecture, Salamander, Elusive Exhibitions, Leftover Levels, Six Times Six
Collaborative: Way Forward, Advanced Concepts 2
Styles/Mods: Basalt, Sandstone, Garden, Clock using game elements
03-03-2008 at 09:07 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (0)  
How do you use that This message will be revealed in 1 week, 4 days thing? I need to know before I can use any polls like this without spoilers.
03-03-2008 at 10:14 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (0)  
Neathro wrote:
How do you use that This message will be revealed in 1 week, 4 days thing? I need to know before I can use any polls like this without spoilers.
For right-here-right-now, you can copy and paste the code from the second post in this thread. For general usage of the unhidetime tag, check the forum help (right underneath the "CaravelNet Forum" image, between FAQ and Member List).
03-03-2008 at 10:19 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+9)  
03-07-2008 at 09:57 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+7)  
I just spent a few hours wading through this.

My scores for the entries:
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The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.

[Last edited by Tim at 03-11-2008 04:23 PM]
03-11-2008 at 04:22 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (0)  
Ooooh, I was close :S Fifth place :)

My Holds
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03-14-2008 at 04:04 PM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (0)  
Wow when this thread unhide's it is going to be very very long...

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
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03-15-2008 at 08:23 AM
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File: ContestResults 2008-01.xls (15 KB)
Downloaded 42 times.
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+5)  
Okay, because I don't have better things to do, I have compiled the results of the contest. I used excel to format the list, so if you see any mistakes, blame excel. I have attached the original file.

UPDATE: Because I am completist type of person, I also added info on the extra question and total vote count.

 1 - Tim's Circular Lines               9,13
 2 - Jutt's Contour Script              8,40
 3 - eb0ny's Bent Pins	                8,07
 4 - Maurog's In Plain Sight	        8,00
 5 - calamarain's Shorthand Lines	7,73
 6 - mrimer's Base 1000	                7,67
 7 - Znirk's Spiralling System	        7,67
 8 - Golfrman's Pentagon Quadrants	7,53
 9 - Tuttle's (Five) Rings	        7,53
10 - Remlin's Drodlish	                7,47
11 - Elfstone's System	                7,47
12 - Someone Else's In A Circle	        7,33
13 - techant's My Simple Code	        7,27
14 - Nuntar's First System	        7,27
15 - zex20913's Number and Place	7,20
16 - eb0ny's Tetris Blocks	        7,20
17 - Dischorran's Abstract Linear	6,93
18 - Nuntar's Second System	        6,93
19 - RuAdam's Octagon System	        6,87
20 - eb0ny's DNoD.IP	                6,60
21 - captainzakku's DROD Number	        6,60
22 - Nuntar's Third System	        6,40
23 - Coppro's Sihmpuhl Numbers	        6,13
24 - Chalks' Alphabet System	        5,93
25 - Coppro's Unoriginal System	        5,87
26 - hartleyhair's The Two Circles	5,80
27 - Sillyman's Sword System	        5,73
28 - Sillyman's EENHADINUMS	        5,53
29 - Tim's Trivial System	        5,27
30 - Maurog's Gaming the System System	5,13
31 - Rabscuttle's Self-Solving Room	4,87

People that voted twice                                       0
People that want rules to be written at the top of the poll   1
People that knew the rules before voting                      1
People that ROCK!                                             3
People that honestly read the rules                          10


[I've awarded prizes for this contest -- mrimer]

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[Last edited by mrimer at 04-08-2008 04:25 PM]
03-15-2008 at 09:07 AM
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icon Re: How do you rate the DROD Number Depictions? (+1)  
I didn't vote in this one; I was a little overwhelmed by the number of submissions, and I was busy, etc. etc. I figured I'd wait and see how things fell out.

Answer: really, really well. The winning entry really is astonishing in its simplicity and clarity. Terrific job!
03-15-2008 at 10:51 AM
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