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icon Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (0)  
NOTE: This hold is complete! Go get it in the Holds forum here if you want to see the final version.

Attached to this post is a small hold themed around repeating rooms and rooms influencing other rooms.

Believe it or not, I had the idea for this hold before learning of the existence of seeding beacons, so I came up with an entirely different, variable-managed idea for how the player might have to repeat a room in order to clear it. I was originally going to have this as a level in Xindaris' First Hold, but I decided it had too much of its own stuff to manage and just didn't really fit.

The hold is a straight, linear run: 12 rooms on the first floor you have to pass through (though in some cases this requires entering the room more than once), 12 rooms on the second floor you clear and drop a bridge in, and then 12 rooms on the first floor again, clearing each using the bridges dropped from the second floor.

Each of the rooms in each floor is designed to be an "echo" of the room above/below it, by having similar elements used in a different way. Each room on the first floor is "bi-directional", allowing the player to pass through in either direction, but not necessarily making it easy. At least one room, however, requires the player to enter from a particular direction in order to actually clear it.

I consider this hold finished as far as having every room I want in it and being fully solvable, but as usual I would like it tested by other people for things like unintended solutions, backtracking issues, badly placed/nonexistent checkpoints, and anything else that's broken.

Updated 8X so far

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 04-29-2016 06:22 PM]
12-17-2015 at 06:23 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (0)  

I see 10 downloads but no commentary yet. Is that a good sign or a bad one?

Well, I'll just note that as long as this is in architecture, I'm perfectly willing to provide hints or even demos in this thread for anyone having trouble with a room. This hold does contain some of the hardest rooms I think I've ever made.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 01-05-2016 02:00 AM]
01-05-2016 at 01:57 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
One of those means that I was interested in it but keep having trouble finding time to play it.

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01-05-2016 at 05:24 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+3)  
Okay. I've done my first pass through the first level. I started on the 2nd level and will try to post some comments on that when I finish.

General: The concept is an interesting one and I think you do a good job making it very clear what is going on and what the consequences are of hitting persistence orbs etc. The scripting seems to be working so far, though I haven't tried super hard to break it. One aspect that should not be overlooked is that since you will be passing through almost all the rooms on the first level without clearing them, the game won't automatically save a demo. It may be a good idea to remind the player that they can save demos manually by hitting F4 (I sure wish I had remembered to do this!)

Notes on first floor
1W: This is a good introductory room to how persistence orbs work. I wish the passages on the top and bottom had been a tiny bit less squiggly. Having to constantly jut up and down to get through them adds nothing to the difficulty and is a tad annoying.

2W: Possibly my favorite room so far. There is some neat roach manipulation with a bit of a lynchpin in figuring out how to get them past some of the plates. I know I strictly speaking didn't have to do this on my first run through, but it was fun to do and the persistence mechanic makes it so that it's not a waste to do so. Great room.

1S2W: This one feels very JtRH like in a good way.

2S2W: Not mush to do here on the first pass through, but that's okay.

2S1W: Oh dear. This room was a bit much. I actually thought the trapdoor/tunnel maze itself wasn't bad. But having to go through more than once in order to hit persistence orbs, all while being harassed by water skippers, got a bit tiresome. Just be aware that water skipper nests are almost universally thought to be one of the most annoying elements due to their rapid spawn rate. It's not a terrible room, but perhaps the idea of this one could be gotten across more succinctly. With a smaller maze perhaps, or with the ability to kill all but one of the skipper nests on the first run through.

2S: Nice little room. I got the adder to kill both brains and shrink itself down to 5 tiles before even stepping on the first disarm token, not sure if that is unintended or will break the room when I enter for the 2nd time. You do not need the force arrows on any of the tokens (i.e. at (2,15), (2,18), (11,11), (27.21), (35,14), and (35,16) ). The force arrows at these locations can be safely removed, making it much easier to see the tokens.

2S1E: Possibly unintended solution:
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2S2E: I liked this one a lot. It wasn't supper strict about efficiency which I appreciate. In fact, I was almost able to do the very last bit with a powder keg to spare! I could have done it with one more free space. This room was a pleasure.

1S2E: I was able to clear this room on my first run through by re-entering through the north. I'm not sure if that is intentional or not.

2E: Nothing to do here on the first run through.

1E: Oh dear me no! This room was just a chore. I usually love serpent manipulation, but maneuvering the platforms around as much as I needed to here was just tedious. Perhaps there is an easier way, but it took me several thousand turns total to get through this. I'm a big fan of symmetry and all, but I think the general idea could be gotten across using half the number of snakes/plates and the room would be much better for it.

Actually, now that I give this room an other look I possibly did it wrong. I used the rattle serpents to set off the plates, but it looks like they are persistence plates. I had forgotten that was a thing since I hadn't seen them in a while It's probably easier to just get the red serpent to set off the four plates sequentially by re-entering the room, but I'm too tired of this room to try it properly now. I still think this one would be better if you had just two plates that required triggering instead of four.

I hope this is helpful! I'll try to provide feedback on level 2 and the 2nd pass through level 1 later. On the whole I am enjoying it so far though.

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01-17-2016 at 04:31 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
Thank you for the comments. I feel I should respond to some of them...

I'll mention F4 in another scroll or somesuch, sure. My demo pack has demos for the "multi-pass" rooms labeled things like "first pass", "second pass", etc.

1W: Would it be a good idea to remove the up-down pegs and just have a long hallway on the top and bottom areas? I'm not sure whether this would make the room easier or harder, but I'm not too opposed to doing that if you think it would make it less annoying. I fear the room above this one is going to elicit an "oh dear me no!" from you though.

2S1W: When I tested this room (and I've done so pretty extensively) I found that the skippers around created some specific moments of puzzle toughness on just how to manipulate Beethro's and the sword's positions to survive a needed move along the trapdoor maze that I thought were neat. But if it's going to be found tedious in general by folks, what I could do is put some disabled arrows around the skipper nests and place orbs on bridges next to certain trapdoors that close those arrows one at a time. This means the player hasn't killed any nests but those ones won't be able to spawn either.

2S: I'll get rid of the token arrows. I tend to be OCD with that stuff sometimes, but I do understand wanting the tokens clearer and they sure aren't necessary.

2S1E: It's actually designed to have not enough fluff for the player to make a fully stable formation on the first pass; the extra fluff needed for a stable formation is floating over the pit for now. Either way, I think your method of
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is clever enough I don't mind it too much.

I'm almost certain we'll have more to say about this room at solving time.

Did you walk on the floor spikes at (10, 5)? More to the point, could I make it impossible to do what you did to clear this room by placing a southeast force arrow on that tile?

You put a decoy on the eastern pressure plate, right? I was actually concerned because my first pass demo for this room is nearly identical to the first as many moves of my "victory" pass, and I'm actually pretty strongly inclined to just let clever players do that the first time through and not have to "solve the first half of this room twice".

Yes, the intended solution is just to use the snake to push the plates because they're persistent. Maybe I could put a scroll in this room's east end to hint that you don't need the rattlesnakes on the first pass, or even outright prevent the player from pulling them out unless the bridge is down somehow?

I think your concerns about the rattlesnake pushing will still come into play on the victory run through this room, though. I could dampen the blow a bit by picking out which two rattlesnakes I think are the most difficult to get into place and putting firetraps for the other two to ram into instead of the player needing to do the thing I originally had here.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 01-17-2016 05:23 AM]
01-17-2016 at 05:18 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
I am at 2S1W right now and I'll probably give up in a minute or two because, really, the waterskippers don't add anything do the puzzle - they only make testing various hypotheses tedious. I like that I have this complex maze in front of me, but I don't like it enough to bother with the waterskippers. Frankly I believe this room would be best with no monsters at all.

I think the main problem is that with the whole room setup it's difficult to think too far ahead without missing stuff so you have to give it a practical test. Which is obstructed by the waterskippers, and when you finally deal with them and see that you've made a mistake all the effort to combat them was wasted.

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[Last edited by skell at 01-17-2016 12:29 PM]
01-17-2016 at 10:53 AM
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File: 2S1W Case Testing.hold (3.7 KB)
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+2)  

I dunno, I feel like the room would be too easy without any skippers at all, but it's possible I'm just so used to the room having them and knowing the solution to the room that I don't know what's what.

So, to this post I've attached something to hopefully test what would be the best idea.

There are four versions of the room here: Original, original but with orbs that enable some force arrows that block off the nests along the way (as I proposed earlier), just one skipper nest, and no nests at all. I'd like to know which one actually works best for other people in practice. In the second one, I didn't think too hard about where to place the orbs; if this seems like a good idea I'll test it myself and try to figure out what's actually the best placement.

This is just a rudimentary testing thing, so the same variables apply to all 4 versions. There is an orb that resets all variables, one that opens the persistent orb doors (I'd suggest using this since to me the main sticking point is the actual "drop all trapdoors" puzzle and you don't need to drop all trapdoors to push both persistent orbs), and in the east rooms a button that drops the bridge, simulating what happens when the player goes upstairs, solves a separate puzzle, and then returns to actually clear the room.

Please let me know what seems like the best idea from this...or if there's another version you think would work even better.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 01-17-2016 03:02 PM]
01-17-2016 at 03:00 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
Alright, I played through the single-waterskipper version then through the original and these are my thoughts.

This room takes a moment to figure out. It's not something super hard, but being able to experiment directly with the room helps. Not being able because of the waterskippers is, frankly ,very annoying. But I have a perfect solution.
First of all add enabled force arrows that prevent the nests from spawning.
Then make it so that hitting the first persistent orb will unlock two of the next.
Then the second orb should unlock the other two.

This way you'll have two separate puzzles in a single room not interfering with each other. The first puzzle is to figure out how to move through the maze. The second puzzle is, once you had the chance to figure things out, is to go through it under the barrage of waterskippers.

Everyone is happy.


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01-17-2016 at 05:15 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+2)  
I got to 1E and... Nope. Let me give you comments on the rooms so far:

1W: very nice introduction to the concept of persistence. My only complains is what Insoluble already mentioned. I'd consider getting those orbs a little bit closer because there is absolutely no challenge in this room, so you might as well make it quicker to go through.

2W: I ignored this room completely. Not sure if that's bad or good, but I wanted to see what's next and it wasn't required :D.

1S2W: Just your generic clear the tar room, not much to say about it.

2S2W: I pushed the fegundo from the top-right corner and placed a powder keg there, then went on.

2S1W: I already elaborated on this one.

2S: I used the fact that the rightmost pressure plate closes the door by standing on the left pressure plate while guiding the added to press it. This way when I stepped off my plate the door was opened.

2S1E: I used the puff from the bottom to build a slightly longer nook for the briar so that when it grew it hit the NE plates first.

2S2E: I liked this room but I disliked the symmetry, it basically meant doing the same thing twice in the second half of the room. Not sure how it could be fixed.

1S2E: This room was awfully confusing and a visual mess. It's not a bad room, but I think if 90% of the hot tiles, fire traps and spikes were replaced with regular floor or walls the readability would skyrocket.

2E: I liked this one a lot, although the floor was very tiring to my eyes.

1E: I am just... No. I figured out you need to enter this room 4 times, once for each pressure plate but there is no way in heavens I will ever finish this room. I did one plate in ~1000 turns. If there were at least one clone to help you, that would be more palatable but the way it is now I'll nope until I run out of breath.

Overall I like the general concept, the rooms so far vary between average and good but the most important thing is I want to play this more, I am really digging the mechanic and the general premise of the hold. Just that we are clear, I am not trying to pressure you into changing any of the rooms nor am I saying no one will enjoy them, but I just don't have enough time anymore to play games to care to play things I don't enjoy :).

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01-17-2016 at 06:21 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
1W: This is supposed to be a fairly easy brained-roach-management-while-moving thing, but not so easy that it's just boring/tedious. I'm conflicted on whether to try and make it harder or easier, though I get the impression it would be liked better as what it is if it were easier, so I may just go with that.

2W: Ignoring is fine, you just have to do both "parts" of the puzzle when going through the victory run.

2S1W: I like this idea a lot, probably going to implement it.

2S2E: I'm not sure which symmetry you mean? Possible slight spoiler:
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Maybe that addresses the concern here?

1S2E: I can't say I know much about how to make a room look good, but most of the elements serve a mechanical purpose: You can't turn your sword or stand still on the hot tiles, you have to time your movement across some of the spikes to push some relevant orbs, orbs are paired up on spikes so that you only have to toggle one of the pair to make something on.
The best I could do without feeling like I broke the puzzle is replace most/all of the firetraps that can't be deactivated with walls, but even then I feel like I'd be going somewhat against the theme of this room and the one above it (though that one is mostly pits, so it might not look as bad?). I am going to think about this some more, though.

2E: Would it be better if I put the standard tiled "Floor" floor in the west end and just used what's there on the wider east area that doesn't see too much use anyway?

1E: My average of the first four passes (pushing each button with the snake, ignoring the rattlers) is slightly under 500 moves each. However, I'm getting the sense that even including the skipper room this is the most-disliked, though, so I am officially looking into ways to make it less painful. Would it be better to make more conveniently-shaped rafts or to remove some of the obstructions to the rafts?

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 01-17-2016 07:57 PM]
01-17-2016 at 07:57 PM
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File: P First Floor 1S2E Victory.demo (3.7 KB)
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
1W: By the time you enter this room you're already taught the persistence mechanics so I think this would benefit from having some cool puzzle added.

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1S2E: The thing is the hot tiles don't change anything. Nothing stops the player from reorienting their weapon on the tunnel or on the spikes (or on disabled fire trap). Frankly I am really failing to see what's the puzzle meant to be here, because after I parsed the visual mess I was able to go through easily. Also I just noticed that Insoluble mentioned he completed this room by leaving north and coming back - you can do this room without leaving (attached demo).

2E: Sure, sounds like a good idea!

1E: As with any platform-tetris puzzle the main issue is how tedious and time-consuming it is to move two platforms together. because of their funny shapes and because of various obstacles all over the water the process is longer than usual. I could easily take less turn than 1000 to do this but I'd exchange time I waste mashing buttons on time wasted moving carefully, and the net effect would be I spent a lot of time dragging the platforms around. One simple improvement would be adding 1 tile wide to increase mobility. You could also add a pre-placed clone to make it a bit easier to move things around, thought that would only help so much. Other than that I can't really think of anything other than completely reworking the concept of this room, sorry.

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01-17-2016 at 08:28 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
For now, I've put up an intermediary update on the first post. Please ignore the non-required copies of rooms; those are backups while I potentially scrap and rebuild/add stuff to/do something to the relevant rooms.

1E: Probably refactoring this in some major way, I'll need to work with it for a while though. I added a tester's bypass tunnel while I decide what to do with the idea/room.

2S1W: It turns out nests have always been able to spawn against force arrows (I guess?), so I needed to add slightly more floor around the nests in addition to the arrows in that room to actually prevent the skippers from escaping. It broke my old demos but I re-tested it on the first few passes at least and it looks like it should still be quite solvable, possibly even a little easier to manage, with the slight bit of extra floor blocking the skippers' movements.

1W: I'll think of adding some more puzzle to this, need some time for a good inspiration on something that fits its "theme" shared with the room above it.

2S2E: I could make part 3 less annoying by making that area slightly wider and easier to maneuver through, as it isn't really the main point of this room; as for part 4...
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1S2E: As I think more on what my idea for this room originally was I seem to recall just wanting to use the "trap" elements in a puzzle and not really having a concrete idea of what to do with them here. I think this room was supposed to more "scare" the player with so much traps but really it's just a small movement puzzle or something, and the room above it actually uses them in a (hopefully) more competent way. I think I might just make a brand new puzzle with those elements here in the same general vein, but maybe more compelling and hopefully less ugly to you. For now I plugged the erroneous leak in this room with a southeast force arrow, so that demo no longer works at least, but it's probably not even going to matter soon.

109th Skywatcher

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01-17-2016 at 09:08 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
Thanks for the shortcut! Now the comments for second floor:

The Entrance: I came, I saw, I left east.

1E: That room was mostly fine. The beginning was a little fiddly, but the rest was certainly neat.

2E: Now this is an example of a very entertaining platform puzzle. My only complaint is that you need a specific platform to enter the arrows passage, which doesn't really add anything to the puzzle. And, a visual thing, how about moving the conquer token off the last arrow?

1S2E: So, to make the long story short, I have two main issues here. The first one is that it is possible to fail to kill one of the eyes and only notice it once you clear the whole thing. One way to fix it is to place pressure plates instead of arrows which do something bad. Or at the very least remove the eye at (33,16) because it's very missable.

The second issue is the firetraps. I don't know if there is a smarter way to solve it, but what I did was realize that there are two cycles, 10 turn and 12 turn cycle, so that gives 5 different cases before the whole thing loops. Once I knew it I just bruteforced my way into each segment until I did it right and it wasn't really fun.

On the other hand I really liked the first part of the room, and the hot tiles were also neat, it's the middle that I hate.

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01-19-2016 at 06:58 PM
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File: P Second Floor 2S2E Victory.demo (8.8 KB)
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+2)  
I just saw that you replied to my comments and have made some changes to the hold. I'll take a look at the new level 1 a bit later. It sounds as though you found a good compromise for 2S1W which makes me happy :) I did indeed just put the decoy on the plate for 2E, but it's no big deal for a room or two to be an easy pass through on the first round. My solution for 1S2E would indeed be impossible if there were an arrow blocking me at (10, 5). I'll take a look at the update to see how all these things have changed.

Comments for Level 2.

1E: I liked this a lot. Fun serpent manipulation that was mostly pretty forgiving.

2E: I agree with skell. This room was lots of fun! I also agree with moving the last token to the east of the last arrow to make it more clear what is going on visually. I think a bit of a consensus is starting to form in the DROD community that force arrows on top of tokens should be avoided if possible. It's just very hard to read. It is also impossible to go back through this room to the west once you have passed south. I'm not sure if that really matters though since you are supposed to be circling around clockwise.

1S2E: I actually enjoyed this room for the most part, but agree with skell again that syncing up the 10 turn cycle with the 12 turn cycle gets old pretty fast, It's a neat trick for the first orb strike, but after that you've made your point and there's no real reason to use the same trick for the next couple of orbs. I would recommend keeping one of the orb/fire trap paths that require this but nixing the others. I also didn't use the orb at (19,26) at all. Possibly unintended?

2S2E: Unintended Solution. You can re take the sword before placing the mimic potion. This allows you to clear the room and leave without having to drop the trap door or use most of the stuff in the room. (See attached demo.) This is actually a serious issue since it means it's possible to move to the next room without dropping the bridge. Clearing the room makes it impossible to drop the bridge which seems like it could lead to a lot of unhappiness later on in the re-play of the first floor (depending on how the scripting works).
EDIT: I should mention it is possible to keep the sword and still drop the trapdoors with the mimic. I've solved this room several ways now and still am pretty sure that I haven't done it the intended way.

2S1E: Interesting room for the most part, but the black doors that enforce using the briar to destroy all the tar make for quite a long room (1000+ moves in my demo). The fact that you have to essentially do the same thing twice is also a bit much. I like symmetry as much as the next guy, but it may be more interesting if you put in a way to deal with one half of the room in a different way.

2S: I really like that I have an extra golem here. Perhaps you could make it a challenge to not have the adder eat any of them, but it's nice to have that not be strictly required. This is a nice demonstration that brained adders will treat golem rubble as an obstacle because it is brain visible while unbrained adders will tend to plow through it.

2S1W: This is the room that made me want to stop playing :( I think you probably guessed that already though.

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[Last edited by Insoluble at 01-20-2016 04:53 AM]
01-20-2016 at 04:30 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
I've put another small update on the first post; this post mentions what the changes are alongside responding to comments...

Second Floor--

2E: I've made the suggested changes to the conquer token island (shape-wise and token-wise). I also put in some simple tunnels to go from the south entrance to the west entrance, just in case the player wants to.

What's funny is I first came up with the idea in a larger space, didn't like it (it was way too easy), and just tried decreasing the space the player had to move the platforms in and this version popped out.

1S2E: The room is supposed to cycle between places where one of the three traps is the "hazard" and one of the others is "safety": Spikes/Hot tiles, Firetraps/spikes, Hot tiles/spikes (because there's no non-boring way to make firetraps a "safe" tile). When testing this for myself, I tended to think of the orb part of the second section as "training" and the part to the west of that where you need to stab two eyes as "the real puzzle" of the section, as it is tougher to time that one correctly (and I was basically using trial and error, never really thought about it as deeply as what numbers the cycles represented). But if it is too tedious I guess I can either remove it or figure out some way to make it more compelling? I'm marking it as "needs thought" for now.

As far as the eyes on their own platforms go, would it help if I used some special lighting to hint at where you need to look out for eyes and deal with them? I don't mind going the disabled arrows route too, but there would still be a little bit the player would have to redo on messing it up just for me to guarantee the player isn't already past said arrows.

2S2E: I changed the entry to the "puzzle area" of this room, it broke your exploit demo and should break any exploit of its kind, hopefully. The eye was kind of out of place thematically in this room anyhow. And all without putting an arrow on the dagger token, too! I verified that the bit of space lost to the player doesn't make the room or its challenge impossible.

2S1E: My first instinct is to say "you're solving it wrong, my demos don't even break 400." I'm really not even sure what same thing you're doing twice. But I understand it's still a flaw of the room if a dumb, slow solution still solves it...
I think if I can devise a way to shield a single 2x2 of (well, initially) tar on each side of the room from the briars it should make that tedious solution impossible and necessitate what I actually have in mind here..probably something with corner pits. Marking this to be changed in some way, at any rate.

2S: To be honest I pretty consistently needed the extra one as I'd end up in situations with a golem right up on me and no way to get away from it and/or the adder ate one before I could do anything about it. Just to be sure, you found absolutely no way whatsoever to enter the room and not have a stick, nor to go to the post-bridge section of the room while still holding a stick. Right?
Also, it's not in the just-uploaded change but I am going to move the disabled force arrows that get toggled so there isn't one directly on top of the token. I know you didn't complain about it in this room specifically but I saw a way to do it and thought "might as well".

2S1W: I had guessed you'd have trouble with a different room, but I can see this one as well. I'm tempted to say "it's easier than it looks" even though I don't know exactly how hard it looks to you.
The main point of this room is killing nests quickly at first and then taking advantage of the way brained skippers chase you around when they can't reach you (when on the pit platforms) and of the fact that rafts block their movement off. My average demo length is ~750 moves, I don't know if that's unreasonable or not.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 01-20-2016 06:34 PM]
01-20-2016 at 06:32 PM
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Regarding 1S2E: I like the overall idea of how you have the fire traps set up to be off-cycle with the spike traps. You can brute force it as you say, but it is also a logical enough puzzle that you can think your way through as well. I think the problem is that it's basically the same trick three times in a row. Once the player has figured out how to hit the orb, the two eyes on pressure plates are basically the same puzzle.

One thing I would recommend is embracing a less-is-more attitude about architecture* If you can pull off a puzzle with two rattle serpents, do it with two, not four. In this case, you could probably pull off the puzzle quite elegantly without having the bit with the orb and just having the bit with the eyes. You could probably simplify it further without making it any easier to figure out. It's up to you, though, and if you really want to have several different sub goals in this area you can keep it the way it is. I think that most players prefer a more minimalist approach though. In other words, don't feel like you have to fill the whole room up with puzzle, sometimes a smaller puzzle with no redundancy is better.

Regarding 2S1E: I was indeed solving it wrong. I only noticed by looking back at the room that there is a tarstuff switcher token that would let me destroy all the tarstuff without letting briar overgrow the room (which is what I was doing). I tried the room again the correct way and was just over 400 moves, possibly because I didn't use the mirrors at all. I suspect they are supposed to be there to either hold down the plate or block some of the babies or both. I would strongly recommend removing the arrows from the tarstuff switcher tokens since they make them very hard to read and aren't necessary given the other arrows around them.

I can verify that 2S: Is possible without letting the adder eat any of the golems. Possible challenge?

2S1W: is indeed easier than it looks. It still wasn't a favorite of mine, but it wasn't all that bad. I just didn't attempt it the first time because that many water skipper nests in one room is a bit of a turn off for me. :)

New business

2S2W: I honestly didn't dislike this room even though it had a builder (which I usually hate). it had some interesting puzzles with the platforms. It did feel as though it dragged on in the end though, especially the bit where you have to get the four platforms at the far west side of the room over to the builder so that he can build a path through to the exit for you. That final bit felt very anticlimactic since it was fairly simple to do but took a while to actually get everything in place.

1S2W: This rooms seemed somewhat underdeveloped compared to the rest. I put the clone on the northernmost row of the room (just north of the green door) and didn't use the east side of the room at all. Did I somehow break things?

2W: I really liked this one. I swapped back and forth from the pickaxe to the spear then back to the pickax again at the end. I'm not sure if you had intended for me to keep the pickaxe for good once I picked it up the first time. It may have been quicker come to think of it.

1W: I was wondering when persistence orbs would show up again! This room was very much a Hack & Slash, but it was pretty fun for that style. It did go on for a bit long, but once I realized that I was intended to use all the persistence orbs it was never overly frustrating.

The Entrance: Very straightforward serpent manipulation, but I gather you intended this to be less of a puzzle room and more of a level entrance.

One last thought. I really appreciate the tunnels in each room that allow for easy back tracking once the room has been cleared. This will allow for easy access to any bridges that were missed on the first pass through.

*(though not in the way Mies van der Rohe intended)

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01-23-2016 at 07:14 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+2)  
Another update has been uploaded. The changes are:
First Floor 1W: Completely new puzzle here. It's about manipulating brained roaches onto buttons; it has five "stages" but the first one is easy, all but the last two can be solved either really quickly if you get the trick to them or with a huge crowd of roaches, and the last one is intended to bluff the player into thinking they have to do the same thing as all the others, when in fact the player has to do something slightly different. The fact the player doesn't have to clear the room on the first pass means they can safely trap roaches inside doors without having to worry about freeing them later, which helps.

Second Floor 1S2E: I changed the "main" firetrap part to just have one path to the orb, but I made the path slightly longer and trickier because I still felt like the original way that part went was a little too easy. I also added pressure plates to all of the missable eye paths that close off disabled force arrows fairly close to where the player is, and put a specific warning scroll for the player to notice the eye at 33, 16.

Both, 2S1E: Removed the arrows on the tarstuff tokens in both of these rooms. The second floor room now also has a section of tar that must be turned to mud and cut on each "side" of the room, to make it necessary to not just wait for the briar to kill everything instead of just more efficient.
I can't think of any way to take the arrows off of the "room entry" weapon tokens in these rooms without messing them up slightly, but I feel like it's not as big a deal since the player is just going to have to walk through those tiles anyway?

Comments (second floor):
2S2E: Have you tried/figured out the "intended" solution yet, now that I plugged the whole "bring a sword in" debacle?

2S: I'll go on and add the challenge if I can figure out how exactly to script it. Mainly I'm just not sure how to script "wait for adder to eat something" as it doesn't seem to be among the standard list of events.

2S2W: I could probably remove or restructure the water obstacles on the west end so it's just a matter of bringing the platforms over to the east without any excess tedium. I do want the builder to walk all the way up and build the bridges but I'm fine with cutting out any annoyance after the "main part" of this room.

2S1W: Ehh, I need to make something new here. It is ridiculously easy and it barely has anything to do with the room below it, even.

2W: I think there's at least one place after the pickaxe token area where the player is intended to use the spear, but I'm not sure if they have to. I do know it's possible to step on both trapdoors with the spear equipped, even though it was originally intended the east one could only be hit with a pickaxe.
Also, I actually made this room before the "10X10" contest was announced, and used its general idea to come up with the Bomb Garden (my entry in that one).

1W: I'm glad this one wasn't too terrible for you. Its original incarnation was really bad, mainly just because the bridges were completely unblocked at all times so the roaches harassed the player constantly throughout all passes. A lot of arrows and other controls were added to make the intimidating number of roaches more manageable for a clever player after I started getting feedback on "way too many enemies" rooms in XFH.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 01-23-2016 05:24 PM]
01-23-2016 at 05:17 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
I made two new rooms to replace bad ones in the First Floor:

1S2E: This is now a different puzzle involving manipulating roaches on hot tiles without being able to turn your sword from either the S or N direction. The intent is that on the first pass the player comes in from the south and has their sword turned N, and then to actually complete the room the player has to solve it from the N with their sword facing S in order to be able to kill the brain. The latter is more or less the harder way to do it. So if the room can be cleared + a seeding beacon hit after entering from the S that's unintended, please let me know. It's also bad if there is any solution at all that involves not putting the mimic on the pressure plate directly to the west of the mimic potion.

1E: Differently-shaped rafts, slightly smaller water arena, far, far less obstructions, only 2 rattlesnakes/buttons the snake has to press. Hopefully this will be more pleasant to play without just plain being too easy. I also left in a scroll reminding the player about persistent pressure plates. Would like advice on the best places to put checkpoints in this room; for now I just scattered them in a cross pattern around where the bridge drops to.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 02-07-2016 09:36 PM]
02-07-2016 at 09:34 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+2)  
I'm playing through from scratch to see the changes and remind myself what's going on. Demos are attached in case you want to see them (thanks for the reminder scroll about F4 by the way!) Here are some comments (all on the first floor so far).
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[Last edited by Insoluble at 02-08-2016 09:28 AM]
02-08-2016 at 09:22 AM
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Yes, I altered 2S1W on Skell's suggestions after putting up that "case testing" thing several posts up: The island bits around the skipper nests are now squares instead of 2x1 or 1x2 rectangles and there are arrows that open up when the player hits certain orbs.

The penultimate section of 1W was a case of me doing "Arky-like architecture", not in that I couldn't solve it at all, but I consistently have trouble making it work right. Basically I was thinking there's probably a clever trick to doing that part that I haven't thought of yet. If there isn't one I may change it.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 02-08-2016 02:42 PM]
02-08-2016 at 02:40 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
Xindaris wrote:
Yes, I altered 2S1W on Skell's suggestions after putting up that "case testing" thing several posts up: The island bits around the skipper nests are now squares instead of 2x1 or 1x2 rectangles and there are arrows that open up when the player hits certain orbs.
Makes sense. I actually quite enjoy the room now.

Xindaris wrote:
The penultimate section of 1W was a case of me doing "Arky-like architecture", not in that I couldn't solve it at all, but I consistently have trouble making it work right. Basically I was thinking there's probably a clever trick to doing that part that I haven't thought of yet. If there isn't one I may change it.
I brute forced it. I mean, the trick is to get a roach caught in the trap to the far left, but it's super tricky to do and I couldn't figure out a good solid clear path to getting it so I just kept trying different things. It's not necessarily bad to have things like that, but it may not be the type of thing you want to put in the first room. Especially since the last bit of the room is a nice solid lynchpin that took me a while to figure out but was quite satisfying. It was a really cleaver bit of misdirection and I have to admit I only got it after reading through your suggestive description of the room indicating that something is slightly different about the last bit.

Okay, on to level 2:

Having replayed the hold, there are a few things I'll note about the second play through with the room changes. In general, I like that I can no backtrack completely now and drop any bridges that I may have missed the first time. I didn't see any rooms in which I could forget to drop a bridge in a way that couldn't be resolved by revisiting the room later, so that's good. I also appreciate that the tokens under arrows have been replaced with a clearer setup.

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All demos are attached. I tried to record demos for each pass through in multi pass rooms, but may have forgotten some. I'll try to play through round two of the first floor some time soon!

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02-15-2016 at 04:04 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (0)  
Okay, I'll probably try and think of something less annoying to put together for the penultimate section of 1F 1W.

2F 1S2W hasn't been changed yet, but I'm planning to. The copied room is shorthand to my future self for "replace this room with something better please".

Also, your solution to 2F 2S1E is even slightly cleverer than I anticipated. In my original "offical" solutions I tend to enter from the east, not drop all the trapdoors (letting the briar kill the mother), exit to the east, and then return on a separate trip and drop the bridge by having a baby step across a mirror bridge onto the needed button.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 02-15-2016 04:56 AM]
02-15-2016 at 04:53 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
Conquered. Before I mention anything else, I wanted to mention an important issue with the 2nd floor:2W. It's possible to leave the room to the east without conquering it, allowing you to return and hit the conquer token on move 2. You may want to make that impossible otherwise the room is somewhat trivial to get a high score in.

Here are some thoughts on the second pass through the first level.
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Closing thoughts:

I thought this was fun on the whole. The concept is definitely interesting, though the persistence orb idea is used a bit less that I thought it was going to be at first. The dropping of bridges to make the rooms on the first floor solvable is very nicely executed, and I think that concept was very well developed. A few of the rooms leaned toward the long side. I have a few demos with 1000+ moves, though some of those are my fault for suboptimal play. But on the whole it was quite fun and there was a good mix. I also notice that there also exactly zero rooms with gentryii in them. This is an ideal which not all architects are capable of achieving, so kudos for that. :D

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[Last edited by Insoluble at 02-16-2016 06:10 AM]
02-16-2016 at 06:04 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+2)  
Been meaning to reply here since you posted, but haven't had the time to go do things...

2F 2W: Changing this room so the player who's dropped the trapdoors can't leave until the room is clear, should fix the issue you brought up.

1F 2S1E: I was fiddling with and tweaking this room to try and fix the unintended solution you found and discovered it's fairly easy to solve the room in its present state without letting the mother spawn anything. I would like an opinion: Is this room better or worse if I force the player to leave one of the big gel clumps alone until after it turns into mud and starts spawning babies? I can fix the leak with or without doing this, but I'm not sure what would be better here.

1F 2W: You've spotted a coding error I missed! One command was checking for the wrong variable. Will be fixed next upload.

1F 2S2W: I think when I built this room I wanted the player to lure the goblins onto the force arrows in a manner that would kill as many of them as possible before they all swarmed out, but...I don't think just not killing most of them is as bad as I thought it would be? There's probably lots of ways to kill the goblins after letting most of them out. If this room is fun I'll keep it as-is, if it's actually uninteresting in this state I may have to rebuild it to somehow require slightly more clever manipulation pre-explosion.

1F 2S1W: Yess, this is why I'm so fond of this room's idea. It was fairly hard to design a bi-directional trapdoor room with arrows and orbs that do important things like that and I was really happy once I saw it was truly solvable from both direction. Though actually, when I designed this I didn't know you could retrace your steps quite that much and wound up with a slightly more complicated path from east to west that involves the use of that weird bridge at 4,22 to 4,26 and going north through the southwestmost tunnel twice and never south back to it again.

1F 2S2E: I hadn't thought of looping around, so I thought the player who takes in only 1 or 2 kegs would always wind up with one too many things to put on either 3 or 4 spaces (including Beethro himself). I'm adding "have an extra barrel" as a challenge because it seems like a good little bit of lateral thinking to me. The dagger token is supposed to be an "echo" of the way the room above this one looks. In 2F 2S2E there's a caber token well out of reach of the player but roughly where the dagger token is here, and a dagger token the player can reach roughly where the caber token is here. If the red door to the south has a risk of driving someone mad trying to open it I may remove it. Ideally the east arrows on the trapdoors next to the seeding beacons should make it clear you can't open red doors here, though.
Also, I just remembered I promised to widen the corridors in the "hold buttons, get kegs" section of this room. Better do that.

1F 1W: Still trying to think of a good way to fix the penultimate section. But I'd always intended it to be easy once the bridges are dropped, sort of like a reward once the player's gone to all the trouble of solving everything else and coming all the way back around to here. I'm not really even sure how to make the second pass harder beside trying to have the player retrace the first pass's solution or something.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 02-22-2016 09:22 PM]
02-22-2016 at 09:19 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
New Version Uploaded!


2F 2W:
Leak fix mentioned above is fixed, should now be impossible to leave east without clearing the room first.

1F 1W: Changed connections in the penultimate section to give the player more control over what doors are open and closed around there. It's now easier and I can do it consistently; not sure if it's too easy, but please give it a try.

1F 2W: Coding error mentioned above fixed.

1F 2S2E: Second section's corridors widened a bit to make it less tedious to push the kegs around; added challenge for having a barrel left over.

1F 2S1E: It's now impossible to clear this room without stepping on a token. For now the player can destroy all gel before doing so, but I've put in the "machinery" to not allow the player to do that aside from the connections necessary. Basically if I change it those disabled force arrows will be enabled by the buttons to transfer east-to-west or west-to-east and then can only be disabled by stepping on the tarstuff token. I should be able to do something to keep the player from bringing a baby from one section to another through the transfer buttons, and that would fix the leak without the orbs and the weird extra little rooms with spikes. Still awaiting opinions on this possible change.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 02-23-2016 08:30 PM]
02-23-2016 at 08:27 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (0)  
Another update! (I'm so glad multi-posting is frequently ok on this forum)

2F 1S2W: Brand new room placed here! Hopefully much more interesting than the one originally here. This room has a lot of potential vulnerabilities with the clone potion, so I'd really like a good leak test on it. Basically, is there any way at all to clear the room without placing the clone on one of the buttons that open the eastward arrows on the west end of the bridge?
Also, the black doors are supposed to be decorative. Please let me know if there's any exploit involving dropping them early on (by killing the mother eyes) and doing something funky by walking across them.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 02-27-2016 10:27 PM]
02-27-2016 at 10:25 PM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (+1)  
Sorry about taking so long to test out the new changes! Here are some opinions on things you asked for opinions on:

1F 2S1E: opinion: Hmm, I'm fine with the room being solvable either way. If preventing the gel from spawning babies involves cleaver optimization, then I say why not. I guess if it doesn't feel too broken to you you then sure, leave it as a possibility.

1F 2S2W: The room is okay as is, but the rooms surrounding it are definitely more interesting and involved. I'd welcome something a little bit more elaborate here, but I'm also fine with the room as is.

2F 1S2W: Interesting room. I didn't use the southwestern most branch at all. I don't think the tar gates make for anything unintended since you need to keep the babies (hence the mothers) alive to be able to get to them in the first place. One slight issue is that it is possible to clear the room without dropping the bridge. This is problematic since I can't see a way of dropping the bridge after the room has been cleared. This is somewhat of a backtracking issue since it is possible for me to accidentally clear the room without dropping the bridge, play through almost all of the rest of the hold, and only notice my mistake upon replaying the First floor 1s2w. At that point I would have to restore all the way back, negating all the progress I made. One fairly easy solution to this problem would be to include a seeding beacon behind a green door so that I could just reset the room if this happened.

All other changes look good.

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03-06-2016 at 05:40 AM
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icon Re: Persistence: Hold Testing Thread (0)  
2F 1S2W: Being able to clear the room without dropping all the trapdoors is actually a pretty big leak, and based on your demo it is because of one of those intended-to-be-decorative black doors. So I'm replacing that one with a wall. The southeast section was intended to only be passable if the player cuts down to exactly 4 gel babies (and it's a bit faster to enter/leave the east part of that section if you do, though I don't know if it makes up for the time it takes to kill 2 of them), but I think your clever toggling there requires basically figuring out the same thing to make work, so I'm fine with that.
Until I do some more work before uploading the version with a wall there, maybe see if there are any more leaks of that sort that occur when you pretend there's a wall in that 3x1 bit of black door in the southeast section?

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 03-06-2016 02:37 PM]
03-06-2016 at 02:35 PM
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Okay, so somehow I've managed to regress the state of 1F 1W to a point before I made the connections edit that made the penultimate section reliably solvable, and what's worse, I've spent about an hour trying to recreate the set of connections that works with no success.

If anyone happens to have a version of the hold one or two updates older (just about right before the new version of 2F 1S2W was built) still lying around, could you please upload it or send me PM with it or something? If I can't get this to work for much longer I'll have to do something else to that section to make it reasonable.

109th Skywatcher

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[Last edited by Xindaris at 03-29-2016 11:58 PM]
03-29-2016 at 11:57 PM
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The only versions I have seem to have the room in it's previous state. I don't think I ever got a chance to play through your final version sadly. Do you remember what you did? I tried fiddling around with the pressure plate connections on my own and nothing really seemed to strike a good balance.

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03-30-2016 at 03:32 AM
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