“A Strange Creature” is the reworked winning entry from the
Frankenstein's Wanderer contest, which was held back in June 2008.
There were plans on making a compilation hold, but they were abandoned, mostly because copying levels turned out to be a mess when there’s a custom monster involved. You can get all the other entries (and mine, if you want to see how it used to look)
I really like this hold, but a few rooms from the contest entry were really messy, and that’s why I decided to put down some effort to rework the hold. I think the quality it has now is definitely in line with my other stand-alone holds.
In the hold you can choose between two paths, one easier and one harder. And you’ll get two different stories depending on which path you take. I’ve chosen to mark the difficulty as I would the easier path because I think more people will try the hold that way. When rating the hold yourself, do whatever feels best for you.
Here’s some info about the wanderer:
Click here to view the secret text
×This is what Calamarain wrote about the wanders:
Click here to view the secret text
×- They will move towards a player in a similar manner to an aumtlich, able to move around 1-square obstacles. This includes your sword, though they don't dodge like a goblin. They are also deadly.
- You are required to kill all of them (and all other monsters) to end a room
- They are vulnerable to any normal method of monster killing - bombs, briar, swords, hooks, hot tiles, adders, bridges falling etc
- They can step on scrolls, but not potions.
- But, they are immune to the effects of Brains, Decoys and Invisibility.
- They are also strong enough to move platforms and mirrors.
- They will trigger tokens.
- They can step on tunnels.
- This gives them a unique puzzle potential not found in any other official monster.
Here’s the wanderer script which you can use in a hold yourself:
Click here to view the secret text
× Imperative 7
Imperative 3
Imperative 10
Label Monster Loop
Move to Player 0,1
Go to Monster Loop
(To use it, simply copy it and press “CTRL-SHIFT-B” while scripting a character in game.)