So yesterday I had my head in a knot because of thinking about knot theory, and decided to try and make a knot based hold. This is a 1-level, 4-room hold whose map is a square picture of the trefoil knot (3_1 at knot atlas) but you don't really need to know what I'm talking about knot-wise to test this hold.
Basically, I had a very tight constraint for what the map was allowed to look like, and came up with the idea of some "
knotted puzzles"
where you had to solve each room more than one time, coming in from different entrances. What from one entrance is a puzzle enforcement mechanism becomes from another entrance the puzzle to overcome itself! Or, you know, one room where you work with a mimic to clear tarstuff in both places from both entrances. That sort of thing.
Hoping for some general testing. I'm pretty darn sure I prevented all possible backtracking issues but a second eye on such things never hurts; also, of course, I'm interested in looking out for unintended solutions and things like that, as well as checkpoint placement, and general "
was it fun?"
commentary. Hoping to just throw this up to HA fairly soon, honestly, given how short it is, but to do that with zero testing is a Bad Idea all around.
109th Skywatcher
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[Last edited by Xindaris at 11-03-2017 11:20 PM]