Nice entries, everyone. Hoping the compilation hold will be made after contest is over...
×BoyBlue's entry
My favourite one. I liked the design of rooms, the puzzles, and in particular - the way the story is told through puzzles. I really appreciated the originality of storytelling. And this entry is pretty simple, too, so people shouldn't have too much trouble with it. My only complaint is about level 1: 1N 1W(I don't like huge hordes of brained roaches...). But despite that, it's my favourite entry.
Score: 9
da rogu3's entry:
Solid entry, tells the story nicely; quite easy, too(except the last room - which, by the way, looked very familiar
).Minor complaint: there were too many rooms before the cutscene in village IMO – some could've been changed into puzzles, at least. I think two-three non-puzzle rooms would be enough... Anyway, good entry.
Score: 8
Penwielder's entry:
Story-wise, this entry is awesome. No speech from original story was missed. Voice acting by west.logan was pretty damn awesome, too – kudos for that! And there're even custom glass gate graphics here! A lot of effort went into room decorations, too, it seems. Very nice.
Puzzles are fine, too. And it's the trickiest entry; good that demos are watchable from the menu. One issue, though: firstly, there's backtracking issue if you conquer "
bait attesting"
: 2N 1W and go through red-door passage without having 2N 1E conquered already. Some minor complaints: in "
queen's domain"
: 1S I found it pretty hard to see the "
tiles. By the way, if I'm correct, “bait attesting”: 3N is unconquerable? Aww
Overall, this is very good entry, the best story-wise. Although not my favourite.
Score: 8
techant's entry:
Sorry, didn't really like most of puzzles. Usually there were unnecessary many monsters put in the room, and first room was trial-and-errorish. On the other hand, I really liked 4S 1W in "
middle of tueno"
- very good, not overly difficult room. Nice job with that room.
Stairs in “the middle” 3S 2W end the hold. I guess they shouldn't? Also, I can go to "
middle of tueno: 4S"
*after* cleaning all other rooms - then Beethro and citizen talk about closed door... but it's opened already.
Score: 4
Trickster's entry:
Story-wise, fine entry.
Puzzle-wise, though, I liked about 2/3 of it; I liked the very first room, I liked “inside the bar: entrance”, although usage of secret walls there is cheap(EDIT: ok it's possible w/o secret passage, but still...); I liked the whole last level - both "
of from which entrance the rooms are clearable and puzzles in the rooms; I also liked "
inside the bar"
: 1N 2E... and I even liked “inside the bar”: 3E - it was fun gel-clearing exercise
. However, I didn't like “inside the bar”: 1E at all – why there's no vision token there is beyond me; "
inside the bar”: 1N was pretty tedious; "
inside the bar"
: 2E had potions hidden under monsters(I consider it cheap trick; though other than that it's fine room). And then there's this postmastery room – tedious and pointless.
Also - I really don't appreciate force arrows at room entrance *looks at "
trickster's bar"
: 1N*.
Overall, I've got mixed feelings about this entry. I would've given it higher score if only the hold hadn't those tedious rooms mentioned above...
Score: 6