It seems unintended that the pressure plate at 35,20 does nothing in UL: 1N. The room becomes pretty trivial if it doesn't close the entrance door.
I'm through the stalwart rooms now. In general I can say that you have some really cool ideas for stalwart based puzzles. But you still won't get around the fact that stalwarts are a random and pretty crappy puzzle element from the start. In some of the less messy parts I enjoyed guiding the stalwart, trying to improve my tactics, but not as much as I enjoyed some of the better puzzles in the first level.
As I've said before, I'd like a few rooms to be a bit easier. (IMO) There are too much trial and error parts in all of these rooms (plus the fact that they're linear) to make them any fun if they are hard. In some points I almost put the hold aside, but then I remembered the awesome first level, and decided that I should continue struggling, or ask for help. If this had been the first level of the hold, I would probably not have played this far
Here's the room specific comments:
Click here to view the secret text
×1S2E: Simple, nice introduction!
2S2E: Quite easy, but ok.
2S1E: I don't like this room. But luckily it wasn't too though.
2S: I'm glad this was the only time I had to use the stalwart to cut tar

I think realising that you should use the stalwart to cut tar is enough trick. Is there any way you could make the actual process a bit easier? With eg well placed walls.
2S1W: Trial and error. It felt like a filler room to me.
2S2W: I actually liked this room. I figured out how I wanted the stalwart placed to clear it with gel pretty quickly. Getting him there wasn't too hard, but for some reason getting him to turn right was really random.
1S2W: I like this theme, and this room was an ok introduction. It's messy at first, but you get the hang of it pretty fast.
2W: Filler room, it looks worse than it is. Still, I don't really like it.
2W1N: A tougher 1S2W, but not too though, I liked it. The decoy trick was pretty simple: block the stalwart, and clear a path from yourself too him.
2W2N: Stalwarts and bombs... no thank you! And this was actually more random than I first thought it would be. I would want this room to be much easier.
2N1W: I really liked this room. It's simple enough to clear once you find the trick
2N: Thanks to all tar baby possibilities this room was much easier than most previous rooms.
2N1E: Neat! It looks pretty bad, but it's not random at all if you attempt it with the right approach. This is definitely my favourite of the rooms.
2N2E: Yay! I found a secret.
1N2E: Fun room, I liked the decoy trick. The only thing that I found disturbing was that I had no idea why the stalwart suddenly could turn striking an orb next to him.
2E: A nice ending to the long line, feels rewarding.
Sorry if I sound too negative. I really admire that you've managed to create several fun puzzles using stalwart!
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[Last edited by Rheb at 04-15-2009 11:31 PM]