Pekka, you've put some nice rooms together here. I downloaded the hold just to peek at the puzzles and ended up completing the entire hold. Sure, it's only 18 rooms, but it was just right for a two hour diversion. Some comments on the rooms:
Snarky Serpents:
Ent – Thought this was going to be messy, but luring an eye to (20,5) and having the serpent die between the eyes was easier than expected.
1N – Pretty straightforward what to do here. making it work took some effort though. Ended up freeing the roaches on the east side first, but it's probably doable the other way around as well.
1N1W – With the knowledge that it's easiest to make a serpent move away from you northwards, I pretty quickly managed to solve this room.
1N2W – This one was rather simple. just created a few babies, then hid behind the door. With the babies and serpents on the other side I could easily trap the serpents between the babies and he door corners.
2N1W – Fun room. Took me a while to realize what to do and how to do it. With some trial and error I gradually came closer to the solution and finally killed the wraithwing at (16,10) with the serpent blocking it.
1N1E – Simple room. It's clear you need to enter from the other side and with some luck I did it on my first try.
2N2E – This was a tough one to get right, possibly because I was a bit clumsy manipulating the roach. I ended up dropping all trapdoors but the ones in the 8x8 central area and randomly kill the serpents in the thusly created alcoves.
2E – Nothing too hard here, but still interesting to figure out which mimic to place where and what order.
1N3E – Also quite straightforward. killed the first serpent with help from the other in the trapdoor area before entering it, and the second one when it tried to follow me shortly after entering.
Tar Gloop:
Ent – Nice appetizer. At first glance it looks impossible, until you see the little trick. Liked it.
1W – Fun puzzle. It's not too hard because your advance it pretty linear. but the way you had to move the mimics was counterintuitive, which I liked.
1N – Challenging room as the timing was rather tight. Several times I was fairly positive there was no way to reach the mothers before they blocked the entrances and without getting attacked by a roach. Excellent efficiency puzzle.
2N – Déjà vu from the first level. Nice to see a similar room with a different solution. Having solved the first room already, this one seemed a bit easier. Killed the wraithwing in the same way.
1N1W – Nice one. Solved it without the invisibility potion, but it's a nice red herring anyway if you take it right from the beginning. I prevented the passage above the tar mother from filling by luring the east eye in there and have it help making a lot of tar babies. After that it was mostly clearing up the mess.
1N1E – I had to go round twice, because I couldn't kill the entire first mother the first time. Other than that putting the goblins in place in time wasn't too difficult.
1S – I chose to attack the mothers in this room, which worked. Managed to kill the East mother by approaching it from the north and trap myself in the tar such that I was safe from the brained babies. Then gradually made my way to the second mother and repeated that trick. A good brain room.
1S1W – It looks like it's impossible to create a baby at (29,26) with out creating one at (34,18), which had me puzzled for quite a while. Until I realized that the baby could also be created somewhere else ((29,13) in my case) and that was a nice touch to an otherwise not very difficult Tar guiding puzzle.
All in all an enjoyable little hold. I liked the second level the best, especially 1N. Maybe that's because of my love for tar, or maybe because serpents always seem to be a bit more random than everything else.
An Architects Audition,
Artful Architecture,
Elusive Exhibitions,
Leftover Levels,
Six Times Six
Way Forward,
Advanced Concepts 2
Clock using game elements