Don't quite remember how I ran into this game, but it's pretty great! It's based on the idea that the world you run around in is a slide puzzle, and you can slide the puzzle around to solve puzzles. There are multiple areas, each of which is its own slide-puzzle with its own gimmick(s), so it's a pretty thorough exploration of the idea! Only occasionally does the game ask you to be quick about doing things; the grand majority of the game is about figuring out the right steps to take and then just taking them. It's also, thankfully, relatively rare that you
actually need to solve a 3x3 slide puzzle.
..Oh, and it's free! And the game's own pause screen contains a thing that opens a developer-made hint-through of the game in your browser.
109th Skywatcher
Here are some links to Things!
Click here to view the secret text
[Last edited by Xindaris at 11-09-2024 03:29 AM]