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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Illumination : Who Watches the Watchers (Our news for July/August)
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icon Who Watches the Watchers (+2)  
There is a metric grundle of DROD-related news items to share from last month and for this upcoming month! I'll try to be as brief as possible, for the Archivists' sake, though it won't do much good.

DROD:TSS 5.0.1

A new version of DROD:TSS is released, with multiple bug fixes and stability and performance improvements. It is recommended for everyone to upgrade TSS to the new version. If you have been playing TSS in 5.0.0, you need to follow specific steps to upgrade your player data for use in 5.0.1. This procedure, plus the change log and instructions for getting the new version, are listed here:

TSS Custom Elements Bonus Pack

In keeping with the spirit of working closely with the community to make everyone's DROD awesome, we've made available a package containing a good selection of the custom graphic and puzzle element content featured in TSS. Everyone who has registered TSS to a forum user account may download it, and you may include or modify these assets for use in your own personal DROD holds.

Gunthro is Greenlit!

Everyone here who uses Steam should be pleased to hear that "DROD: Gunthro and the Epic Blunder" has been Greenlit by the Steam community! We want to take this moment to thank everyone who has voted for DROD to be on Steam, or who has otherwise plugged DROD to be featured on this or other channels.

To acknowledge your dedication, we don't want to just throw our current build of Gunthro up on Steam. We would like to feature "Gunthro" in the 5.0 game engine, with fresh, new hold Challenges integrated with the Steam framework. We're also figuring out how to implement CaravelNet features with the Steam community and playerbase at large. On top of that, we're planning to add some card collectibles and make other DROD content cleanly available as DLC, and hopefully provide Steam cloud support. Regardless of our release schedule for these features, we will promise a Steam key to everyone who has registered Gunthro on the Caravel Forum when it's published on Steam, and we need to implement an automated mechanism for handling this.

As you can see, there's a good number of things we'd like to put together for our Steam players to enjoy. It will take us at least a few months to put everything together. We don't have a date in mind, so we'll keep you posted as progress is made.

In the meantime, we're celebrating by offering both the downloadable and CD versions of "GatEB" for 50% off the prices listed on the Caravel Games site, effective today! So, if you haven't purchased "Gunthro" yet, now would be a great time to enjoy this entry offering into the world of DROD.

New Linux versions of older DROD games:

Trick has provided shiny new versions of Linux DROD for each major title!

All of these fix a crash at startup, add native 64-bit executables, better unicode filesystem support, and other minor fixes. Anyone who has registered their games to their user account on the forum can get the new Linux versions from the Caravel Forum Downloads page:

KDD 2.0.19
JtRH 2.0.19
TCB 3.3.1
GatEB 4.0.4
RPG 1.2.1

DROD Developer Interviews

Patrick interviewed Pearls and LarryMurk a couple of weeks ago. They shared their thoughts and vision on some fascinating puzzle and story development in TSS. You can listen/watch the recap here:

This Saturday, 8 AM MDT, I'll be speaking with Patrick in another round. I heard a rumor that Matt or Jacob might be there too. If not this time though, then in a later session. The interviews get streamed live on Patrick's Twitch page. Join the Caravel chat and ask me and the rest of the group questions!

Forum contest: Keeping it Secret

In designing TSS puzzles, we made a concerted effort to provide interesting and varied ways to access secret areas. Our first post-release official Forum Contest had players designing an interesting way to access a secret room.

There are twenty-five contest submissions that you will be able to try out this Saturday, and you will be able to judge the entries! First place winner will receive a free prize from the Prize Pile and 100 rank points. Second place gets a three-month CaravelNet extension and 50 rank points, and third place gets a one-month CaravelNet extension and 25 rank points. If this sounds like a fun contest idea to participate in, but you weren't aware of it till now, don't despair. There will be a second part to the contest, and we will also have another contest next month. Stick around, and you too could win a free game or other goodies!

DROD Challenge League

Looking for more ways to compete in DROD-space? Now you can take part in the all-new DROD Challenge League! Participate in a series of unique challenges, twisting your mind in ways you might have never considered doing in DROD before, like letting loose as many briars as possible in "Somewhere Under the Ocean" or maybe getting yourself killed in an unusual way.

There's still time to get involved in this First Season now and opportunity to place in the winner's circle.

If there's a lot of interest drummed up here, we may consider making this an actual part of the game and CaravelNet at some point.

What's the Bar up to these days?

Pssst...if you poke the progress bar on the Caravel Forum these days, you can see how many TSS players so far have seen "The Second Sky"!

Happy DRODing!

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
08-15-2014 at 06:33 AM
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icon Re: Who Watches the Watchers (0)  
Just noticed this on the greenlight page:
Ssssso are you going to actually release it sometime?

Can you maybe post an announcement on the greenlight page saying that you're working on bringing the game to steam? Not everyone who voted for it visits this forum.
I see that you've posted a comment on the "Greenlight progress" announcement, but I think a separate announcement would be better. I mean, that comment was posted on June 28th, but I literally just noticed it a few minutes ago. I didn't even realise that announcements had comments. I'm pretty sure that announcements exist so you can announce important things like "Our game has been greenlit! We're working on a vesrion for Steam!", not just post that in comments where it's hard to see.

Also, I don't like to be that guy but... it's been a little over a month since this news got posted, any progress on the steam version? I'm not trying to rush you or anything like that, just asking! Honestly!

EDIT: Oof, I'm sorry if I sound too angry or grumpy, I'm not, I have no idea how this post turned out this way :/

[Last edited by DezzTech at 09-25-2014 09:12 AM]
09-25-2014 at 09:08 AM
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icon Re: Who Watches the Watchers (+3)  
You forgot to mention this:

King Dugan's Dungeon has been updated to 5.0!

Anyone downloading King Dugan's Dungeon 2.0 (i.e. the Smitemaster's Selection version of the hold, not the free original release) in the 5.0 (TSS) engine will get a snazzy new version, with new room styles (in many cases chosen to be more faithful to the original than the 2.0 version), lighting and atmospheric effects, playability improvements (including many more checkpoints) and one hundred scripted challenges for you to scramble your brain over.

Similar updates to Journey to Rooted Hold and (as mrimer did indeed mention) Gunthro and the Epic Blunder are already under way!

Also, I believe it's been traditional in past Illuminations to link to new holds promoted during the period, and this one is especially significant because:

The first usermade 5.0 holds have come out!

Granny's Secret:

Mirror Me This:

TSS Elements Showcase:

Jim's hold 2:

disoriented's hold:


50th Skywatcher

[Last edited by Nuntar at 09-25-2014 08:53 PM]
09-25-2014 at 05:21 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1192
Registered: 06-17-2003
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icon Re: Who Watches the Watchers (+1)  
Nuntar wrote:
Also, I believe it's been traditional in past Illuminations to link to new holds promoted during the period, and this one is especially significant because:

The first usermade 5.0 holds have come out!

Granny's Secret:

Mirror Me This:

TSS Elements Showcase:

disoriented's hold:

Don't forget this one:

Jim's hold 2:

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

My stuff:
Click here to view the secret text

09-25-2014 at 08:45 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1379
Registered: 02-05-2003
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icon Re: Who Watches the Watchers (+1)  
Nuntar wrote:
You forgot to mention this:
Forgot is probably the wrong word, given that KDD (and all of the user-made holds you posted) came out after the illumination was written ;)
09-25-2014 at 10:07 PM
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