I liked the gray water from the last version better. I already commented on 1E, which was fine.
1S1E: Slayer manipulation? No thanks. Maybe I'd consider it without a timer. Yes, you're going to get plenty of conflicting comments here. Also, the briar grows along the water. If this is intentional, fine.
2S1E: The trouble here is that even if multiple solutions are fine with you, the room still strongly indicates that you're supposed to use the bomb-free region - since it's not actually necessary, the room *looks* broken. Without requiring that, using a speed potion to kill golems in normally inaccessible places is not a bad puzzle in and of itself, and otherwise, the room's OK.
2S1W: I like the idea of choosing between clearing tar and clearing mud (I chose mud, of course). Some might appreciate a vision token, though.
1W: Normally I dread these rooms, but the speed potion makes this one very easy.
2S: To summarize the conclusions reached by several people in chat: The roach puzzle is broken thrice over. Beethro can just step on the plate himself, fixable by making the door toggle instead of just open. Beethro can also lead the roach directly to the plate without using the wraithwing by going in via the northern orthosquare and out via the western one - are the orthosquares necessary? And entering from the west lets Beethro keep his sword. As for the goblin part, TFMurphy suggests that having that second speed potion by the goblin makes that part impossible too. Instead of the goblin, you might be able to make a mechanism in which you release a roach or roach queen which is blocked by the wraithwing from stepping on a pressure plate.
1S: Again to summarize others' comments in chat, how do you plan for Beethro to leave after clearing the room? Also, what's the point of the eye? Otherwise, it seems a decent idea.
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