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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : General : Activity Questionnaire (Even if you'd not normally be interested in something like this, please fill this short forum questionnaire in.)
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Will you take the time to answer this poll, even if you wouldn't normally? Please? Not even for me?
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I eat puppies for lunch.
I am not an actual human being.
How long (approximately) have you been a member?
<1 month
1-6 months
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>2 years
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I can't get away (I visit every day!)
I visit at least once a week.
I only visit infrequently (at least once a month).
I rarely visit; you're just lucky I stopped in.
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I post like there's no tomorrow.
I post at least once a week.
I only post infrequently (at least once a month).
I almost never post anything here.
If you aren't very active, or could do more things here but don't, why is this?
There's not enough general activity on the forums.
People just aren't being creative enough (e.g. making holds, art, music, interesting threads, etc.)
I'm just not interested in things that are going on here.
I'm bored of the DROD franchise.
I only visit for specific reasons (e.g. Hints and Solutions).
I am too busy or personal circumstances prevent me from visiting the forums.
Visit the forums? I am too busy playing DROD!
Time spent on the forums is time that isn't spent improving DROD.
I feel a bit intimidated or confused by everyone else here.
I don't feel anything I can do or post will be appreciated by the community.
I actively dislike a number of people or things that happen here.
It's something else (post a reply to explain, if you like)
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Well, you came along and posted in the middle of a busy discussion, so the next few people replying already had a lot to reply to before coming to your post, and maybe it just got overlooked. Maybe (I say this speculatively because I don't play DROD and know nothing of the high scores and demos issues) people read your post but it didn't change anything material about what they wanted to say. I wouldn't get too upset about it if I were you, these things happen all the time on busy internet fora.

50th Skywatcher
04-05-2009 at 02:06 PM
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Level: Delver
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Registered: 03-16-2009
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+2)  
(This was typed for this thread, but I decided to move it here, and I might be repeating a lot here.)

I'm a new user and lurker who started with AE, and I'd like to give some more ideas as to why DROD (more specifically, these forums) has lost activity.

First, people (like me) who get a free version of AE might not know that there's a Caravel site, and by extension more DROD games, if they aren't interested in the makers of the game. As such, after beating the main game (or getting stuck) and making many rooms, they could lose interest without other holds to play.
Two of my friends and the person who gave me AE don't know about Caravel, and I'm not sure that they'd be respectful posters, so I say nothing.

Second, those that find the site after creating some rooms might not want to release them in Architecture after finding all these detailed and high-quality holds, not wanting to look bad and be ridiculed. Because of that, they might not post in other forums, either, being new.
That's my case, really... I haven't even finished Dugan's Dungeon, let alone things like Trapoe, Refletions, or even Advanced Concepts, and I guess easier levels seem uninteresting.

Third, those that find TCB, after only having AE or JttRH for a long time, could possibly be overwhelmed by all the new game elements, preferring to keep the older version instead of buying the newer one, which means no posts about the newer version and one less product sold.
Can't really help this. I'm a bit like this, although I've played around a bit in TCB.

Fourth, those that find the site and want the Smitemaster's Selections or full games might not want to pay for potentially hard and/or long holds (or don't have a means to pay), no matter how cheap they may be, which means less money and players for Caravel.
Again, that's me. Keep in mind that these are all worst-case scenarios.

As for advertising, we'd just need some players to talk about DROD on other sites. Personally, I was going to show some of my rooms on YouTube (from AE) and talk about the games. Even so, most people might not like the concept of DROD, so nothing can help that.

I know I'm not helping much, but I'm just trying to do what I can for the community.

To think that I registered to post a reply, and only afterwards noticed that the last message was made in 2005...

[Last edited by Delpolo at 07-04-2009 07:57 AM]
07-04-2009 at 03:35 AM
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Registered: 07-08-2009
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
Another reason is the search feature of the H&S board. It practically kills the need to ask for help about the official holds and turns posters into browsers.
07-10-2009 at 12:04 AM
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Registered: 06-08-2006
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (0)  
True, taking out the search feature would result in more topics, however it would also mean that people would either be unable to find readily available help or would need to file through over 50 pages of topics, both of which are negatives.

It's not as though more posts is automatically better. H&S topics that already have topics add nothing of value to the board.

Director of the Department of Orderly Disruptions
07-10-2009 at 01:44 AM
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Registered: 07-25-2008
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+1)  
I've been a member for 1-2 years now (I've had another account before... The Fang, but re-registered a new under Fang) and the main reason why I voted I come as much as I can but post only about once a week, the main reason is RPG.

I've kind of disconnected from the classic DROD and immerged myself into the RPG side, which is a whole different world. Problem is lack of activity, maybe it's only because we can't submit our Holds and people might think they won't be recognised for their work. I personally don't mind, but it would be a very nice event to get more activity upon these boards. There are maybe 2 or 3 noteworthy holds onto the RPG Architecture board so far that are complete, and maybe 2 or 3 noteworthy posts per week.

It seems that side of DROD is being overlooked upon from being a game not starring Beethro, and for being, at least in my opinion, shorter than a normal DROD game. KDD, JtRH and TCB all have mind-boggling puzzles, with gigantic levels compared to RPG. RPG uses a different kind of puzzle, using stats which you can grow, and you must choose which way will be better; this road filled with monsters, or this road filled with a door and a greckle gate? You must manage your ressources and keep an eye open for the better choice.

Maybe the community prefers the classic DROD way, and that's perfectly good, but we definitely could use more avid RPG architects and players, be it either or both.

Edit: Oh, and I eat puppies for lunch. Ketchup is nice too.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 07-10-2009 03:41 PM]
07-10-2009 at 03:37 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 3413
Registered: 09-10-2005
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icon Re: Activity Questionnaire (+1)  
I think that side of DROD is being overlooked for not having a functional scoring system and Holds board. Once that happens and I can actually do something with Washed Ashore, I'll probably pop into RPG Architecture every once in a while.

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07-10-2009 at 04:26 PM
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