Pinnacle wrote:
Sadly it's not actually possible to do that, challenges are currently write-only. A challenge wall (similar to a master wall but becomes passable when all challenges are completed) might be a good idea for a future version though.
I think you could manage something with a scripted global variable. It wouldn't quite be the same since you'd have to have all the challenges completed on the same save, making it hard to keep track of, but it should work.
Here's what I'm thinking. Have a global variable (let's call it Challenges_Complete) pre-set to 1 when you begin the hold. Let's say there are 3 challenges in the hold and call them A, B and C just for simplicity. When you complete challenge A, have the script that awards the challenge multiply Challenges_Complete by 2. When you complete challenge B, have it multiply by 3. And when you complete challenge C, have it multiply by 5. (You can extend this just using the next prime number each time.) At the end of the hold, have door with a scripted character that checks to see if Challenges_Complete modulo 30 == 0. If so, the character removes the door.
You'd need to warn the player that they'll have to have all the challenges completed on the same save file, since that's not immediately obvious. Also, it would be pretty poor to have challenges in rooms that don't have seeding beacons or in holds that aren't in an open format where all rooms can be accessed easily.
I agree though that it would be nice to have a challenge wall built into the game.
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