Introducing blorx!
There's quite a variety in here, but the focus seems to be on trapdoor puzzles, golem packing, and quick tarstuff efficiency puzzles. There's also a big variation in fun factor, as the puzzles range from "
ugh, do I have to?"
to "
wow, cool!"
My very favorite rooms include:
* Prison Cells 1W, a tight golem packing puzzle where you have to do a bunch more thinking than packing,
* Prison Cells 1N, where the best part of the puzzle involves golem packing and mirrors,
* the secret room towards the west side of Prison Cells, which I'll leave as a surprise,
* Solitary Confinement 1S1E, a puzzle where you may use tarstuff switchers a limited number of times,
* the secret room in Solitary Confinement, which I initially didn't like but warmed up to after the floor pattern was redesigned,
* Cell Block 15 1S, a clever puzzle involving a brained snake and a briar timer.
Give it a try and see what you think. I hope we'll be seeing more from blorx in the future.