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icon DROD Stuffed Animals (+3)  
Seeing as this doesn't really fit in the requests board, I figured I would put it here. I think that it could help the DROD team if they made stuffed animal merchandise. For one its free advertising, and collectors make up a lot of the purchasing power for kids toys, and there would be some around. It gives an element of the fantastic to stuffed animal collections, and kids would like most of them too, due to unique stylization. In particular.

Seeps-They have a really nice design in game, with the red eyes and white layered conical body. It might be a bit complex to design fully, but it would look really good, and would be bought for relatives.

Wubbas-Two versions here, one of them make the purring sound effect. They work as extremely cute stuffed animals(assuming a face is put under all the fur), pillows, and ways to make practical jokes on DROD players. If someone falls asleep in a chain in a corner, putting three wubbas around them could lead to entertaining results.

Roaches and Roach Queens-Probably not the best market, but they have a certain cute stylization, and are probably one of the things DROD is best known for.

Mud, Gel, Tar Babies-Much like the wubba, plus people who play videogames have probably seen slimes similar. Legend of Zelda and such are popular among young children. Collectors would feel the need to get all of these.

Mud Mother, Gel Mother, Tar Mother-Big bean bags with eyes built in. Whats not to like?

The Snakes-Multiple lengths, so collectors collect the lot of them, including some very big ones, that don't take up too huge of a space coiled.

Wraithwings, Fegundo, Goblins, Guards, and Slayers wouldn't work as well. Maybe as tiny action figures, the stuffed animals would work best at life size, scaled down to accommodate 5 year olds.

Any thoughts? Which, if any, of these would you buy if they were available, and reasonably priced.
07-04-2009 at 03:18 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Knaight wrote:
Any thoughts? Which, if any, of these would you buy if they were available, and reasonably priced.
Hey, it worked for all kinds of maladies... :)

np: Death Cab For Cutie - Little Bribes (The Open Door EP)

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07-04-2009 at 11:28 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
So, I am not a marketer, which means I'm working on guesswork here, not experience. But I'd expect that, on the one hand, plush DROD toys would only really appeal to people who already play DROD (I can't see my brother getting excited about giving his children a stuffed aumtlich); and on the other hand, even if you give a plush DROD toy to a friend's child, it doesn't seem likely that that'll spark your friend's interest in the game.

Someone with actual marketing expertise ought to weigh in. But my guess is that people here might buy them, but they're not going to do much by way of advertising or collectibles.
07-05-2009 at 10:04 PM
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slimm tom
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Tahnan wrote:
(I can't see my brother getting excited about giving his children a stuffed aumtlich)
Probably not, no. But the thing with these kind of products is to appeal to an audience as wide as possible. If you make an adorable tar baby stuffed animal, there would surely be more people buying it than if you make an aumtlich. Slimes are, as mentioned above, common in the video game industry and maybe people would be interested in them. If this is going to attract people to DROD is another question, and I'm not sure if that's going to work out.
07-05-2009 at 10:43 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
I can't see these spearheading the DROD evangelism movement - and even if they did, having something called a "tar baby" be someone's first introduction to the game might not be the best idea. On the other hand, a wubba could be easy to make as a trial balloon for those already indoctrinated, assuming that any of us buy Caravel merchandise anyway (I see that the hats and shirts and stuff disappeared from the site sometime between when I joined and now). Or I could just go buy a white tribble and call it a wubba.

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[Last edited by Dischorran at 07-05-2009 11:57 PM]
07-05-2009 at 11:57 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
I always thought of wubbas being more velvety than furry. And their sprite indicates the approximate shape of a red blood cell.

DROD has some really great music.
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07-06-2009 at 12:32 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Maybe we should buy plush red blood cells (yes, they do exist) and just bleach them ;)
07-06-2009 at 04:14 AM
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File: wubba.jpg (18.4 KB)
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License: Public Domain
icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Heh, I always thought a wubba looked like this. If they were more red blood-cell shaped, wouldn't it be easy to just step over them? :rolleyes

why yes I do like subsurfing, why do you ask :P


[Last edited by Monkey at 07-06-2009 04:40 AM]
07-06-2009 at 04:38 AM
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File: silverfish.jpg (351.2 KB)
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (+2)  
Modify this thing and it'd make a good roach.
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07-06-2009 at 04:58 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Monkey wrote:
Well, I think it would at least make a good lounge chair... :D

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
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07-06-2009 at 10:53 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Or bell pepper. :P

I do like the idea of having some more DROD merchandise like plush toys and stuff. I'm probably not the guy to spearhead that effort, though.

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07-06-2009 at 08:15 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Monkey wrote:
Heh, I always thought a wubba looked like this. If they were more red blood-cell shaped, wouldn't it be easy to just step over them? :rolleyes

why yes I do like subsurfing, why do you ask :P
I would see that, but with little paws hidden under the fur, and rotated somewhat sideways, with the fur covering the top of the face, so you can't see it from above. Probably a bit rounder though, Wubbas absolutely have to be cute. Plus stuffed animal type things in particular need a focus on cute rather than realistic.

In any case I'm glad the idea made it to the people it was intended for.
07-08-2009 at 07:18 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Speaking of action figures, it's probably been suggested thousands of times, but a board game could be fun too. Electricity fails you? Open up that DROD pack box, get some board planks out of it, wall squares, doors, pit/water/trapdoor squares, a few monsters, a mini Beethro and his equipable (for those rooms with no swords) Really Big Sword, and have fun for a few hours til computer can work again. Not to mention endless expansion packs could be produced, with the different level sets and monsters and whatnot. It's perhaps too large of a concept though, I mean it'd take machines, material...

Though it'd be a good way to make DROD well-known around. I could see many famous stores selling those along with other games. Could always get more people interested in the video games and to the forums.

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07-09-2009 at 05:06 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Fang wrote:
It's perhaps too large of a concept though, I mean it'd take machines, material...
...a designer... Board games aren't trivial things to write, at least not if you want to make them worthwhile.
07-09-2009 at 06:05 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
I would love to design a worthy board game based on DROD mechanics/universe/etc. I've been thinking about it for a while, but haven't settled on a playstyle and rules that would really capture much of the feel of playing the computer game.

After all, DROD was basically made by Erik to be a board game with a thousand interacting pieces in each room, hence the need to play it on a computer. However, I am thinking about it in the back of my mind, and I'm pretty sure we could design and produce a board game or two if we were determined. (But, I'd really hate to get flamed by fans again after putting a year of hard work into something like this if it's not what people care about.)

I've seen the DROD-CCG-type threads forumites have worked on, and that's not necessarily a bad starting place, though it doesn't deeply capture the feel of the game mechanics. However, a board game could involve cards, dice, etc. if that would make the game more interesting. If anyone wants to fire off ideas to me, or just make a new thread here that we can all contribute to, please feel free.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
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07-16-2009 at 07:18 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (+4)  
This might interest you guys.
07-17-2009 at 04:44 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
NiroZ wrote:
This might interest you guys.
Wow! Super resource! That would be awesome for prototyping board/card games. (I think I see some Agricola meeples on there.)

I really like how they make it so you don't need to buy a pile of copies, you can buy sets at cost, and you can make as many copies as you want at any time.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 07-18-2009 05:54 PM]
07-18-2009 at 05:53 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
I have always been more "Board games fan" than "Card games fan" - when I think about transcribing DROD to pen and paper reality (or just paper), I see a mix of Warhammer: Rites of War, mazes/labyrinths, DnD, battleships and games I used to play with Lego bricks when I was a kid :).

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07-18-2009 at 06:41 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
mrimer wrote:
NiroZ wrote:
This might interest you guys.
Wow! Super resource! That would be awesome for prototyping board/card games.
Well, if you want to make DROD figures at some point - Patch Together does them quite well - though sadly only for limited, one-time runs... :)

np: Tosca - Rondo Acapricio (J.A.C.)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(

[Last edited by Briareos at 07-18-2009 10:49 PM]
07-18-2009 at 10:41 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
mrimer wrote:
(But, I'd really hate to get flamed by fans again after putting a year of hard work into something like this if it's not what people care about.)

I'd definitely buy a DROD board game. More often than less here we get storms and rains during the summer, so electricity tends to fail some time and the generator isn't always good to go, so I'm left to spend my time writing and drawing.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

[Last edited by Fang at 07-23-2009 06:27 PM]
07-23-2009 at 05:44 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (+1)  
Edit: Irrelevant edited out

I recall there being some threads about this being made a good time ago. Lemme see if I can dig them out (and, more likely than not, wince at me from two years ago :|).

Ediit: Gah, I coulda sworn there was a topic devoted to a DROD board game. Am I crazy? No, wait, don't answer that. D:
Ediiit: Okay, there is one. I'm not crazy. Yay!
Ediiiit: I'm going to see if I can maybe work on the idea for a board game that was brought up. Do not expect me to come back.


[Last edited by Monkey at 07-23-2009 06:42 PM]
07-23-2009 at 06:23 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
1 player would be Beethro, the other person would play as a "Roommaster" who would decide what creatures would be on the board. Roommaster has a limited number of resources to choose from for balance issues. For every 1 turn Player Beethro makes, the Roommaster gets 1 turn for his minions. The goal is for opposing players to out-smart each other. Beethro gets to choose 1 potion to use at the begining of a room. Speed potion lets him make 2 moves per turn for a short time, Clone potion gives you a second Beethro to use, and Mimic takes one fatal hit for the player. If Player Beethro clears the room, he gets a point, if he dies, Roomaster gets a point. Whoever wins the most in 4 rounds, wins the game; If there is a tie, players use a random chance method(Dice, Complex algorithm, etc.) to decide who is who.

A Roomaster gets to place his minions anywhere outside a small safe area where Beethro starts at. Brains are excluded because you ARE the brain. Slayers are included, but with a change, Slayers would become active after a certain amount of turns, then the Roomaster can control them like they would Beethro. Slayers can be killed before they become active. If you want to go more complexed, Roomasters can build walls too, using their pool of resources. Roomasters can not build 1-way paths.

That's all I got.

[Last edited by Bobpie at 07-23-2009 07:41 PM]
07-23-2009 at 07:41 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Oy vey.

Currently working on GaTEB and KDD (never finished the silly thing). :yahoo:
07-28-2009 at 11:38 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
I don't think he meant a competitive board game, and that game would be hell to balance.

Director of the Department of Orderly Disruptions
07-29-2009 at 04:22 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Snacko wrote:
I don't think he meant a competitive board game, and that game would be hell to balance.
I honestly think a single player board game would just not work, unless you have someone else make the room, it would lack any challenge since the one who makes the room can clear it easily (unless you just throw one togeter randomly with no thought at all). It's just fundementally flawed.
08-02-2009 at 04:24 PM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
...unless you put the room design on cards like every single player board game ever made.

Director of the Department of Orderly Disruptions
08-03-2009 at 12:50 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Snacko wrote:
...unless you put the room design on cards like every single player board game ever made.
But then what's the advantage over the computer version? (Which I wonder as well about Rush Hour and other such games.) Also, the games like Rush Hour and the box-tipping one where you set up the board have a small number of pieces in a small area and discrete movement; DROD just doesn't work that way.
08-03-2009 at 12:59 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (0)  
Exactly, it's a bad idea no matter how you look at it.

And I'm fairly sure the Rush Hour board game came before any digital versions.

Director of the Department of Orderly Disruptions
08-03-2009 at 02:33 AM
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icon Re: DROD Stuffed Animals (+1)  
Now I remember what game I was thinking of, it might help people.

A game called Robo Rally.

You have a board which can be combined with other several boards to make a unique play area, which has traps, turntables coveyorbelts... and your robot has a home is suppose to navigate the board to reach the goal and return home. The mechanic use to move your robot is the interesting part, which probably should be borrowed and modified (also it was mentioned in the old topic, but the issue of move order wasn't ressolved).

In Robo Rally I think you had 7 cards, had to use at least 5 of them even if you didn't want to use them (determined by your health), and they had all the different movements. On the cards they had a number on them. The lower the number, faster the movement. So if two players are right next to each other, if for the first movement player 1 has a card move to 1 space to the right with a number 600, player 2 has the same movement on the card but number 300, player 2 moves first, then player one. If they had each other cards, player 1 would bump into player 2, then player 2 would move.

No thinking about it, I don't actually remember the game very well since I only played it once :P, but that was the important/interesting part. Also there was a time limit introduced when a player placed down all his function cards down so the other players had to complete their card playing phase or recieve damage. I don't think you should have that.. .I think that players should have a max starting hand of 7, being able to use a max of 4 a turn, the ability to discard any number of cards for their movement turn, special cards that do double movement, defeating monsters rewards you with cards so you have more moves, stronger monster gives you other cards to able to play more turn cards for yor movement, free movement that you elect what the mocement is, max your hand (you discard cards at the end when you place your movement cards down before the movement phase).

I wasthinking about how players would interact with the evironment as most game works in phases... you would have players movement phase, environment phase, then monster movement phase, things like switches, rafts are immediately affected by players and prioritising the movement of things becomes very difficult and can easily become out of hand for a board game. Switches would be easy as they can be just be instant effects, trapdoors and platforms would be tricky (I could ressolve it thinking about it or I'm just making it seem more complicated than it is, hmm...)

I kinda like the idea of a DnD(ish) inspired DROD myself tho'. :P

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08-15-2009 at 07:41 AM
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