Now I remember what game I was thinking of, it might help people.
A game called Robo Rally.
You have a board which can be combined with other several boards to make a unique play area, which has traps, turntables coveyorbelts... and your robot has a home is suppose to navigate the board to reach the goal and return home. The mechanic use to move your robot is the interesting part, which probably should be borrowed and modified (also it was mentioned in the old topic, but the issue of move order wasn't ressolved).
In Robo Rally I think you had 7 cards, had to use at least 5 of them even if you didn't want to use them (determined by your health), and they had all the different movements. On the cards they had a number on them. The lower the number, faster the movement. So if two players are right next to each other, if for the first movement player 1 has a card move to 1 space to the right with a number 600, player 2 has the same movement on the card but number 300, player 2 moves first, then player one. If they had each other cards, player 1 would bump into player 2, then player 2 would move.
No thinking about it, I don't actually remember the game very well since I only played it once

, but that was the important/interesting part. Also there was a time limit introduced when a player placed down all his function cards down so the other players had to complete their card playing phase or recieve damage. I don't think you should have that.. .I think that players should have a max starting hand of 7, being able to use a max of 4 a turn, the ability to discard any number of cards for their movement turn, special cards that do double movement, defeating monsters rewards you with cards so you have more moves, stronger monster gives you other cards to able to play more turn cards for yor movement, free movement that you elect what the mocement is, max your hand (you discard cards at the end when you place your movement cards down before the movement phase).
I wasthinking about how players would interact with the evironment as most game works in phases... you would have players movement phase, environment phase, then monster movement phase, things like switches, rafts are immediately affected by players and prioritising the movement of things becomes very difficult and can easily become out of hand for a board game. Switches would be easy as they can be just be instant effects, trapdoors and platforms would be tricky (I could ressolve it thinking about it or I'm just making it seem more complicated than it is, hmm...)
I kinda like the idea of a DnD(ish) inspired DROD myself tho'.
Sit and daydream, and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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× They call me Raging Demon because I'm Jab, Jab, Short, Towards, Feirce.