And I'm now finished with what you've built. You have the core of a decent hold here, but you sometimes seem to plunk down elements without much attention to building a coherent puzzle out of them. Even in a horde room, everything you put in needs to have a purpose, or you end up creating war14, and we've had enough of those. Less is often more. For instance, ask if dropping the trapdoors presents an interesting challenge. If not, take them out, and maybe replace that aspect of the room with something else. However, you have a bunch of good rooms here, which just need to be tightened up some.
Life Creation Faciity:
4S1E: OK, it is indeed possible. But it's still a pain, and you should be able to make the same point with far fewer slayers (say, 2 near the mud, and 1 near the queens).
4S: Nice room. Started with sword NW. Goblins die automatically. WWs can die once I make it in. Aumtlich could maybe be positioned for more of a challenge. Is "
4S1W: Started by working my way along the very top to keep the goblins in, which was a decent puzzle. Luring the slayers away, then killing a few eyes, and repeating multiple times got a bit tiresome; you could probably make your point with fewer eyes (say, by eliminating the lower-right room).
3S1W: I've seen guards and goblins on orthosquares before, but it still makes a good challenge. Again, the conquer token makes optimization uninteresting; perhaps a trapdoor with red door elsewhere would be an alternative way to force the player to read the scroll.
2S1W: None of the stalwarts survived. Thankfully, I can leave and re-enter, and they rise from the dead to take on the slayers.
1S: Dead easy.
Building Platform: You've gone for a few levels with vanishingly little plot, and now you're dumping your NaNoWriMo text on us. Plotwise, would it make sense to drop mysterious references to this history in the previous levels? Hitting me with it all at once sort of made me tune out: "
Tons of names? Yes. Author's name Tolkien? No. Conclusion: hit the space bar."
1N: Not too hard. Could you stick the slayer speech in a corner so it doesn't obscure the action?
2N: OK horde room, especially the beginning. The trapdoors don't add much, but having builders as moving obstacles livens up the room. I didn't need the speed potion.
3N: Nice room! I only used 3 decoys, and never went swordless.
3N1W: Trivial. First, stick a decoy on the conquer token to conquer the room and leave (unintentional, I assume). Second, re-enter and hit the orb; those invisibility potions make it unnecessarily hard to see the arrows, and the arrow maze is ridiculously easy anyway.
4N1W: Do I need to help kill the slayers?
2N1W: Good idea - avoid the bomb blasts while defending from roaches, subject to the aumtlich restricting movement. Too bad I can hole up in the top 1-wide passages and wait it all out.
1N1W: Nice small aumtlich manipulation puzzle. But why all the trapdoors?
1W: Nice aesthetics, but basic snake room.
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