OK... I'm pretty sure that *someone* out there among the admins (not Hold Admins, I mean the actual forum admins) has the tools to modify these *specific* holds, at least. In their initial forms, there was a bug present in all of them that was making them repeatedly appear at the end of the Holds list in DROD, even after being downloaded multiple times, that was fixed by someone.
Likewise, one of them (dugedion, I think) had to be modified twice for solvability, as there was a scripting error right at the start of Level 4 involving a broken Halph, that kept the player stuck in the first room, and there was no exit stairway in Level 12. I can't remember who actually did the hold-hacking to get in there and fix it, though. I'm not even positive that it was ever actually stated in the forum.
Not that I'm trying to push anything, or anything like that, but AFAIK, these *are* the last of the pre-HA issues left on the Holds board that weren't very much on purpose (as in the case of Bad Evil Restaurant).
Caravel Official Holds Progress:
Click here to view the secret text
×KDD 2.0: Mastered!
JtRH: Mastered!
The Choice: Mastered!
Perfection: Mastered!
Halph has a Bad Day: Mastered!
Beethro & the Secret Society: Mastered!
Beethro's Teacher: Mastered!
Smitemastery 101: Mastered!
Master Locks: Mastered!
Master Locks Expert: Mastered!
TCB: Mastered!
DDDoD: Mastered!
Tendry's Tale: Homeland
Complex Complex: Stuck on the first puzzle

Suit Pursuit: Mastered!
Finding the First Truth: Mastered!
Gunthro and the Epic Blunder: Mastered!
Flood Warning: Mastered!
The Second Sky: Perfected!
[Last edited by Hikari at 01-29-2008 09:09 PM]