I'm a graphic designer at a sign shop, so a lot of the time I think of colors in terms of RGB values, that is, Red-Green-Blue, but lately I've been thinking in terms of the MGT color space, that is, Mud-Gel-Tar.
Also, I have a copy of Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid sitting in my bathroom. Anyone who has seen the book knows it has a great big GEB, EBG on the front which I often think of as Gunthro (and the) Epic Blunder: An Exterminator Gunthro Budkin.
I dream in vectors.
Portfolio Website - RyTracer.com
Click here to view the secret text
King Dugan's Dungeon
The Choice
Journey to Rooted Hold
Halph has a Bad Day
Beethro and the Secret Society
The City Beneath
Gunthro and the Epic Blunder
Working on:
Beethro's Teacher
Finding the First Truth
The Second Sky
I've never asked for help or hints. Yet.