I'll need some help, possibly from Dischorran, to explain this script.
Specifically, the issue appears to be centered around the
Wait for event Monster engaged
Looking at the code, I can confirm that this event fires when combat *begins*, but it seems as if this script is expecting it to fire when combat ends.
Hmm...maybe there was a previous bug where scripts were (not) running on the turn combat began. Let's see...
Yes, in the change logs, this one seems a likely culprit:
+ NPC: new script Imperatives Run on Combat Engagement (default) and Pause on Combat Engagement. When the "Pause" imperative is set, the NPC won't execute its script on the turn any combat is initiated.
Persistent behaviors, global scripts and triggered attack/defend scripts will run as before.
(This behavior can be matched with an "If <Wait for enemy engaged> Else ..." block, but this new command will be cleaner.)
Hmm...maybe there's either a regression here, or this imperative needs to be added to the Mimic Blade? I'm hoping to get some guidance so I can fix any issue here the proper way.
Edit: why is "
Wait for event Monster stabbed"
not being used instead? I would have expected this event to be used to catch something at the end of combat (in order to apply the values then). Although, maybe there's a better solution, like a "
Wait 0"
after the event check.
Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
[Last edited by mrimer at 01-18-2016 12:52 AM]