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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : All I hear beyond the walls... (Hopefully, it'll be done this year.)
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Level: Master Delver
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Registered: 12-23-2012
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icon All I hear beyond the walls... (+3)  
Yo! So I guess this will be the topic where I'll eventually post the hold i'm working on. For now however, I'm here to share what I've been messing with lately.

-The scripting was done about a year ago or so. (damn computer broke)
-Art(yeah right), and a few fixes recently.

So here's my scripted monsters "tech demo" or some sort. Just 1 room, not a puzzle, just things it can interact with. Stab'em all you like! :D

-Bug(not really): Due to how I made them, you can go through them in some instances. (which allows piling them. But thats fine :P)

Click here to view the secret text

..and remember kids, don't fear war! In nuclear winter, everyday's a christmas!
11-08-2013 at 06:22 PM
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Level: Master Delver
Rank Points: 201
Registered: 12-23-2012
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File: All I hear beyond the walls.hold (132.1 KB)
Downloaded 64 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Re: All I hear beyond the walls... (+3)  
Yeah well... It's nowhere near done. But I'll share what I have for now.

Side note about delay:
Click here to view the secret text

Things to keep in mind:
-Still under construction.
-It's based on a weird DROD related dream I had in the past and noted.
-Story is not implemented yet.
-Extra routes have been added to allow level skip.
-I don't aim for difficulty, so it shouldn't be hard.
-Has custom content, so if you don't like those, don't bother with the 2nd and 3rd levels.

Each level has it's own concept of how it looks and works.
1st:Sort of a nomonster level but has mud.
2nd:Houses the custom monster, that was in the 1 room tech demo.
3rd:I tried sort of a more classic style, and added something extra.

Note to staff
I asked/got permission to use some modified sprites, from Mike.

I may not be around for awhile, but do feel free to share your thoughts. Hope I'll find some time to wrap this up at some point.

..and remember kids, don't fear war! In nuclear winter, everyday's a christmas!
02-12-2014 at 03:36 PM
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Level: Master Delver
Rank Points: 201
Registered: 12-23-2012
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icon Re: All I hear beyond the walls... (0)  
So yesterday, peeps at home decided to install a new op system, and I lost all my ap data. So unlike last time, I may have lost my player file, hold files, and all access to any of my holds I may have exported (inlcuding this one). :disgust

-Meaning that, if I can't find a copy of my player file on 1 of 2 potential comps, this thing won't be finished.

-Also meaning that all progress made since last update was lost.

Why do games have to use frigin ap data anyway, instead of storing data in their own folder... :angry(in general, not just drod)

..and remember kids, don't fear war! In nuclear winter, everyday's a christmas!
04-15-2014 at 08:03 AM
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icon Re: All I hear beyond the walls... (+3)  
D.Craven_0ne wrote:
... and I lost all my ap data. So unlike last time, I may have lost my player file, hold files, and all access to any of my holds I may have exported (inlcuding this one). :disgust

Oh dear. :(
I did that once a long time ago. It was a horribly traumatic experience (I remember sitting weeping at the computer for a little while). People here were very kind and helpful and talked and worked me through the business of regaining some of what I had lost. I can't remember now how that was done (I don't have a head for computer innards) but it may be that you might regain some of what you've lost in a similar way. If I can find the relevant thread I'll point you in that direction.


Edit: THERE you go - that might be of some help. :)

Winner of: Novice Architect Excellence 2006.
FAPCA - Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics

[Last edited by Elfstone at 04-15-2014 11:18 AM]
04-15-2014 at 10:58 AM
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Level: Smiter
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Registered: 07-18-2006
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icon Re: All I hear beyond the walls... (+1)  
D.Craven_0ne wrote:
So yesterday, peeps at home decided to install a new op system, and I lost all my ap data.

What a pity! I've played throughout the levels you had published, and I highly liked all the puzzles. I hope you'll be able to solve this problem, as I'm looking forward to seeing more from you!
The first level was especially neat, and slightly challenging.

Nothing to say. I just play the game. And you, sir, should play it too.

Conspiracy, my new hold, has just been released.
04-16-2014 at 07:06 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 920
Registered: 07-18-2009
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icon Re: All I hear beyond the walls... (+2)  
If the biggest issue is not having edit rights to your holds you can PM someone with special editing tools, like mrimer and they can download one of your holds then reverse engineer it to make a player file with the same ID (that lets you edit your rooms again). It unfortunately won't help you recover any lost rooms, but is useful nonetheless.

If you need to think outside of the box, then you didn't build a good enough box.
04-16-2014 at 11:26 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 3418
Registered: 09-10-2005
IP: Logged

File: Dischorrans All I hear beyond the walls.hold (132.2 KB)
Downloaded 49 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Re: All I hear beyond the walls... (+1)  
While it's perhaps not the most elegant solution, here's an anyone edit copy.

Click here to view the secret text

04-17-2014 at 03:20 AM
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Level: Master Delver
Rank Points: 201
Registered: 12-23-2012
IP: Logged
icon Re: All I hear beyond the walls... (0)  
Oh man! Thanks for all the help everyone! I need to log in more often. (Kinda busy with work...)

So... Good news. I finaly found some time to visit my grandma, and managed to scavenge a player file :thumbsup, and an original copy of my hold. (so I got some WiP stuff back too)

-and I also found something old and silly, that i'll post in an appropriate place. (RPG section)

..and remember kids, don't fear war! In nuclear winter, everyday's a christmas!
05-28-2014 at 04:58 PM
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