I'm going to note that I've been delaying going through the second part of Tendry's Tale simply because I'd rather do it with a demo or journal being recorded - I'd rather not note down the route I eventually take myself. (Although I have done it for smaller holds)
But let's be a bit more specific. How would people *like* this journal to be formatted?
Me, I'm looking for a sparse informative document that can be exported as text and read and searched through easily.
As an example of what could be generated, I've transcribed a route I take through the first two levels of Tendry's Tale. Keep an eye on how it's formatted - maybe you can see ways to improve it.
EDIT: While writing my own personal journals, I found that enclosing the results of each action in square brackets seemed to make it easier to read. So I'm editing this to reflect that, to see what other people think.
Click here to view the secret text
Rule 1: Bravado - 500 HP, 20 ATK, 10 DEF, 0 GR, 0 REP, 0/0/0/0
=============== Short Sword / --- / Pocket Roach
1W: ( 2, 2) Killed Roach -> [480 HP]
( 1, 2) Collected Yellow Key -> [1x YKey]
( 2,10) Collected Small Health -> [495 HP]
2W: (10,11) Opened Yellow Door -> [0x YKey]
( 5,12) Collected Yellow Key -> [1x YKey]
( 7, 8) Opened Yellow Door -> [0x YKey]
( 7, 6) Collected Small Health -> [510 HP]
( 7, 4) Collected Yellow Key -> [1x YKey]
( 7,14) Opened Yellow Door -> [0x YKey]
1S2W: ( 4, 3) Killed Roach -> [490 HP]
( 2, 3) Collected Yellow Key -> [1x YKey]
( 7, 7) Killed Roach -> [470 HP]
( 4,12) Collected Small Health -> [485 HP]
(10,12) Opened Yellow Door -> [0x YKey]
1S1W: ( 3, 5) Collected Green key -> [1x GKey]
1S1W: ( 5,12) Opened Green Door -> [0x GKey]
(11,13) Killed Evil Eye -> [397 HP]
1S: ( 3, 2) Collected Medium Health -> [447 HP]
(13, 2) Collected Power Gem -> [21 ATK]
(12, 9) Killed Roach Queen -> [351 HP]
2S: (14, 4) Struck Orb
( 9, 9) Collected Medium Health -> [401 HP]
2S1E: ( 4, 9) Killed Wraithwing -> [373 HP]
(11,10) Killed Spider -> [121 HP]
(13,10) Collected Blue Key -> [1x BKey]
( 9, 2) Opened Blue Door -> [0x BKey]
(13, 2) Collected Large Health -> [321 HP]
2S2E: ( 3, 1) Collected Small Health -> [336 HP]
( 5,13) Killed Wraithwing -> [308 HP]
( 8, 4) Collected Power Gem -> [22 ATK]
(14, 1) Collected Small Health -> [323 HP]
(11, 1) Opened Greckle Gate -> [21 GR]
Rule 2: Courage - 323 HP, 22 ATK, 10 DEF, 21 GR, 31 REP, 0/0/0/0
=============== Short Sword / --- / Pocket Roach
1N1E: (11, 6) Struck Orb
1N2E: ( 2,13) Opened Greckle Gate -> [11 GR]
( 5,13) Collected Power Gem -> [23 ATK]
( 7,11) Killed Wraithwing -> [295 HP]
( 9, 7) Evil Eye Attacks -> [273 HP]
(13, 5) Collected Medium Health -> [323 HP]
(11,12) Killed Roach -> [303 HP]
(14,14) Collected Green Key -> [1x GKey]
( 9, 7) Evil Eye Attacks -> [281 HP]
( 7, 6) Killed Roach -> [261 HP]
( 5, 4) Collected Yellow Key -> [1x YKey]
1N: (11,12) Killed Roach -> [241 HP]
( 9,12) Killed Roach -> [221 HP]
( 3,12) Collected Medium Health -> [271 HP]
1N1W: (12,12) Opened Green Door -> [0x GKey]
( 7,12) Collected Small Health -> [286 HP]
( 7, 3) Collected Small Health -> [301 HP]
1N2W: (12, 3) Collected Small Health -> [316 HP]
(11, 5) Collected Level Map
2N1W: ( 4,13) Killed Roach Queen -> [252 HP]
2N2W: ( 5, 3) Killed Wraithwing -> [224 HP]
( 2, 2) Collected Yellow Key -> [2x YKey]
2N3W: (10, 5) Collected Power Gem -> [24 ATK]
2N2W: ( 2, 4) Opened Yellow Door -> [1x YKey]
2N3W: ( 5,11) Killed Roach Queen -> [160 HP]
( 5,13) Collected Green Key -> [1x GKey]
1N2W: ( 3,13) Collected Medium Health -> [210 HP]
( 8,13) Killed Evil Eye -> [144 HP]
(11,13) Collected Power Gem -> [25 ATK]
(13,14) Plate Activated
(12,13) Plate Released
1N1W: (12, 4) Opened Green Door -> [0x GKey]
(14, 4) Collected Blue Key -> [1x BKey]
1N: ( 7, 1) Collected Medium Health -> [194 HP]
1N3W: ( 9,12) Opened Greckle Gate -> [32 GR]
( 2,11) Collected Medium Health -> [244 HP]
( 3, 9) Opened Blue Door -> [0x BKey]
( 3, 4) Collected Wooden Shield -> [20 DEF]
2N3W: ( 3, 4) Killed Roach
( 3, 2) Collected Yellow Key -> [2x YKey]
2N2W: (10, 4) Killed Roach
(10, 3) Collected Yellow Key -> [3x YKey]
1N1W: (10, 8) Killed Roach
2N1W: (10,11) Killed Roach
(11,11) Collected Small Health -> [259 HP]
(12,11) Killed Roach
2N: ( 7,11) Killed Roach
( 6, 2) Briar killed Mad Eye
( 8,11) Collected Small Health -> [274 HP]
( 9,11) Killed Roach
( 5, 2) Briar killed Mad Eye
(10,11) Collected Small Health -> [289 HP]
(11,11) Killed Roach
( 4, 2) Briar killed Mad Eye
2N1E: ( 4, 8) Collected Medium Health -> [339 HP]
( 3,13) Killed Roach
1N1E: ( 3, 1) Collected Yellow Key -> [4x YKey]
2N1E: ( 3, 4) Killed Wraithwing -> [321 HP]
3N1E: ( 3,12) Opened Yellow Door -> [3x YKey]
(14,12) Collected Power Gem -> [26 ATK]
(13, 7) Killed Roach
(14, 2) Collected Large Health -> [521 HP]
1N3W: ( 3,13) Killed Spider -> [425 HP]
( 2,13) Collected Blue Key -> [1x BKey]
2N: ( 9, 5) Opened Blue Door -> [0x BKey]
You'll note that once my ATK/DEF is high enough to kill roaches without HP loss, it no longer displays the HP in my journal. Also, walking on and off a plate both make messages - this would be the simplest way to deal with these since they're both distinct events that could mean different things in other rooms.
Note that it doesn't mention trapdoors dropping (Trapdoor *Gates* toggling would likely be mentioned though) or platforms being moved or what rooms I move through inbetween. It would also likely not mention Mimic movement (unless the Mimic attacked something or triggered something). It would mention Evil Eye/Seep/Goblin/Waterskipper attacks (as seen in the example), and Hot Tiles are likely best done via something like this:
Click here to view the secret text
Rule 6: Boldness - 7477 HP, 140 ATK, 80 DEF, 713 GR, 2013 REP, 4/1/2/1
================ Goblin-Biter / Steel Shield / Pocket Roach
1N: ( 7,11- 8,10) Crossed 2 Hot Tiles -> [6747 HP]
(11, 7-12, 6) Crossed 2 Hot Tiles -> [6088 HP]
(12, 5) Plate Activated
(11, 5) Plate Released
(11, 5) Crossed Hot Tile -> [5783 HP]
( 7, 5) Crossed Hot Tile -> [5493 HP]
( 5, 4) Crossed Hot Tile -> [5218 HP]
That is, groups of hot tiles that you cross would be counted together, and would stop counting and produce the journal message either when you left the hot tiles, or you produced another Journal Event (like attacking an enemy whilst still on hot tiles).
Anyways, that's a few ideas I had about all this. Note that this is not really a substitute for a demo - it won't be able to deal with some of the really tricky movement puzzles that can arise. It's more to help deal with the stat-management side, which is part of the entire hold puzzle, rather than the fine details of movement. As such, in the example, I included everything that seemed to make sense towards the stat-management side, and if nothing happened in a room, it simply wasn't mentioned - even if I used a platform to cross it or dropped some trapdoors.
Anyways, if you have things to add or suggestions to make with regards to this, feel free. There's quite likely a lot of room for improvement with regards to the clarity of the formatting - it needs to be informative, but it would be good if it was easy to read and to tell what things are at a glance. I just wanted to bring an output example up so that it could be refined now rather than later.
Additional things of note after talking a bit on CaravelNet Chat:
* This is an event-driven journal, and in my example, you'll note that any sort of wandering around or walking in circles is not recorded. This helps cut down to only the important things that happen.
* Only the HP outcome of a battle is noted in the example. Yes, I know you have things like whether Tendry struck first with his sword, or whether he surprised the enemy from behind. It could be argued that what happened is self-evident from the recorded stats of the battle and the resultant HP. But it's possible to add flags for uncommon events like this if needs be: "
Killed Evil Eye (surprised, body attack) ->
[353 HP]"
as a quick example. Decide which you'd like best.
* It'd be nice if the ingame Journal colour-coded things, to make it easy to read at a glance there. However, the most important feature this journal should have, to my mind, is exporting as text. Since text files won't have colour and will tend to be view most often in a non-proportional font, the journal should be built around that.
* A plate event could possibly not be recorded if it doesn't change anything in the room. If it only opens or closes doors and those doors are already opened and closed, then we could leave that out of the Journal (and could also be safe to auto-travel over, as remarked in that other thread about Ctrl+Direction). Plates that trigger lights only shouldn't be recorded.
* Doors opened with Skeleton Keys should be marked especially to stand out - it's an uncommon event, so it's important to make it distinctive.
* Scripting shouldn't really be recorded much unless it causes a change in the player's state (like collecting the shield in Rule 2).
[Last edited by TFMurphy at 11-09-2008 01:14 PM]