abe10 wrote:
This is my last room, then I will have completed the hold, except for the mastery and post mastery stuff.
Umm... This room is a secret room, not required to complete the hold.
Other than that, you people are being overly cryptic.
-1st cycle-
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×Roach must be at middle of left wall. In order to leave yourself enough time to get to position 2, you have to catch the roach in the upper left corner area, go to the bottom, and 'release it'(step the right, then to the left) at 6 turns-till-spawn.
-2nd cycle-
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×Roach must be at middle of right wall.
-3rd cycle-
Click here to view the secret text
×Back to the left, at the island.
-4th cycle-
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×Back to the right, at the island.
-5th cycle-
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×No new Tar Babies(Or, there's one place the roach can't be, instead of has to be). This is when you must attack the mother.
-6th cycle and beyond-
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×Bad. When you move to the Tar Mother, the roach leaves the spot.
Don't let it get to 6th cycle.
An attempt to clarify how to attack the Tar Mother:
Before Spawn:
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×Break the crumbly wall; kill all the tar babies.
At Spawn:
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×Be just to the left, with your sword pointing down or almost down.
After Spawn:
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×This should be obvious. If it isn't, go play Level eight. However, you should make sure the roach is on the open door before smacking the orb.
Now, Here is the problem I'm experiencing:
At the end of the fourth cycle, in order to not create tar babies, at the breaking of the first wall, I have eight moves till spawn. I need twelve to get into position. How do I get those four extra turns?
-Note: You have to move the roach out of the fourth-point alcove. That's what takes up all those turns.
Please don't think me rude when I don't reply to the last answer post.
All thank-you's are given now and forever, to be taken for granted-- unless you give a super awesome heaping amount of help, then I'll post an additional thank you post.