Briareos wrote:
Which leaves the question - what genres are you looking for?
Um...I don't know, the good stuff?

I wanted to like Princess Mononoke since Neil Gaiman did a lot of (all of?) the English translation, but it just didn't grab me. The story was too disjointed, I didn't care about the characters, etc. Now Spirited Away...that is possibly the only anime movie that I have seen that I did enjoy. It's hard for me to explain what it was about it that made it rise above the others I have seen (admittedly not many) because generally other anime have strong characterization and engaging plot lines.
Anyway, I generally do not like series. I don't care much for TV, so it is the rare show that I will be interested in getting on DVD. Generally they have to be amazing (Firefly) or just really funny (Family Guy, The Tick).
Oh, and a lot of the anime-style art just annoys me in general. Especially messing with the eyes, like ^_^ or the teardrop thing. It bugs me in video games too but if the gameplay is good I can deal with it.
Game on,
He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an
unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder."
-- Tad Williams