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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Lasers and rockets
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icon Lasers and rockets (0)  
Lasers would be spawned at a gun. It could be turned on and off by a yellow orb, and deflected 90 degrees if you hit it with your sword diagonally. No monster would step on it unwittingly (except golemns), but it could be deflected at a horde of roachlings. Also, mirrors.

Rockets would sit at a corner and would either go off if you wake it up like an eyeball (except it flies too fast for you to dodge) or it could be sent flying by a fuse. Either way, upon exploding it would act like a bomb.
02-23-2008 at 10:09 PM
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Mr. Slice
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
You should spread your ideas of these requests a bit. That way, we can think about and reply about other ideas you have. If you just don't want to forget the idea, write it down somewhere on paper so you can give it later.

Rocket Idea:
This one is interesting. Can the rocket be deflected by a sword, or will it just fly straight and true? I'd say that upon impact with an object, it explodes in a 1x1 radius. Since it would impact on the far side of your sword, you would be safe. That's an interesting idea.

Laser Idea:
Why not a red orb? I think that only the smarter of creatures can avoid this, since a roach's tactic is to run at you, especially since a roach will run straight into wall, why should it avoid a deadly laser?

"To see or to hear is to know, but to
do is to understand"
02-23-2008 at 10:24 PM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
Lasers: I think a yellow orb would be better, because a yellow orb can ALSO turn off walls. Also, seeing as a roach doesn't tread on your sword, I'm not sure about the lasers.

The rockets being blocked with your sword, hmmm...

I was thinking of making them more magic themed, so lasers would be more like statues that fire magic lasers, and the rockets... Roaches with Gunpowder Barrels?

Also, for traps, maybe an immedate pitfall. Step on it and it immediatly becomes a pit. Good for killing monsters, not good for walking on.

[Last edited by Varkarrus at 02-23-2008 11:06 PM]
02-23-2008 at 11:06 PM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
There is no magic in DROD. Everything needs a reason, for the game to be flawlessly consistent.

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02-24-2008 at 12:05 AM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (+1)  
Maybe it's a fire-powered laser. Though it would have to be a pretty powerful fire.

The 'immediate pitfall' idea got me thinking, as you could try to draw enemies onto them. But then, they have very little use otherwise. Unless enemies don't trip them, like trapdoors. Could work.

Also, Hi, Varkarrus! Welcome to DROD! :)

[Last edited by AtkinsSJ at 02-24-2008 12:02 PM]
02-24-2008 at 12:02 PM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
Speaking of lasers, remember all those light manipulation elements in other games? Chromatron for example, or light puzzles in devil may cry 3? I am not saying we should copy them, but simply use as inspiration to create something of our own. Here's what I suggest:

White lasers - they are the non-harmful type and simply are beams of concentrated light. They produce little heat and can activate solar orbs (white orbs, that cannot be activated in any other way but act exactly the same way as conventional orbs). The laser emitter can be activated via orbs or pressure plates. Mirrors and Beethro's sword can deflect it 90 degrees (45 with mirrors? Honestly, I didn't play any holds with TCB, therefore my knowledge of mirrors is limited).

Red lasers - The second type of lasers, which produce a lot of heat on whatever object they shed... errr... themselves on. They can be activated and act the same as white lasers, except any monster or NPC or player can be killed if they are affected by this laser for five continuous turns. White orbs cannot be destroyed in this fashion.

Now, I do not know whether this idea was suggested in the past, but it has quite some puzzle potential (in my humble opinion). That is, if DROD absorbs entire array of additional elements that go along with lasers (redirectors, splitters, rotating elements, concentrators (can light fuses) etc.). And on top of that, a logical explanation in the Eighth can be found for this, so this idea doesn't break the flawless consistency.

Here are some puzzle ideas:
- Luring a roach to step on a pressure plate and force it stay there, because red laser illuminates that area, while at the same time escaping from goblins.
- Kill stalwarts to prevent them from killing golems, because they will block the white laser, or keep them to clear the next of the room?
- Rush to place mirrors in certain positions, because the red laser is making its way through tar an there are white orbs beyond (that close entrances).

I think these examples prove, that I am a poor architect :( Oh well, I tried.

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02-24-2008 at 03:45 PM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
There can also be a token to change the types of lasers.

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04-03-2008 at 06:50 PM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
mxvladi wrote:
Actually, I don't think that lazers could be in the DRoD. I know that there're no even guys with guns there!.. And lazer...
No, lasers are spelt with an s. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
04-04-2008 at 03:49 PM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
Are... are you saying that 4chan has lied to me?

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
04-05-2008 at 12:10 AM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (+1)  
Jatopian wrote:
Are... are you saying that 4chan has lied to me?
Well, consider the generation of kids that think that combining beef and cheese and bread in a certain way makes a cheezburger.

My Holds
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04-05-2008 at 01:20 AM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
More importantly: CAN I HAS IT
04-06-2008 at 08:22 AM
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Downloaded 504 times.
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (+3)  

Modified aumtlich art used in forum post with permission of Caravel
Games (239533)

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator

[Last edited by Jatopian at 04-07-2008 12:54 AM : added pic]
04-07-2008 at 12:53 AM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  

this is my new favorite thread.

04-07-2008 at 07:35 AM
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13th Slayer
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
I doubt there can be any lasers in Eight, When they dont even have electricity
04-08-2008 at 06:54 AM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
13th Slayer wrote:
I doubt there can be any lasers in Eight, When they dont even have electricity

Who says they don't have any sort of electricity when you can clearly see a bolt coming out of a struck orb?

Drod Number: 3034; 8th person to see the Second Sky

[Last edited by Timo006 at 04-08-2008 08:35 AM]
04-08-2008 at 08:35 AM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
Timo006 wrote:
13th Slayer wrote:
I doubt there can be any lasers in Eight, When they dont even have electricity

Who says they don't have any sort of electricity when you can clearly see a bolt coming out of a struck orb?
I understand that's the abstracted depiction of the specific sound wave with a signature that activates the door mechanism.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
04-08-2008 at 03:12 PM
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
mrimer wrote:
Timo006 wrote:
Who says they don't have any sort of electricity when you can clearly see a bolt coming out of a struck orb?
I understand that's the abstracted depiction of the specific sound wave with a signature that activates the door mechanism.
Wait, so you're saying that the portable orb is essentially a sort of Blue Box?

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
04-08-2008 at 10:40 PM
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Someone Else
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
Beethro: Don't worry, I can kill those hydra-whatsits for you.
04-08-2008 at 11:36 PM
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Level: Roachling
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icon Re: Lasers and rockets (0)  
I already thought of an explanation for the yellow orbs: Pleizeiolectric charges.

Maybe the lasers are powered by an electricity producing tarstuff.
04-14-2008 at 01:39 PM
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