Hi, there introducing:
Arthropod War II
There is no Arthropod War I so don't look. Also AWII is not finished yet and won't be for quite a while.
Also I will need Character Custom Tiles for the game. Can anyone help?
Click here to view the secret text
×Specifically, Spiders and Roaches with guns. I can't add a gun image to the Spiders and Roaches since that would be copyright infringment. Oh, and the Gun should be a 'Sword' Graphic. The Spiders gun should be the Mauser K98 and the Roaches should be the Enfield No.4
There will not be a description for this. Rather, when I get hold of the Graphics I will make a trailer.
Note: For those who don't know, an Arthropod is a family of animals that includes everything and anything with an exoskeleton.
Currently # of levels: 4
Since everybody keeps putting their holds in their signature, I decided to put my mod
Not sure if anyone actually clicks on these things though
[Last edited by Dictator Reverus at 12-19-2007 05:39 PM]