Caravel Games
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Holds Download

So, what are holds, you ask, with a slightly pointed expression? Good question!

A hold is a set of levels, like King Dugan's Dungeon, that represent a complete DROD dungeon. A couple are made by the designers of DROD, but most are made by DROD players, and a fair few are even better than King Dugan's! (Naturally, we kidnapped the designers.) You can make your own hold to play yourself, with time and effort, but then you'd know all the solutions, which does get in the way of the fun a bit.

The holds you see below have been uploaded to CaravelNet by members for other fans to play - if you'd like to try one out, just click on the hold's name to download it, and then select the "Change Location" menu option in DROD, then "Import".

The difficulty of a hold, judged by the players, is represented by how many brains it has. The (probably more important) overall 'fun' rating is represented by the yellow bar. More details can be found by following the "Discuss" link, which opens in a new window. You can sort the table by clicking on the columns (clicking on the same one again will sort it by descending order). Clicking on it several times might be fun if you're bored.

If you're building a hold of your own, stop by the Architect forum where there are lots of helpful people that want to help you get the kinks out of your hold and make sure it's ready for prime-time.

If you haven't registered, you might want to. Because, you know, we like new people, and we kinda need people to have registered to post... yeah. (The worst that will happen is that you'll occasionally get CaravelNet news, but you can opt out of that in your profile.)
Hold Name Version Architect Theme Downloads Num Levels Num Rooms Difficulty/
Forum Links Date
One-Room Hold Compilation DROD:JtRH Chaco Four holds - Four Rooms 2057 6 31
Discuss   High Scores Mar 27, 2006
A hold by any other name... DROD:AE Pinnacle Four simple puzzles 2639 2 12
Discuss   High Scores Sep 23, 2004
DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( DROD:AE Didouneto French drod adventure (Didou Story) 1800 11 22
Discuss   High Scores Mar 21, 2004
The trapdoor chronicles DROD:AE Mikel Fun 2194 5 10
Discuss   High Scores Jun 21, 2004
Buried Dungeon DROD:GatEB rj Fun, tricky rooms 789 3 34
Discuss   High Scores Dec 15, 2012
Flood Warning DROD:GatEB TFMurphy GatEB Bonus Content 835 6 42
Discuss   High Scores Apr 6, 2012
12th Stalwart Escapes DROD:TCB Jake Gentle difficulty of puzzles and a Stalwart role 1287 2 15
Discuss   High Scores Sep 1, 2008
Time Off For Good Behavior DROD:TCB Garlonuss Get familiar with TCB elements 1065 3 42
Discuss   High Scores Dec 10, 2007
Don't Kill the Messenger DROD:JtRH LarryMurk Get the King's message. 1672 3 13
Discuss   High Scores Nov 15, 2006
war: the truth within DROD:TCB khaim100 go in any direction 744 4 43
Discuss   High Scores Dec 10, 2010
Page 25 of 64
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Authors of holds reserve all rights to their work unless they specify otherwise. You must gain permission from hold authors before redistributing their work in original or modified form.
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