Here's a bunch of demos. I'm not a huge fan of gentryii manipulation so I'll refrain from making subjective comments about the rooms, but I'm sure you'll find one or two folks on here who will really enjoy these rooms. Instead I'll mention that the aesthetics here are really nice and the difficulty was not to bad. Seems like these were mostly monster manipulation rooms for which the difficulty can vary a lot depending on how familiar the player is with the tricks for dealing with the monsters in question.
Checkpoint placement seemed good in some rooms and a bit sparse in others. In general it's good to place the checkpoints right before a potion or plate instead of on them, but the one in
1S if probably fine since the first chunk of the room is mostly forced and decoy orientation doesn't matter anyway. For
2S Id suggest a checkpoint in the upper left side of the room (past the ormites) and down by the bottom for folks trying out the challenge. I did the challenge but it looks like it hasn't been scripted yet, were you planning on making these scripted challenges? For
3S1E I'd suggest putting a checkpoint in the area with all the wubbas, perhaps right after the tunnel? For
4S you mention that there are multiple solutions to the room, but one of them (entering from the east) makes for a trivial score. You may already be aware of that and fine with it. If so, just make sure to mark this one as non-high-scorable once the hold gets published. Oh, lastly, in
The Entrance it looks like you should be able to exit to the North, but there's no room there. Would you mind putting force arrows or something there to make it obvious that there isn't a room there?
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