Sorry for taking so long to get back to this! I'm playing the version uploaded today (17/April) for reference.
Old business:
3N: Looks fixed. I can clear the room now. Think what I did was mostly intended though I didn't use the pp at (9,8) for anything. It was an enjoyable room. This could maybe use a checkpoint at (5,14) or somewhere in that left area at any rate. I'm not the best with checkpoint placement since I usually just use U.U. for convenience, but with time clones it's nice to have a quick rewind to the bit right at the beginning of the recording.
3N1E: is Still broken, but in a slightly more interesting way now. See demo.
3N2E: Looks like the room is solvable now. Good room. Could maybe use a checkpoint in row 9 or 10 in the main combat area.
2N1E: I'm still not using that last time token for anything but I guess that's alright.
1N1W: Again, I'm still pretty sure I'm doing something unintended, but it's a slightly more interesting unintended solution.
1N3E: Pretty sure what I did was unintentional, so I guess I fail the challenge
3E: There's this odd secret wall path that is inaccessible and leads nowhere. Not sure if you are planning to add something there, but wanted to point it out in case it's a remnant from an earlier secret room that got cut or something.
New Business
Looks like I never commented on the rooms in "
Other Tokens and Potions"
though I have demos from a while back for most of them. A couple of rooms have been added and I tried playing through those as well. I will say that I didn't really care for a lot of the rooms here. I want to emphasize that I really enjoyed the other two levels a lot. The puzzles were fun and even the ones that aren't quite working as intended yet seem like they're interesting ideas.
A lot of the rooms in this particular section though just seem like fiddly magic dances. There isn't much to figure out, it's just a matter of putting in the right sequence of key strokes to get a mass of basically unpredictable monsters to move just so. There's not much in terms of logical deduction so I had to resort to guess and check. Not all the rooms were like this, but enough were to make me not really want to finish the level. Some folks are into this kind of room and at least one hold was published last year that focused on it (though to mixed reviews to be sure). So if you really enjoy this kind of room you aren't alone, but you'll probably hear other people complain about these rooms too. So fair warning I guess.
3S1W: This felt a bit on the fiddly side to be honest. I decided to shorten the snake a bit up front. I'm not sure if that helped or made things worse though. At any rate, I definitely felt like I relied more on guess and check than logic here. Not sure what the deal is with the pressure plate at (3,21) since it seems an automatic fail condition. Is that just there for pathmap reasons?
3S: Challenge awards even when I haven't made thin ice at all. Maybe make the scripting wait until the player has exited the main area. Not sure how to set off the PP at (35,16). If it is held down for more than 1 turn the room goes into a fail state, so Beethro can't do it. The only way that seems to work is to push a gel baby into a puff on the plate. That works fine, but then I'm trapped in by yellow doors and can't make it out without stepping on the plate again. Can't lure the gel baby on to the plate due to how they move.
3S2E: This was definitely not the kind of room I enjoy, but it was much more approachable than it's cousin at least. Glad you made that other version a secret. Maybe move the checkpoint to (11,17) so that you can hit it before you drop the red door? Again, I'm not actually all that good with checkpoint placement so I might be wrong about that.
4S2W: I feel like I maybe cheesed this, but oh man am I glad that was possible. Manipulating a whole bunch of goblins while presumably keeping a soldier alive seems like a royal pain.
4S1W: Hmm, I was going to say that this room has a nice bit of misdirection, but it looks like you removed that and it is now just an annoying horde room. Honestly it was much better before. I might try to solve this the messy way I guess, but last time I attempted to solve it the direct way it was seriously not at all fun.
4S1E: Okay, this was a neat little room. Probably the highlight of the level for me. It was definitely execution focused like some of the others, but the manipulation involved was a neat trick, and it focused on one specific technique. The repetition really forced me to realize I had to look for a repeatable pattern and not just bash my way through with guess and check. Nice room.
4S2E: Hmm. This definitely felt like guess and check. You have 8 available spots to place decoys (though 4 make more sense than others.) and 10 possible times to place them. I feel like it's probably more fun to write a computer program that just brute force checks all the possibilities than it would be to try them myself. Room solved, details are left as an exercise to the student. I'll note that if you had given one more decoy there is a neat solution relying on logical deduction and no guesswork at all.
5S2W: This has a break that makes it rather trivial. See demo.
5S1W: This one also has a trivial break.
5S: Haven't found the magic dance that makes the last part work yet. I'll continue to try to brute force my way through it though I guess.
5S1E: Nope.
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[Last edited by Insoluble at 04-18-2017 07:27 AM]