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icon The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (+2)  
From the mouth of Patrick:

Last week, I once again installed Linux on my computer. (For those of you who've been around for a while, I think this is the third or fourth time for me.) It's been over two years since I've last had Linux up and running, and over four years since I've had the pleasure of delving into Gentoo's dark code. Yes, Linux and I have certainly had an strong on-again, off-again relationship.

For all of the things that I've loved about Linux, the main thing that's always turned me back into Windows has been a lack of proper game support. Sure, you can find an almost infinite number of decent freeware games and a handful of good commercial games that run on Linux, the majority of the games I play run solely on Windows. And that main fact is what's kept bringing me back to Windows time and time again.

This time, however, I was intrigued to go back after reading a new article on two new programs that claim to make playing Windows games on Linux easier than ever. Both programs take the basic Windows emulator (WINE) and create an easy installation interface. While it's not entirely perfect, it certainly looks promising.

In my case, I chose to give my favourite online game, Team Fortress 2, a try and install it on my fresh 8.10 Ubuntu installation. Steam loaded up perfectly on install, and while there were a few font issues, they were easily corrected through a bit of research and a bit of copying from my hard drive. While I did manage to get the game loading perfectly, there are still some settings I need to tweak, mainly because I was getting horrible FPS rates.

Afterwards, I installed and loaded up Audiosurf (and if you've read my articles before, you know my stance on the game). While it did have some issues with Linux's filesystem, I was able to play songs perfectly. Graphics were a little choppy at certain points, but never enough to make the game either unplayable or ugly.

My goodness! Does this mean that there's no need for Windows anymore for gamers? Sadly, no. Frame rates, font issues, and various other problems still plague most Windows games, meaning that a dual-boot system is still going to be in the forseeable future.

Still, as impressive as this is, I find myself wondering if this could potentially hurt the Linux gaming industry. If some other developers are going to spend the time to get Windows programs running on Linux, what's the point for a game developer to spend the extra time and resources to make a Linux native port of a popular game?

Linux isn't going to take off until developers start to support their applications on it, and that's what's holding Linux back. For the most part, computer gamers are an elite group filled with people who are willing to take their computer apart simply to learn everything about it, so if we could get some commercial game developers to follow the lead of independent game developers and start making proper ports of their games, Linux might turn into a viable option for all computer users.

But until the day I see Grand Theft Auto 4: Linux Version, Vista's still gonna have a spot on my hard drive.

DROD RPG gets a Band-Aid.

DROD RPG wasn't perfect upon its release. Yes, yes, I know it's hard to believe, but upgrading to 1.1 can make it that much closer to the perfect game. There are two ways to upgrade your game. Either you can just get the bugs fixed by installing the small patch file, or you can download the full DROD RPG installer again. While larger, there is good reason to get the full 1.1 installer: There are some beautiful, upgraded sprite graphics in 1.1 and also some fixes to the "Tendry's Tale" hold. The bug patcher doesn't contain these changes, but you don't need to uninstall any existing version and can install 1.1 on top of it.

If you have registered your order of DROD RPG to your Caravel user account, then simply visit the download links below to get the version you need, and then you can get back to squashing more bugs! Or, um, maybe it's less bugs now. (Downloads Page) (List of Changes)

If the above explanation doesn't make sense or you can't find where to download version 1.1, just write us and we'll help you out or answer any questions you have.

The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards

Ahhh, it seems like only yesterday I decided to try an award show for holds out. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that it would take off the way it has! Well, the awards are back upon us now, and last I checked, it was still possible to get your nominations in before the deadline. As well, there are a couple of interesting new categories, so be sure to contact CuriousShyRabbit! Go ahead and vote for your favorite hold! (Official Announcement/Categories)

And I fully intend on updating the website's page on the Deadlies at one point in time. Don't be afraid to remind me've seen how badly I procrastinate!

Topic Picks for November

The Popularity Poll
Well, not really, but Vike wants to know how many friends you have online and in real life.

World of WarDROD?
As scary as a thought of a DROD MMORPG is, I'm fairly confident that there is a way to make it work. I can only imagine how much more of people's time it would eat up though.

Thoughts of the Future
What would you like to see in the next version of DROD? This curious, non-official poll would like to find out.

Have a great month everyone!


Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 11-17-2008 12:42 AM]
11-17-2008 at 12:41 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (-5)  
First post!

That's what I'm supposed to do with these things, right?
11-17-2008 at 01:11 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
For the record, DROD works using wine too, even if it's directly from an NTFS drive (basically, a Windows partition > 98). Demo saving even saves onto the original drive.
11-17-2008 at 01:25 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Wait, what? Me? A topic pick? You sure I'm still in the same universe? Hmm... I wonders, I does.

Who, me?
11-17-2008 at 04:20 AM
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The Architest
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Can anyone show me updatd graphics from DROD RPG?

It takes few hours to download,and I am not on my PC

Winner gets some roach meat and eyeball soap!

By the way,nice newsletter,Patrick! ;)
11-17-2008 at 01:53 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (+2)  
The Architest wrote:
Can anyone show me updatd graphics from DROD RPG?
The screenshots on the game's info page have been sneakily updated so take a look... :)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(
11-17-2008 at 03:12 PM
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The Architest
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
That looks so awesome!

More stragegy looking!
Good job,mrimer and trick!

And thanks,Briareos!

11-17-2008 at 03:31 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (+2)  
The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards

Ahhh, it seems like only yesterday I decided to try an award show for holds out. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that it would take off the way it has! Well, the awards are back upon us now, and last I checked, it was still possible to get your nominations in before the deadline. As well, there are a couple of interesting new categories, so be sure to contact CuriousShyRabbit! Go ahead and vote for your favorite hold! (Official Announcement/Categories)

Hey, thanks a lot for mentioning this! It is most definitely not too late to get your nominations in. Nominating your favorite holds for awards is a great way to show your appreciation to the architects who worked hard to create them. I'm so glad that Patrick started this most excellent tradition. :)

I need more people to send me nominations. More nominations are needed in all the categories, but most particularly for (1) Most Promising Hold, (5) Technical Design Excellence in Concept, (6) Creative Design Excellence in Storyline, (7) Creative Design Excellence in Difficulty, and (8) Creative Design Excellence in Entertainment (which is an award for a great not-so-difficult hold). This year, a hold needs at least two nominations to get on the official voting ballot in any particular category. The categories I listed above don't have enough holds with 2 nominations yet.

So how to nominate your favorite holds? Easy... :)
1. Go to The Fifth Annual People's Choice Awards topic in Contests.
2. Read the description for each category.
3. Look over the list of holds eligible for this year's awards.
4. If you like, look over the lists of holds that people have already nominated for this year's awards.
5. Click the PM link at the bottom of my post and send me your nominations. You don't need to nominate a hold in every category. Whatever you have is just fine!

I'll be posting the official voting topic in less than a week, so do this soon! I know you all love DROD. This is your chance to show some love to the architects of your favorite user-made holds. :)

[Last edited by CuriousShyRabbit at 11-18-2008 03:58 AM]
11-18-2008 at 01:47 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (-2)  
Please explain to me how the first part of that newspost wasn't a waste of time for people who don't run Linux.

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
11-18-2008 at 08:49 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Jatopian wrote:
Please explain to me how the first part of that newspost wasn't a waste of time for people who don't run Linux.
Please explain why you didn't stop reading after the first paragraph, as it was obvious by then that the rest of the article would be about Linux.

Oh, and by the way - Linux (and Mac OS X) users are Caravel's customers just as well, but do you hear them complaining about all those timewasting Windows-related posts?

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(

[Last edited by Briareos at 11-18-2008 10:35 AM]
11-18-2008 at 10:34 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
I found it interesting reading, even though I use windows.
11-18-2008 at 11:43 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
NiroZ wrote:
I found it interesting reading, even though I use windows.
Ditto. I've tried installing it before, but my boot record kept getting messed-up. In fact, I think it's still there somewhere; the drive just doesn't boot. Kept me out of trouble for a while though.

The Illumination is usually game-related ramblings these days. Ramblings about games on Linux are still game-related ramblings, and just as interesting as usual.
11-18-2008 at 03:40 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Briareos wrote:
Please explain why you didn't stop reading after the first paragraph, as it was obvious by then that the rest of the article would be about Linux.
Before now, the Illlumination's first part has always been of interest to just about everyone or nonexistent. Excuse me for having faith?
Oh, and by the way - Linux (and Mac OS X) users are Caravel's customers just as well, but do you hear them complaining about all those timewasting Windows-related posts?
Which ones, now?

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
11-18-2008 at 07:38 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (+2)  
Reading about things I don't use angers and confuses me. I remember this time this dude was talking about driving a car, so I punched him in the face.
11-18-2008 at 08:24 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Hey, mrimer! I sent you my November Don't Ask Awards Nominations a while back! Didst thou receive them? ;)

Currently working on GaTEB and KDD (never finished the silly thing). :yahoo:
11-18-2008 at 09:43 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Jatopian wrote:
Briareos wrote:
Please explain why you didn't stop reading after the first paragraph, as it was obvious by then that the rest of the article would be about Linux.
Before now, the Illlumination's first part has always been of interest to just about everyone or nonexistent. Excuse me for having faith?
September's was about Audiosurf.
August's was about downloadable purchases (steam and itunes).

Audiosurf looks and sounds stupid and I use neither steam nor iTunes.

[Last edited by Rabscuttle at 11-18-2008 11:01 PM]
11-18-2008 at 10:56 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
The concept of Audiosurf being a terrible game is confusing and I refuse to understand how someone gets that idea.
11-18-2008 at 11:22 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Music-generated content doesn't appeal to me and the gameplay doesn't look interesting.

The bits in the illuminations were still worth reading though.

[Last edited by Rabscuttle at 11-18-2008 11:27 PM]
11-18-2008 at 11:26 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
NiroZ wrote:
I found it interesting reading, even though I use windows.
At the risk of sounding like a suck-up, I'm a Mac user who found it interesting reading as well.:tomato

If some other developers are going to spend the time to get Windows programs running on Linux, what's the point for a game developer to spend the extra time and resources to make a Linux native port of a popular game?
Every single Apple computer with an Intel processor can currently boot up into Windows, but game developers continue to port (at least a few) awesome games over to our platform, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. So, I believe the bottom line is that if it's fairly profitable for those companies to port their game to Linux (or Mac), then it'll get done...eventually.
Correct? :unsure
11-18-2008 at 11:34 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Rabscuttle wrote:
September's was about Audiosurf.
August's was about downloadable purchases (steam and itunes).

Audiosurf looks and sounds stupid and I use neither steam nor iTunes.
But in both of those, there were general concepts presented that could be of interest to any gamer. This month's, in contrast, was basically "Is Linux good for gaming yet? No, not really." which to be frank, everyone probably knew, so saying that things haven't changed isn't news. I'm sure there was somewhere Patrick could have gone with that, but uh, he didn't.

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
11-18-2008 at 11:36 PM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (+2)  
Okay, looks like I've got some explaining to do.

For the most part, when I write these things, I try my best to discuss topics that relate to the independent game market and how they compete with and against the mainstream market. Sometimes the comparisons are obvious (Case in point the one article I wrote about Audiosurf that specifically highlights everything it's done right), and sometimes they simply point out something. In this article's case, I'm pointing out that independent game developers have been doing the right thing for years by making most of their games native for alternative platforms.

Yes, I will admit to being a fan of Steam, simply because it's taken a lot of the strengths that the consoles have had for years and applied it to the PC. That being said, it's more because I'm a fan of downloadable services in general, and whenever I mention Steam, you can insert "GameTap" or "Good Old Games" in it's place (And I do want to cover GOG one of these days, as their service is provided without DRM.) For the most part, I reference Steam and many games on that platform simply because that is where the majority of my favourite games are.

In this article in particular, I did reference two games that are exclusive to Steam, yes, but I could have just as easily replaced those with two other random games, and my point would have remained the exact same.

I've already been given a topic for the December Illumination, but I'm looking to possibly go in a few other directions that will flow along the independent gaming river, such as talking about specific elements of gameplay done right in specific genres.

If people legitimately aren't happy with the articles I'm writing, I'll all for hearing suggestions as to how to improve them or even on topics you'd like to be covered.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
11-19-2008 at 12:00 AM
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icon Re: A couple more Tendry's Tale bugs (+1)  
Banjooie wrote:
Reading about things I don't use angers and confuses me. I remember this time this dude was talking about driving a car, so I punched him in the face.
That things-I-don't-use is a pretty damn large group of topics. I'm sure you'll eventually make an exception. Maybe not at the same point as Jatopian, but you will. Macs? Religion? I don't care. These responses could be way different with another kind of base text.
Rabscuttle wrote:
Jatopian wrote:
Before now, the Illlumination's first part has always been of interest to just about everyone or nonexistent. Excuse me for having faith?
September's was about Audiosurf.
August's was about downloadable purchases (steam and itunes).

Audiosurf looks and sounds stupid and I use neither steam nor iTunes.
You could even go as far as use "before now" to refer to the last few months. Notice that's when the writer of these articles changed? Of course it's appreciated that someone writes the Illuminations to wrap up important events, but admittedly I too was disappointed to hear again that Patrick likes Audiosurf and TF2, okay I get it. I don't see a reason why you couldn't give some feedback on the direction of future topics.

True, there's no need to make so much noise about this. You're getting the articles for free. They're more interesting than the ones containing only links with short descriptions we had for a while, even when they're not a perfect hit (and to be honest, this wasn't as bad as I might've made it sound like above). But I'd like to keep the other side from getting completely buried too.
11-19-2008 at 12:00 AM
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The spitemaster
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
So it wasn't as funny as you wanted it to be.

Pfft! And... Just get over it!

Last night upon a stair
I met a man that wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would stay away
11-19-2008 at 12:01 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (+1)  
Look at is this way, Patrick, Your never going to please everyone. And you can't possibly make it relevant to everyone either. This kind of thing improves with practice, so don't let them get to you.
11-19-2008 at 12:51 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
By the by, what does "puppy" refer to?

[Last edited by Rabscuttle at 11-19-2008 12:52 AM]
11-19-2008 at 12:52 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Rabscuttle wrote:
By the by, what does "puppy" refer to?
It's a subtle reference to Windows. Heck, I'll give ten points to the first person to figure it out.

My only hint is that it's only found in one version of Windows, and it isn't Vista.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
11-19-2008 at 03:27 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
Microsoft Bob?

Once (adv.): Enough.
Twice (adv.): Once too often.
~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
11-19-2008 at 03:31 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (+10)  
According to my old Windows XP, the puppy's name is Rover, and he loves to play fetch. :)
11-19-2008 at 03:35 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (0)  
I vaguely remember having a running puppy animated cursor in some Windows 9x version, but I don't feel like installing them all to be more specific. :) (And it may have actually been a third-party cursor anyway.)
11-19-2008 at 03:50 AM
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icon Re: The Puppy, the Penguin, and the Apple (+1)  
Banjooie wrote:
Reading about things I don't use angers and confuses me. I remember this time this dude was talking about driving a car, so I punched him in the face.
Ha! That reminds me of when Clayton was running the news updates on the original DROD fan site and he would write about things like how he jumped out of a moving car on a dare and busted himself up. It wasn't game related, but I'm sure experiences like that are something we can all relate to. Good times.

...What? :P

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
11-19-2008 at 07:51 PM
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