I definitely think it's about time for another Advanced Concepts hold. With all the trickery introduced by the new TSS and Guntrho elements. I think this would do a good job complementing the Entry Point hold that a bunch of folks are working on at the moment too. Entry Point can serve as an introduction to newer DROD players while Advanced Concepts could teach some of the more complex interactions.
The beauty of the Advanced Concepts holds is that they are tutorials without being boring. I like the way they narrow in on specific interactions that seem mind numbingly complex at first and really break them down nicely. After that they throw crazy impossible looking rooms at you and you can feel good for actually being able to conquer them! Advanced concepts 3 should strive to do the same. We would need to identify some particularly tricky or complex interactions introduced by Gunthro or TSS. Here are some ideas:
Multiple Pushes on Bethro Doubles The pushing weapons introduced by TSS have lead to what is my personal new favorite advanced interaction: multiple pushes in one turn on mimics, time clones, etc. You can move yourself across the entire screen in one go, survive otherwise lethal objects due to turn order, and do all sorts of other insane things. I would volunteer to do this since I've already played around with this quite a bit for a hold I'm putting together (should be beta testing soon, please PM me if you're interested in testing!)
Interrupting the Time Flow Temporal Split Tokens can be exploited in so many interesting ways to make mind bending puzzles. One of the best is the type of puzzle that requires recording a move sequence with a clone, then somehow manipulating that clone to either alter or interrupt the sequence. There are loads of ways to do this (even if you exclude all the new pushing weapons) and I think this would make for a neat advanced concepts level.
Gentryii Manipulation Of all the new monsters, I find Gentryii the most frustrating to manipulate. The heads are simple enough when they are unencumbered, as they just follow a normal bee-lining movement pattern, but the stupid chain always seems to complicate things. I have absolutely no idea how the chain works and have no intuition for when and how it will straighten out. I would love for someone to do an advanced concepts level on this so I can stop hating gentryii puzzles.
Those are just some thoughts. I'm sure others will come up with more. Like I said, I'd be happy to do a multiple pushing level if others like the idea. By the way, I like the hub you designed
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