Yes! It is at last time! Our efforts and strenuations have brought us forth to the point where we are now accepting challenges for valiant Stalwarts! That is to say, for those of you who are not well-educated in the proselytizing of Tueno’s finest, the HAs are now accepting level sets for submission!
Of course, as a Stalwart rushes directly into the maw of danger, there are certain routines that must be applied. I have heard tales once of a Stalwart who was perhaps not up to the average mental speed of all Stalwarts. He once forgot his cape before gallivanting towards peril, and the consequences of that epic epoch are too devastating for those of you who are not trained as Stalwarts to comprehend.
(We have rules.)
This Stalwart once attempted to defeat a level set that was incomplete—the architect had not allowed him to leave the wretched place. Another time, while seeking to make certain that he had destroyed every potential danger, he was unable to do so. He also stayed at a fork for 3 days, debating which secret room to charge into. Charging does not occur after 3 days. Additionally, he could have returned at another point to further defeat all of our collective enemies.
(Rule 1: Your level set must be conquerable. All secret rooms must be able to be reached, though not necessarily in the same run.)
This silly Stalwart once attempted to conquer a level set that had no way of indicating that he had even been there! I fail to see the point of this—why cut down a tree in the forest if nobody is around to hear the tremendous cracking and crashing that is sure to follow—why enter a level set if nobody can see the fantastic accomplishments that you have had there?
(Rule 2: You must have at least one scoring checkpoint.)
I have also heard tale of one Beethro Budkin, self-described smitemaster. He is rumored to have rules of his own, though not rivaling the rules of the Stalwarts by any measure of distance you would like to choose. This is because the same gobbing rules that apply to Beethro are infinitely greater when they are the rules of the Stalwarts.
(Rule 3: No profanity or copyrighted materials are allowed.)
And not all of this “Beethro”’s rules apply to Stalwarts. We do not need to look back into the past, even though we do that on occasion, in order to glorify ourselves and other Stalwarts as well.
(Rule 4: Backtracking is not mandatory.)
We are also more complex than a mere smitemaster. The places where we will arrive are generally more complicated than those a smitemaster would choose to attempt. To return to the rumors of the Stalwart who would occasionally wear his underclothing above his overclothing, he had rushed into a hold that could not exist—it had contradictions inherent to itself. While aggressive, it was impossible for him to defeat this monstrosity due to the conditions imposed by the builder of the location.
(Rule 5: Game-crashing scripting is a reason to send back the level set for more beta testing.)
I also recall a time in my own life when my mother had fed me the same lunchtime snack on two consecutive days. This is unacceptable for one who craves variety throughout his life! The second snack is so much harder to digest, as I have digested one already, and my body is built to tackle new things at all times.
(Rule 6: Keep revisions during submission to a minimum—there’s a butterfly effect in RPG—small changes can make large changes later.)
Some Stalwarts like life easy, and wish to have their captain lead them by the cape. I am not one such, but I do recognize that it is sometimes better to follow than to lead—like when crossing a rotting bridge, or traversing a magma-encrusted field.
(Rule 7: Written walkthroughs may be requested in place of victory demos.)
I have heard it told that the architects of these dangerous places—wait! Why don’t we attack the architects! That is, I must say a brilliant idea which I am glad I thought of. That way, they can not show their blueprints to anybody, or cause danger for non-Stalwarts. Ah, but then there would be no danger for Stalwarts. I see. I shall allow the architects to live, and show their blueprints to whomever they choose.
(Rule 8: It’d be nice to have the level set be anyone-edit while going through the promotion process.)
Stalwarts are busy people. We can't be spending all of our time increasing our abilities. There are other places where we are necessary, and are needed! We do not allow ourselves to be in a place where we can increase our powers without endification! There shall be none of this infinibuffing!
(Rule 9: No unbounded or theoretically infinite increase in scorable status.)
Of course, some Stalwarts, I won’t mention names, feel that these rules are not sufficient for the procedure. As some of them rank higher than I, I will acknowledge their experiences by keeping an open mind on my own restrictions.
(Rule 10: These rules are subject to change.)
For at the point when Stalwarts have the ability to attempt the conquerage of a level set, there should be no discrepancies between the tales! I would, of course, make exception for a level set that sneakily outmaneuvered my rules, but I expect that to be a rare occurrence as this Stalwart is hardly outmaneuvered!
(Rule 11: No resubmits to the Holds board, unless the HAs missed something.)
I am looking forward to the time when my travels bring me to a variety of challenging locations, where I can slay many monsters and defeat my enemies!
(Start submitting, already!)
Click here to view the secret text
First Delver! (I was the first non-tester/dev
to conquer TCB.)

[Last edited by Schik at 09-08-2009 02:28 AM]