And mastered...
There were some rooms that I liked quite a bit, and some that seemed a bit random.
First the rooms I liked:
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×The Entrance, 1E, and 1S1W, which all had the same theme of get the guard/stalwart to do all the tough work for you. 1E was my favorite of that type, and probably my favorite overall in the hold. I liked that combination of so many elements into a tricky room.
Rooms that could have used a slight tweaking (in my opinion)
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×2S - The use of scripting for the door, and the fegundo to kill the brain seemed somewhat cumbersome to me. I think this room might have worked better if you moved the brain into the area with the crumbly wall, as this would have added an additional wrinkle to the puzzle (don't kill the brain too quickly), and made the scripting and fegundo unnecessary. Anyway, just an idea if you ever do a similar type room.
1N1W - I get that this fits the hold theme, but it just seemed rather empty to me. You only needed to use one of the mimics, and other than being rather tedious, didn't seem to be particularly difficult.
A problem worthy of attack, proves its worth by fighting back."
Paul Erdös