bateleur wrote:
Very true. So you're correct that it's not really Turing Complete. On the other hand, any soluble DROD level must correspond to a computation that does actually terminate and therefore uses only a finite amount of workspace. So in fact the consequences for solvers remain much the same assuming one enters each level with the certain knowledge that it can be solved somehow.
If you know that it can be solved, the Halting Problem doesn't come into it. What consequences do you mean?
(And your statement sounds a bit suspect anyway. The theory of Computability deals entirely with infinite machines and manages not to be completely irrelevant to real computers, noted for their finiteness.)
I know what you mean. Sure, statements about infinte structures often imply statements about finite structures. The various compactness theorems, for instance. I just don't see that kind of idea here. What does the uncomputability of infinite/"
DROD tell us about real DROD?
Anyway, all I'm saying is that if you go:"
DROD is Turing Complete"
it sounds like you mean real DROD, not some extension that turns it into a very different game.