I'll give this a shot again. Maybe it'll help me produce stuff for EP.
Edit: Added.
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×June 1: Entrance made. It's a silly room where I was trying to think of something to do with managing gel growth and this is where I ended up.
June 2: Made 1S and 1S1W. The former was just a quick thing I made when there was some commentary in chat about things roach queens laid eggs on, it's pretty simple but I like the concept. The latter was just some basic playing around with things until I had a room.
Late Edit: So I was looking over last year's rooms and I had an idea for tweaking one to be a little more interesting. That's in 1W. Also I made the outer pressure plates in the Entrance close off the path to the gel mother, so you can't just trivialize the puzzle by stepping on some of them first.
June 3: Made 1E. It's not very hard and there's a lot of waiting, but it's kind of interesting.
June 4: New room in 1N1E. I can confirm it's possible to beat, though it's not one of my better works at the moment.
Also, added a force arrow to 1S to prevent luring the queen out, and a mechanism to 1E that forces you to hit the token or kill the mothers by the first spawn, so you have to prepare the blob immediate. Not sure if this actually enforces using the token or both decoys, but it should at least be less trivial than waiting for a 4-by-4 blob and cutting.
June 5: New room in 1N. Didn't have a lot of ideas tonight, so I just tossed something together quickly.
June 6: New room in 2N. Tossed together a mechanism and then I didn't have any particular ideas what to do with it. Might mess with it later to produce something more interesting.
June 7: New room in 2N1W, variant of yesterday's room. Not hard to solve and there's probably a lot of ways to do it, but definitely an improvement.
June 8: New room in 1N1W. When I was testing this, I used a staff token, but that just led to a lot of running back and forth when I wanted to swap between pushing and stabbing. Hopefully the pickaxe is convenient enough to use.
June 9: New room in 2W and it's kind of a mess. I didn't actually solve it, but I got it down to one 2-by-3 blob before adding the make-one-cut-as-tar mechanism so it should be possible. But it's also very trial-and-error.
June 10: New room in 1N2W. Nothing special, I was just messing around with cutting gel between walls and slapped something together without putting much thought into it.
June 11: 2N2W. As you can probably tell, this is a room where I just plopped a bunch of things down and called it a day.
June 12: So I tried making a very narrow room. It didn't work until I mirrored it so the entrance was on the east, so I moved it from 1S1E to 3W to accommodate that.
June 13: New room in 1S 2W. I put two eyes in the room and this was the next thing I thought of to do. Not very hard, but I might be able to do something fun by building on the concept a bit.
June 14: New room in 1S1E, because I accidentally left a wall open leading there earlier. Pretty simple tar room, the actual combat is a little awkward though.
June 15: Two rooms added in 2N1E and 2N2E. The first was just me playing around with a demonstration of growth preference among tarstuff. The second was an attempt to make a real room out of that, though there isn't much of a puzzle to it.
June 16: Added room in 1N2E, only accessible from the north. At first I just had the clone surrounded by walls and the roaches, but the room was super-annoying so I just added a bunch of hot tiles. Now it's amusing, at least.
June 17: New room in 2E. It's not very hard. The concept has some potential, though.
June 18: New room in 1S2E. Pretty much just messing around here.
June 19: New room in 3N2E. I made a smiley face out of hot tiles and then did the first thing I could think of to make it an actual room.
June 20: Really didn't have much energy today. I made some blank rooms to fill in later, and a very boring room in 2N3W.
June 21: Filled in the blank room in 1N3W. This was just me playing around with "manually swap the tarstuff", but it's probably a bit too much like the Beethro's Teacher room on that theme.
June 22: Noticed that 1S2W had an unclearable tar blob and was therefore unsolvable, so I added some more tar to fix that. Then I added some more mud for symmetry. After that I made a room in 1S3W.
June 23: New room in 3N3W. I just kind of tossed this one together.
June 24: New room in 3N2W. Pretty simple room about leading rock giants (and their component golems) onto spikes.
June 25: New room in 3N1E. Basically I just slapped together a trapdoor puzzle, put in two aumtlich, made it impossible, and tossed in a soldier horn so that it would be possible while still having a fail state exist - it's just one that's not hard to avoid right now.
June 26: New room in 3N. I was testing something with puffs and invisibility and so I tried to make a room out of that, but I ended up only making something very basic. Oh well, it's an idea at least.
June 27: New room in 3N1W. 30 rooms made. I was a little too lazy to test this completely right now, so my apologies if I overlooked something and made it unsolvable. I think it should be possible, though.
June 29: Decided to add another row of rooms to the south and aim for 36. Didn't make any rooms yesterday because I had friends visiting and wanted to focus on that, and was a bit too worn out afterwards to make rooms. So, I made three today, in 2S3W, 2S2W, and 2S1W. I had to mess with 2S2W a bit before I had something that I was able to beat, so it might be a little unreasonable right now.
June 30: Filled out the south row, for a total of 36 rooms.
Overall I don't feel like this month's rooms were my best work, but hey, I made them. I'm sure I can at least get some workable ideas for better rooms out of these.
[Last edited by Dragon Fogel at 07-01-2018 03:05 AM]