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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Illumination : Thou Hast Received an Eighth! (Our news for April)
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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icon Thou Hast Received an Eighth! (+3)  
This April 1st, Caravel has the best news it has had in ages. Read on!

"DROD 4: Gunthro and the Epic Blunder" is released

DROD:GatEB is now completed and available for purchase. The game costs $19.95 and can be ordered on the Caravel Games website.

All who preordered the game and registered their order to a Caravel Forum user account can download the game by logging in on the forum and clicking "Downloads" at the top of the page.

I am happy to say that player feedback about the new game has been quite positive. A demo version of the game is also available for download from the above page if you'd like to try out the first part of the game before buying.

DROD:GatEB is available in Windows, Linux and Mac OSX Intel 64-bit versions. Hopefully we can also have an OSX Intel 32-bit version also made available relatively soon. You can select the version you want when ordering, and then you will receive a registration email from Caravel following a successful order. This e-mail will let you register your game license to a forum user account so you can download the game again from the forum in the future. You will also receive a free month of CaravelNet service.

As mentioned before, producing this game was a community effort, and everyone's effort shines. As DROD is an experience that continues to grow from year to year, it's hard to adequately credit everyone who has ever had a hand at some point in producing something that went into this latest game. Still, we'd like to recognize each individual who is getting credited with contributing to some aspect of the game, and my deepest apologies if there's anyone that we missed. This game likely would not have been released this year -- and definitely would not have ended up at its current high level of quality -- without the help of everyone here.

Mike Rimer

Erik Hermansen

Level Design, Feature and Element Design
Jacob Grinfeld
Larry Murk
Henri Kareinen
Terence Fergusson
Neil Frederick
Mike Rimer

Terence Fergusson
Mike Rimer
Gerry Jo Jellestad

Linux Port
Gerry Jo Jellestad

Jon Sonnenberg
Brian Richardson

Art Assets
Erik Hermansen
Brett Boyette
Gerry Jo Jellestad
Wai Lam
Mike Rimer
Jennifer Loeser

Concept Art
Brett Boyette

Story, Script, Continuity
Jacob Grinfeld
Erik Hermansen
Terence Fergusson
Mike Rimer
Eytan Zweig
Jennifer Loeser
Tom Brouws

CaravelNet Game Interface
Matt Schikore
Terence Fergusson

Voice Coordination
Mike Rimer
Jacob Grinfeld

Voice Talent
Michael Abbott
David Ault
Samuel Benner
Chris Marks
Daniel Mellman
Ryan Peterson
Brian Richardson
Seth Rimer
Mike Rimer
John Rogers, Jr.
Johannah West
Logan West
Maurycy Zarzycki

Sound Effects
Mike Rimer

Voice Editing and Mastering
Mike Rimer

Testing Coordination
Mike Rimer

Eytan Zweig
Wai Lam
Chris Marks
John Williams
Seth Rimer
Sean Hunt
Markus Theelen
Tom Brouws
Brad Wall

Level Description Texts
12th Archivist
George Wanfried
Ryan Berry
Lance Nathan
Annatala Wolf

Thank you, everyone!

Eighth Annual People's Choice Awards

The favorites for the 8th Annual People's Choice Awards are in, and you can view the winners of each category here:

A big thank you to Trickster for running the event this year! Special congratulations go to George Wanfried (Chaco on the forum) who received the "Erik Hermansen Award for Lifetime Architectural Achievement". George has produced and published several top-notch holds, including last year's Smitemaster's Selection, "Finding the First Truth". George, you have given the community an inestimable gift. In recognition and as a token of our thanks, we grant you lifetime CaravelNet service.

Architecture by Hand -- Winners

Voting for Dischorran's monthly contest, "Architecture by Hand", has completed. Congratulations to Penwielder for taking 1st place! Please select a prize from the Prize Pile for your victory.

Thank you everyone. Till next time. We hope you enjoy the new game!


Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
04-03-2012 at 01:27 AM
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Level: Roachling
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Registered: 03-31-2012
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icon Re: Thou Hast Received an Eighth! (0)  
Thanks for sharing the fantastic news. I will check the game and I think I will buy it. Looking forward to it.
04-04-2012 at 11:13 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 08-07-2004
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icon Re: Thou Hast Received an Eighth! (+4)  
(note this it not an official part of the Illumination, it's just me posting some extra info. :))

Bugfixes and Patches

In the meantime, I'd suggest also to check the General Board for the latest Patch and Fixes.

Always export your player file first before doing anything dangerous in case anything bad happens!

The most important thread there is probably at the moment:

The Inevitable Patch (I'd suggest reading the last page)
Importing your TCB progress into DROD4
Things I currently love about GatEB

Also, the latest Patch and Fixes can be downloaded from the Downloads page at the top of this page. (You'd need CaravelNet for this, but if you've just got GatEB you should still have this now :))

New holds released

In the last couple of weeks 3 holds have been released. I haven't played all of them, but the ones I've tried were very good, and according to the current votes other people agree too.

Leftover Levels

The Adventure of Nevada Smith

Roach Races

Additionally, some holds have been updated to make them compatible to version 3.3 and up. (If I find a list I'll publish them later.)

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.

[Last edited by Tim at 04-04-2012 04:00 PM]
04-04-2012 at 11:53 AM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2796
Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: Thou Hast Received an Eighth! (+2)  
I've just played through the demo so far, but I'm real happy with the game. Love Gunthro's voice. Love the music. Maybe the easier level design will make this a good starter game and get more players into DROD.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)
04-10-2012 at 07:38 AM
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Level: Delver
Rank Points: 58
Registered: 12-01-2007
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icon Re: Thou Hast Received an Eighth! (0)  
So... when is the trailer coming out?
04-23-2012 at 12:38 AM
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