Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 8
IP: Logged
File: The Consequence.hold (33.5 KB) Downloaded 2634 times. License: Other From: Unspecified
The Consequence
This hold has been in progress for almost 9 months now. It was originally intended to be my final 2.0 hold, and a Smitemaster's Selection. Well, after all of the delays around the SS releases, it is still my final 2.0 hold, but now I just want to release it to the public and allow other people to have a chance at an SS release.
This hold was, in many ways, an experiment in room construction under self-imposed constraints. The room elements in each level are constrained by chromatic themes, which I thought was interesting in that it forced me to only have specific combinations of elements. But that wasn't enough--I also wanted to constrain the room layouts. One level is a symbol that should be recognizable to many people. The other three main levels have room and level layouts heavily inspired by an old action/puzzle RPG. I'm curious if anyone will recognize it. In any case, I also enjoyed being constrained by the room layouts as I think it drove me to create puzzles that I never would have thought of otherwise.
The constraints did cause some issues that people may not appreciate as much, unfortunately. Because of the room and level layout constraint, the hold is pretty linear. Two of the levels are more open than the other two, but overall it's pretty linear. In addition, because I chose early on the order of the themes and the order of the levels, and then made the puzzles, it turned out that the non-hub levels actually decrease in difficulty as the hold progresses. It just turns out that certain game elements, when grouped together, are much harder than others. So this is definitely one of my more devious holds.
Many many thanks to Schik, who helped me translate the symbol of the hub level into DROD, and also with playtesting. Briareos, Alneyan, Rabscuttle, Hikari, and Tuttle playtested early on, and then also jbluestein and Stefan in the last week or so, and they all had excellent comments and fixes.
Game on!